So what is the aim of being billionaire?

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In summary, wealth and being a billionaire can bring pleasure and motivation for individuals, but it can also lead to selfishness and greed. Some argue that there should be limits on ownership to prevent economic disparity, while others believe that wealthy individuals contribute to a healthy economy and advancements in society. However, it is important to consider the impact of excessive wealth on others and the potential for waste and misuse of resources.
  • #71
cristo said:
Well, it was slightly off topic, apologies. Still, it does have some relevance in that the "billionaire scholarship" would be effectively a contract, thus by dropping out of university you would be breaking the contract, and so would have no right to complain when asked for the "scholarship" money back, regardless of the reasons.

I don't think it's unfair if you sign a contract to give the money back if you drop out it is unfair. I think such a contract is unnecessary.
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  • #72
Its not your billion bucks, its mine. My scholarship, my rules.
  • #73
Cyrus said:
Its not your billion bucks, its mine. My scholarship, my rules.

Well fair enough I'm just saying I don't think it's a good idea. But if it's "my gaff my rules", then there's not really much I can say other than it seems a bit odd.
  • #74
I think its a fanstastic idea. If you work hard you get a free ride.
  • #75
Schrodinger's Dog said:
I means back to front, or unusual.
It does? I've never heard it. Where would I find reference to this?
  • #76
DaveC426913 said:
It does? I've never heard it. Where would I find reference to this?

Er? Well it's kind of a given? But if you can't find a site that explains the term, that's kind of Irish? I'll help out. :smile: It's not something that is commonly used any more, but anyone who is English would understand the term that's a bit Irish?
  • #77
Cyrus said:
Its not your billion bucks, its mine. My scholarship, my rules.

Indeed, you can make your rules any way you like them.

While I've never seen a scholarship with payback obligations for dropping below a certain GPA (usually the scholarship just gets cut off at that point...otherwise it might be hard for a person to continue going to school if they not only have to pay for tuition but also pay back past tuition covered under a would effectively force someone with a perfectly respectable 3.4 GPA to drop out), I have certainly seen grants and scholarships with payback obligations if you drop out of college. You don't hold up your part of the deal and get a degree, you pay back what someone gave you to help you get that degree so it can be used for someone else. Unless I missed somewhere something about it being paid back after graduation if someone's GPA drops, so it's more like a student loan (I see some discussion of student loans above, but haven't back tracked through all of it).
  • #78
Can I just apologise for using the term Irish, obviously this is something that isn't understood as slang in the US. Being half an Irishman myself, I wasn't meaning to convey any negative implications, any more than I would by telling an Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman joke.

Irish= not quite roight, and slightly back to front, if you see what oi mean.

Anyway, ter make it up to yers in the only way I know how:

An Englishman and an Irish man and a Scotsman go to prison for murder, and the warden being a liberal sort says, "since you're doing fifteen years, you can have a 15 year supply of whatever you want."

The Englishman says "I want a 15 year supply of prostitutes" , the Scotsman says, "well laddy I'll have a 15 year supply of yer finest whisky", and the Irishman being a smoker says "I'll have a 15 year supply of cigarettes."

Anyway 15 years later they let the prisoners out, the Englishman is somewhat bandy legged but happy, the Scotsman is drunk as a lord and more than happy. But the Irishman seems very angry, so the warden pulls him over and says: "look I gave you everything you wanted for 15 years, why are you so annoyed?" And the Irishman says "got a light?"
  • #79
Moonbear said:
Indeed, you can make your rules any way you like them.

While I've never seen a scholarship with payback obligations for dropping below a certain GPA (usually the scholarship just gets cut off at that point...otherwise it might be hard for a person to continue going to school if they not only have to pay for tuition but also pay back past tuition covered under a would effectively force someone with a perfectly respectable 3.4 GPA to drop out), I have certainly seen grants and scholarships with payback obligations if you drop out of college. You don't hold up your part of the deal and get a degree, you pay back what someone gave you to help you get that degree so it can be used for someone else. Unless I missed somewhere something about it being paid back after graduation if someone's GPA drops, so it's more like a student loan (I see some discussion of student loans above, but haven't back tracked through all of it).

