Solutions for arcsin(x) + arcsin(k) = π/2

  • MHB
  • Thread starter SweatingBear
  • Start date
In summary, for the equation \arcsin (x) + \arcsin (k) = \frac {\pi}2 to be solvable, k must be in the interval [0,1]. An explicit solution for x without arcus functions is x = \sqrt{1 - k^2}. The necessity for k to be non-negative can be proven by contradiction.
  • #1
Q: For which values of \(\displaystyle k\) is the equation

\(\displaystyle \arcsin (x) + \arcsin (k) = \frac {\pi}2 \, ,\)

solvable? Furthermore, find an expression for explicit solution without arcus functions.

S: Let us first find the explicit solution:

\(\displaystyle \arcsin (x) + \arcsin (k) = \frac {\pi}2 \ \Longleftrightarrow \ \arcsin (x) = \frac {\pi}2 - \arcsin (k) \, .\)

Since \(\displaystyle \arcsin (x)\) is injective in its domain, \(\displaystyle x\) must consequently equal the sine of \(\displaystyle \frac {\pi}2 - \arcsin (k)\).

\(\displaystyle x = \sin \left[ \frac {\pi}2 - \arcsin (k) \right] \, .\)

The subtraction formulae yield

\(\displaystyle x = \underbrace{\sin \left( \frac {\pi}2 \right)}_{1}\cos \left[ \arcsin (k) \right] - \sin \left[ \arcsin (k) \right]\underbrace{\cos \left( \frac {\pi}2 \right)}_{0} \ \Longleftrightarrow \ x = \cos \left[ \arcsin (k) \right] \, .\)

We can derive \(\displaystyle \cos \left[\arcsin (k)\right] = \sqrt{1 - k^2}\) by building right triangles and thus have

\(\displaystyle x = \sqrt{1 - k^2} \, .\)

In terms of finding an explicit solution for \(\displaystyle x\) without arcus functions, it is correct. However we need to determine the interval of \(\displaystyle k\). Looking at the argument of the square root one can conclude that, in order for \(\displaystyle x \in \mathbb{R}\), we must have that \(\displaystyle -1 \leqslant k \leqslant 1\). Surprisingly, it turns out that this interval is incorrect.

According to the key in my book, one must have that \(\displaystyle 0 \leqslant k \leqslant 1\) (and it makes sense, because if we plug in \(\displaystyle k = -1\) in the given equation we arrive at an absurd relation). This is where I am stuck: I do not know where in my argument I can algebraically arrive at \(\displaystyle k \geqslant 0\).

Here's a spontaneous thought: The domain of cosine is principally \(\displaystyle \left[0, \pi\right]\) and therefore if \(\displaystyle x = \cos \left[ \arcsin (k) \right]\) then \(\displaystyle 0 \leqslant \arcsin (k) \leqslant \pi\). But since \(\displaystyle \arcsin (k)\) cannot be any greater than \(\displaystyle \frac{\pi}2\), we must require that \(\displaystyle 0 \leqslant \arcsin (k) \leqslant \frac{\pi}2\). Consequently, since \(\displaystyle \arcsin (k)\) is injective in that particular interval, we can finally arrive at \(\displaystyle 0 \leqslant k \leqslant 1\) (taking the sine of every side of inequality).

But I am still insecure about this particular method and train of thought. Anyone got a better suggestion?
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  • #2
I would consider the identity:

\(\displaystyle \sin^{-1}(x)+\cos^{-1}(x)=\frac{\pi}{2}\)


\(\displaystyle \sin^{-1}(k)=\cos^{-1}(x)\)

From this you will get the desired result...
  • #3
@MarkFL: Ok, let us try that. For \(\displaystyle g(x) = \arccos (x)\) we have that the range is \(\displaystyle 0 \leq \arccos (x) \leq \pi\). Since we are equating it to \(\displaystyle \arcsin (k)\), one must require that

\(\displaystyle 0 \leq \arcsin (k) \leq \pi \, .\)

This leads me back to the same line of argument as in my previous post. Since the inverse sine function cannot be any greater than \(\displaystyle \frac {\pi}2\) we must require that

\(\displaystyle 0 \leq \arcsin (k) \leq \frac {\pi}2 \, ,\)

and consequently have that \(\displaystyle 0 \leq k \leq 1\).

