Solving Electrical Circuits: Find Voltage Vx

In summary: It is a great way to get them to memorize data. In summary, Homework Statement:You need to find the voltage Vx. Given: w, R, C, L, V0, you can use Kirchhoff's Laws to solve for Vx.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I need to find the voltage Vx.
Vs = V0*cos(wt)
given: w,R,C,L,V0

I thought doing KVL,KCL but got stuck...
is this the way to solve this? is there another way?



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  • #2
Have you tried Kirkoff's Laws?
  • #3
This is what i wrote, i have tried KVL KCL but got stuck, is this the way or there is another "trick"?
  • #4
It is the way and you can apply tricks only in special cases. What was the
problem in detail?

You can determine the resultant impedance when you see parallel or in-series elements. It can happen that a capacitor and an inductor make a resonant circuit. In this case the resultant impedance is infinite if they are connected parallel, and zero when they are in series. ehild
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  • #5
Can you please elaborate the last sentece...?
  • #6
He's suggesting that you simplify the circuit to just a few impedences - like right nest to the Vx you have a cap and an inductor in parallel - you can combine their impedences to a single component.

Remember how you used to do this when it was just resistances?

I cannot tell how you tried to apply kirkoffs laws from what you wrote - KVL and KCL tells me nothing...

By brute-force you have something like 5 loops and 8 nodes. Since I don't know how you did your working I don't know where you got stuck ... if you don't say what you did you can only get the most general of answers.

There are only two ways of doing this sort of problem - Kirkoffs Laws, and simplifying the circuit to an equivalent with fewer impedences and then applying kirkoff.
  • #7
Many thanks! I will try again!
  • #8
Simon Bridge said:
There are only two ways of doing this sort of problem - Kirkoffs Laws, and simplifying the circuit to an equivalent with fewer impedences and then applying kirkoff.

"Kirkoff" is Kirchhoff. And KCL, KVL mean Kirchhoff's circuit laws "Kirchhoff' Current Law"and "Kirchhoff's Voltage Law".

  • #9
erezb84 said:
Can you please elaborate the last sentece...?

The impedance of a capacitor C and inductor L in series is Z=jωL+1/(jωc).
If LCω2=1 the impedance is zero, and you can substitute it with a short.
When a capacitor and inductor are connected in parallel, the impedance is jωL/(1-ω2LC) infinite, and can be omitted from the circuit.
The diagram is too complicated for a homework. I think the data are given is such way that some simplification is possible.

So what are the numerical data for the circuit?

  • #10
Thank for the explanation!
Indeed in my case w=1/sqrt(L3*C3)

So, Vx=0?
  • #11
erezb84 said:
Thank for the explanation!
Indeed in my case w=1/sqrt(L3*C3)

So, Vx=0?

As no current can flow through Rx, Vx = 0. It was simple, wasn't it?

  • #12
With your guidelines it was :)
  • #13
ehild said:
"Kirkoff" is Kirchhoff. And KCL, KVL mean Kirchhoff's circuit laws "Kirchhoff' Current Law"and "Kirchhoff's Voltage Law".

Spelling is just not my thing! <sigh>
I should have realized what the TLAs meant you are right.
Good call on the resonance.
  • #14
Simon Bridge said:
Spelling is just not my thing! <sigh>
I should have realized what the TLAs meant you are right.
Good call on the resonance.

First I thought that you learned about Kirchhoff's Laws in Russian.

And what is TLA? (I hate abbreviations).

That circuit was so complicated that it had no sense without resonant parts.

  • #15
ehild said:
First I thought that you learned about Kirchhoff's Laws in Russian.
Nah - on Star Trek ... I learned the James Tiberius Kirk-off Laws :) (We come in peace - aside: set phasers on stun.)
And what is TLA? (I hate abbreviations).
You'll like this one - it's toungue-in-cheek when people use them too much. It means "Three Letter Acronym".
That circuit was so complicated that it had no sense without resonant parts.
I guess - I was being a bit cruel pushing K's laws (see how I cunningly avoid spelling, um, it?) ... but applying them to those little loops would have shown the same thing and pain is such a good teacher.

Of course, generating relief is good too.

I see we were told that w was given - just not what it was given as: which is probably what would have cued me in on it post #1.

Anyhoo - I enjoyed watching you work. Ta.
  • #16
Me too! Nice to learn some new and good intuitions...
  • #17
Simon Bridge said:
I was being a bit cruel pushing K's laws (see how I cunningly avoid spelling, um, it?)

Just use KCL and KVL as anybody else here...:wink:
Your post is a good lecture for me in Contemporary English - having read it about 10 times I still do not understand half of it. Ta.:smile:

@erezb84: I hate when a student starts to solve a problem with plugging in data, except AC circuits. For most of them, that is the best start. Plug in data, evaluate, simplify.

  • #18
Oh that's annoying ... oh well, as long as it was fun.
(pm me if you don't figure it out.)

FAQ: Solving Electrical Circuits: Find Voltage Vx

1. How do I find the voltage Vx in an electrical circuit?

To find the voltage Vx in an electrical circuit, you can use Ohm's law which states that voltage (V) is equal to current (I) multiplied by resistance (R). You will need to know the values of the current and resistance in the circuit. Once you have these values, you can use the formula V = I * R to calculate the voltage Vx.

2. What is the purpose of finding the voltage Vx in an electrical circuit?

Finding the voltage Vx in an electrical circuit is important because it allows you to understand the behavior and characteristics of the circuit. It helps you determine the amount of voltage that is present at a specific point in the circuit, which is crucial in designing and troubleshooting electrical systems.

3. Can I use Kirchhoff's laws to find the voltage Vx in a circuit?

Yes, Kirchhoff's laws can be used to find the voltage Vx in a circuit. Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) states that the sum of all voltages in a closed loop in a circuit is equal to zero. By applying KVL to the loop that contains the voltage Vx, you can solve for Vx.

4. What are the common techniques for solving electrical circuits to find the voltage Vx?

The most common techniques for solving electrical circuits to find the voltage Vx include using Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws, and the voltage divider rule. Other techniques may also be used depending on the complexity of the circuit, such as mesh analysis or nodal analysis.

5. Can I use a multimeter to find the voltage Vx in a circuit?

Yes, a multimeter can be used to find the voltage Vx in a circuit. A multimeter can measure voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit, making it a useful tool for solving electrical circuits. However, it is important to ensure that the multimeter is set to the correct range and that it is properly calibrated for accurate measurements.

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