3.5 was just a number I pulled out of my butt. Anything below a 3.0 is a definite no no. I would probably say below a 3.2 and you just ant trying hard enough. Anywhere from 3.2 to 3.5 seems reasonable.
  • #80
Cyrus said:
3.5 was just a number I pulled out of my butt. Anything below a 3.0 is a definite no no. I would probably say below a 3.2 and you just ant trying hard enough. Anywhere from 3.2 to 3.5 seems reasonable.

You could always have a probation period if it drops below a certain cut-off as long as it remains above another...for example, if they drop below a 3.3 but keep it above 3.0, they'll have a semester of probation to pull it back up before they lose the scholarship...that way they don't lose their scholarship for a bad semester when they tried TOO hard and bit off more classes than they could chew so they all suffered a bit, or when they get that one elective class that they thought would be easy and ends up kicking their butt.
  • #81
Sure. The only point was to have them pay it back if they went to school and dicked around while they were there.
  • #82
Cyrus said:
Sure. The only point was to have them pay it back if they went to school and dicked around while they were there.

Yeah...I'm just having fun finding ways to spend YOUR money. :biggrin:

Setting up a scholarship fund is one of those things that has always bounced around my mind of what I'd do if I finally struck it rich (or even comfortably well off enough to have enough to spare to make it worthwhile starting a scholarship fund). I always wanted to set up one that had both financial need criteria as well as high academic really help the smart kids who are too poor to go to college. I'd want it to be a full ride scholarship, so they don't have to worry about where to come up with money to pay the rest of tuition if they're really so poor that even assistance isn't enough. But, I wanted to ensure other things were included that aren't always included in scholarships and would impede the poorest of students from taking advantage of including room and board, books, transportation costs (that one is rarely in there...whether it covers the bus pass to get from off-campus housing to campus, or even the airfare to get from their home to campus each's horrible when you know a student is not going home for holidays and instead staying with someone they know locally because they can't afford a plane ticket home), and maybe something like $500 in discretionary funds...whether they use it for their phone bill or to get pizza delivered once in a while, or for dues to join a club on campus, etc...not so much they could go wild partying instead of studying, but enough that they don't have to completely miss all the social experiences that are part of college life too.

Might even be fun after enough years to start having an annual social where current and past recipients are invited to meet (current recipients at my expense, past recipients should be gainfully employed by then and able to attend on their own expense), which of course would also be an opportunity for fund raising to get the past recipients to give back a little to keep the fund going, and also would be an added networking opportunity for all the scholars past and present, which also is designed to increase the success of the program by helping them make professional contacts and have more successful careers of their own, which translates into more money coming back into the program in donations, etc.
  • #83
You are forgetting that I am a billionaire. I seriously doubt the money will dry up so fast that they will need to fund raise after they finish. I could probably send the entire country to college with a billion dollars.
  • #84
Cyrus said:
You are forgetting that I am a billionaire. I seriously doubt the money will dry up so fast that they will need to fund raise after they finish. I could probably send the entire country to college with a billion dollars.

You might want to check your math. You could fund perhaps one class going through a state university...and then you'd be the one in need of loans. Of course it'll last a lot longer funding fewer students in a given year. It all depends on how much you want to put into a scholarship fund and how it's invested. I didn't think you intended to spend the entire billion on scholarships.
  • #85
Ok, I could fully fund 10,000 students if it costs them 100k for all four years.

HOWEVER, supermodels are expesnive. And so I can only send around 2500 through college. Sorry to all those left out, but Mrs. Klum-Cyrus wants to roll around town in the ferrari.
  • #86
Cyrus said:
Ok, I could fully fund 10,000 students if it costs them 100k for all four years.

HOWEVER, supermodels are expesnive. And so I can only send around 2500 through college. Sorry to all those left out, but Mrs. Klum-Cyrus wants to roll around town in the ferrari.

:smile: I think Ms. Klum is already spoken for. You might have to find another super model.
  • #87
Are you kidding me. If you had a billion dollars you could have any woman you wanted. You could pretty much do anything you wanted to.

Heres $20M-USD, she'd be like when and where.
  • #88
a million, a billion, 10 billion, doesn't make a difference:

"Americans who earn $50,000 per year are much happier than those who earn $10,000 per year," writes Gilbert, "but Americans who earn $5 million per year are not much happier than those who earn $100,000 per year."