Does this mean that the argument I made in my previous post about the domain of the cosine function is valid?
  • #4
sweatingbear said:
Here's a spontaneous thought: The domain of cosine is principally \(\displaystyle \left[0, \pi\right]\) and therefore if \(\displaystyle x = \cos \left[ \arcsin (k) \right]\) then \(\displaystyle 0 \leq \arcsin (k) \leq \pi\). But since \(\displaystyle \arcsin (k)\) cannot be any greater than \(\displaystyle \frac{\pi}2\), we must require that \(\displaystyle 0 \leq \arcsin (k) \leq \frac{\pi}2\). Consequently, since \(\displaystyle \arcsin (k)\) is injective in that particular interval, we can finally arrive at \(\displaystyle 0 \leq k \leq 1\) (taking the sine of every side of inequality).

But I am still insecure about this particular method and train of thought. Anyone got a better suggestion?
That line of reasoning looks absolutely correct. The range of the $\arcsin$ function is the interval $[-\pi/2,\pi/2]$. If two numbers in that interval have sum $\pi/2$ then they must both be non-negative. Therefore \(\displaystyle \arcsin (k)\) must be non-negative, which means that $0\leqslant k\leqslant1$.
  • #5
Opalg said:
That line of reasoning looks absolutely correct.

Great, thank you for the assessment.

Opalg said:
The range of the $\arcsin$ function is the interval $[-\pi/2,\pi/2]$. If two numbers in that interval have sum $\pi/2$ then they must both be non-negative.

My train of thoughts was on that track as well, however I did not find it to be sufficiently rigorous. As a matter of fact, I am struggling with wrapping my mind around that: Why do both terms necessarily have to be non-negative? Would it not be possible for the other number to be negative, the other one to be positive and their sum to still equal \(\displaystyle \frac {\pi}2\).
  • #6
On second thoughts, you are right; the both terms definitely need to be non-negative. Here is an idea for a proof.


Suppose we have

\(\displaystyle p + q = \frac {\pi}2 \, ,\)


\(\displaystyle -\frac{\pi}2 \leqslant p, \, q \leqslant \frac{\pi}2 \ \ \wedge \ \ p, \, q \in \mathbb{R} \, . \)

Suppose either \(\displaystyle q\) or \(\displaystyle p\) is negative (does not matter which one, I choose \(\displaystyle q\)); then we can let \(\displaystyle q = -k\) where \(\displaystyle k \in \mathbb{R}\). Thus

\(\displaystyle p + (-k) = \frac {\pi}2 \ \Longleftrightarrow \ p = \frac {\pi}2 + k \, .\)

If it is the case that \(\displaystyle k > 0\) then we have a contradiction because then \(\displaystyle p\) would equal \(\displaystyle \frac {\pi}2\) plus a small positive addition of \(\displaystyle k\), which contradicts the requirement of \(\displaystyle p\) maximally equalling \(\displaystyle \frac {\pi}2\). The case \(\displaystyle k = 0\) does not lead to a contradiction since \(\displaystyle p\) is allowed to equal \(\displaystyle \frac {\pi}2\). Thus \(\displaystyle p\) and \(\displaystyle q\) must be non-negative.

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Related to Solutions for arcsin(x) + arcsin(k) = π/2

1. What is the general solution for arcsin(x) + arcsin(k) = π/2?

The general solution for this equation is x = sin(π/2 - arcsin(k)).

2. Can this equation have multiple solutions?

Yes, this equation can have multiple solutions depending on the value of k.

3. How do I solve this equation if k is a fraction or decimal?

To solve this equation, first convert k to a decimal or fraction. Then, use the inverse sine function on your calculator to find the value of arcsin(k). Finally, substitute this value into the general solution to find the solution for x.

4. What is the domain and range of the solutions for this equation?

The domain of the solutions is all real numbers, while the range depends on the value of k.

5. Is there a different method to solve this equation?

Yes, you can also use the double angle formula for sine to rewrite the equation and solve for x. The formula is sin(a + b) = sin(a)cos(b) + cos(a)sin(b).

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