Simulating dark matter by assuming stable solution

In summary, the conversation is discussing attempts to constrain models of dark matter by assuming stable solutions for the universe. The question is whether there are any attempts at creating a minimum constraint model based on observations and previous simulations. The response clarifies that the universe is expanding and out of equilibrium, making it difficult to find a stable solution. The primary interest is in the thoughts of other researchers on this subject.
  • #1

I've a short question. Is there any research attempting to constrain models of dark matter by assuming stable solution for the universe? I'm interested in knowing whether this gives any sensible constraints on the dark matter models.

I'm still fairly new to studying dark matter but as I understand there are loads of different models floating around; Warm Dark Matter (WDM), Cold Dark Matter (CDM) (with and without collisions), self-annihilating dark matter, fuzzy dark matter (non-relativistic bose condensate), and so forth. The idea has been, as far as I understand, is to try to constrain the dark matter model to fit the observations, and to constrain the "Dark Matter particle" properties.

The researches I've read about have been done as follows (as far as I understand):
  1. Make an educated guess on the properties of dark matter while letting one or two variables regarding the 'dark matter particle' go unconstrained
  2. Run the simulation from initial stage to final stage (final stage usually being the observable universe)
  3. Analyze the result and compare with observations

My question is whether there are any attempts at doing the following in any shape or form (and I'd appreciate it if I could read about them):
  1. Make a model with as little constraints as possible
  2. Create an initial stage based on observations and corrections to the results of previous simulations (effectively this means creating the observable universe)
  3. Assume that the system is stable
  4. Constrain the model to only include the solutions that do not shake the stability
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Space news on
  • #2
Stable solution? There is no stable solution. The universe is expanding. It is out of equilibrium, and will remain out of equilibrium until there is nothing left but empty space.
  • #3
I should clarify; I mean stable solution for galaxies on short time-scales and whichever structures remain stable if left alone (the bare-bone idea).

In short, I'd like to read about research with heavy emphasis on creating a "minimum constraint" model with constraints directly from observations (and/or previous simulations)

observations (and/or previous simulations): By this I mean that the starting point of the model is the expected solution.

Ps. Is there any way to edit the initial question afterwards? It would be helpful to correct it in case some people only read the original post.
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  • #4
ohannuks said:
stable solution for galaxies on short time-scale

On a short enough time scale, any solution is stable, On a long enough time scale, virtually all are not. This condition has no meaning without a better definition of "short", in years,
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
On a short enough time scale, any solution is stable, On a long enough time scale, virtually all are not. This condition has no meaning without a better definition of "short", in years,
One can construct a model which blows up after any finite time-scale (whether this is physical or not is another question).

I should clarify further; I am not interested in solving this question myself (that means I'm not interested in coming up with the time-scales and constraints from observations; this has already been researched by so many people before, see research on MSP, CCP, catch 22, MFP and dwarf spheroidal galaxies..) I'm interested in the thoughts of other researchers on the subject.
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FAQ: Simulating dark matter by assuming stable solution

What is dark matter?

Dark matter is a theoretical form of matter that is believed to make up a significant portion of the universe. It is called "dark" because it does not interact with light and therefore cannot be observed directly.

How do scientists simulate dark matter?

Scientists simulate dark matter by using computer models and simulations. These simulations involve making assumptions about the properties and behavior of dark matter in order to predict how it would interact with other forms of matter.

Why is it important to simulate dark matter?

Simulating dark matter is important because it allows scientists to study and understand the behavior of this mysterious form of matter. It also helps to test different theories and hypotheses about the nature of dark matter and its role in the universe.

What is meant by a "stable solution" in relation to simulating dark matter?

A "stable solution" refers to a simulation where the properties and behavior of dark matter are consistent and do not change drastically over time. This is important in order to accurately predict the effects of dark matter on the rest of the universe.

What are some challenges in simulating dark matter?

Some challenges in simulating dark matter include the uncertainty surrounding its properties and interactions, as well as the limitations of current computer technology in accurately representing the vast complexity of the universe.

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