So it's basically saying that once you get middle class, it's all icing on the cake. No more happiness. Personally, I think that falls in with Maslow's pyramid, and once you've met your basic needs, everything else is emotional and spiritual, which usually doesn't involve money. Plus, your happiness would actually decrease due to the added stress that comes with the types of jobs required to earn an upper class income, unless you inhierit it. So on average we can estimate that around $75k or so, diminishing returns starts making you wonder if the money is really worth it. Use any number but there's that point of no return somewhere in there.

As far as charity, it's simple. Giving money to people solves nothing except the short term. Setup scholarships and social programs to enable people to succeed- teach a man to fish and he'll stop whining for rich people to give him more fish, and just go out and fish himself. Give him a fish and he'll hit you up for sushi for the rest of his life. Then he'll expect it to be delivered as well
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  • #89
DaveC426913 said:
It does? I've never heard it. Where would I find reference to this?

Nowhere I made it up for a laugh obviously. My entire country have never used it and no one in England would get me if I said it. I tried it out on my friends and familly today. Not one of them had a problem with it. They all knew what it meant, apparently it's commonplace, although as I said it's not commonly used. Can an Englishman at least one assure me that where I live is not the only place in the UK that uses that expression about x? Because I'm not getting why "insulting" half of my own blood is offensive? Please pm me if you have an answer. Or if you have heard of the expression like everyone else I know? Because apparently no one believes me and are effectively calling me a liar. Political correctness becomes outright political stupidity.

By the way I said that that going bankrupt before you have a career was a little bit "the people who live West of Liverpool across a particular sea".

I'm eager to clear this up because I don't like being accused of being racist against myself or a liar.
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  • #90
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Nowhere I made it up for a laugh obviously. My entire country have never used it and no one in England would get me if I said it. I tried it out on my friends and familly today. Not one of them had a problem with it. They all knew what it meant, apparently it's commonplace, although as I said it's not commonly used. Can an Englishman at least one assure me that where I live is not the only place in the UK that uses that expression about x?

I am pretty dadgummed far from England, but I know the term. Have you heard of Irish Bull?
  • #91
montoyas7940 said:
I am pretty dadgummed far from England, but I know the term. Have you heard of Irish Bull?

No what's that an Irishman who's kissed the blarney stone? :smile: I don't mind being pulled up for anything, if I am in fact guilty of it, but I obviously know ten times more about Irish culture than the people who considered the term racist? I wouldn't be surprised - knowing the sense of humour the Irish have about themselves from personal experience - if they didn't invent the term themselves. They certainly claim credit for 75% of Irish jokes. :smile: I say they, as I'm only half Irish.
  • #92
Here is sense A.4 of the headword Irish in the OED

OED said:
Irish in character or nature; having what are considered
Irish characteristics. spec. Used of seemingly contradictory
statements. (See also Irish hurricane s.v. sense A. 2c.)

It gives several examples that confirm the 'back to front' description, I like this one best:

OED quoting 1970 R. Hill Clubbable Woman vi. 192 said:
'Marcus wouldn't dare to tell a lie like that unless it was true!'
'Irish,' said Pascoe.

Irish bull has an entry in wiki with some hilarious examples:

wiki quoting Sir Boyle Roche (paraphrased) said:
Why should we do anything for posterity? What has posterity ever done for us?
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  • #93
Hehe, that's pretty funny. Yeah the same thing I suppose. I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't where the term comes from, ie it has an Irish derivation, they are rather famous for sending themselves up. My Grandmother was an Irish Romany Gypsy. :smile: Ever seen Snatch, they're like them but richer and more culturally snobbish. They'd probably look down on the "pikeys" in that movie. To them they would use it as racial slur, oddly enough. :smile: Don't ask me why but her familly disowned her for marrying outside of Gypsy stock. People are weird.
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  • #94
Dont shrink me you gypsy. Take my moneyyyy. I will steal your tears. Hello vanilla face, high five.
  • #95
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Ever seen Snatch, they're like them but richer and more culturally snobbish. They'd probably look down on the "pikeys" in that movie. To them they would use it as racial slur, oddly enough. :smile: Don't ask me why but her familly disowned her for marrying outside of Gypsy stock. People are weird.
Or the TV show 'The Riches' with Minnie Driver and Eddie Izzard?
  • #96
DaveC426913 said:
Or the TV show 'The Riches' with Minnie Driver and Eddie Izzard?

Not seen it but maybe I should...