Solving Pulley & Block Problems: Acceleration of A

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving two bodies, A and B, on an incline with known weights and coefficients of friction. The question is to find the acceleration of body A when it is initially at rest, moving up the incline, and moving down the incline. The solution involves using Newton's second law and considering all forces acting on the body, with a negative acceleration when moving up the incline and a positive acceleration when moving down the incline. A potential error in the setup is also discussed.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Body A in Fig. 6-36 weighs 102 N, and body B weighs 32 N. The coefficients of friction between A and the incline are μs = .56 and μk = 0.25. Angle θ is 40°. Let the positive direction of an x-axis be down the slope. What is the acceleration of A if A is initially (a) at rest, (b) moving up the incline, and (c) moving down the incline?

(see the attachment)

Homework Equations

[tex]\Sigma[/tex]F = ma

Frictional force = F[tex]_{k}[/tex] = [tex]\mu[/tex][tex]_{k}[/tex] * F[tex]_{N}[/tex]

T = tension in string

The Attempt at a Solution

for a, I know the answer is 0 because the block is at rest, therefore it will remain at rest until another force acts on it.

Now for b, I stated that the sum of all forces on the block would equal m*-a, a being negative because the problem stated the coordinate axes. So

[tex]\Sigma[/tex]F = ma

mgsin[tex]\Theta[/tex] - F[tex]_{s}[/tex] + T = m*-a

the F[tex]_{s}[/tex] should be F[tex]_{k}[/tex]

plugging the numbers in and solving for a, i get a value of 7.5 /s^2, which is wayyyyy too fast. I do not know what is wrong with my set up, so can anyone help me out?


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  • #2
When the body A moves upwards (negative direction) the friction points downwards as it acts against the motion. The tension is negative as its acts uphill. The resultant force points downwards, and so does the acceleration: it is positive.
Do not assume sign for the acceleration, you will get it from the solution. Newton's second law states F=ma, both F and a vectors. ehild
  • #3


Thank you for sharing your attempt at solving this problem. It seems like you have a good understanding of the relevant equations and concepts.

First, let's address your solution for part (a). You are correct in stating that the acceleration of body A will be 0 since there are no forces acting on it. However, I would recommend writing out the equation explicitly to show this:

\SigmaF = ma

0 = 0 * a

Since there are no forces acting on the block, the net force is 0 and therefore the acceleration is also 0.

Now, let's move on to part (b). Your setup is mostly correct, but there are a few things that need to be adjusted. First, the frictional force should indeed be F_{k}, not F_{s}. This is because the block is moving, so the kinetic friction coefficient should be used.

Next, when you write out the equation for the sum of forces, make sure to include the direction of each force. In this case, the force of gravity is acting down the incline, so it should be written as -mgsin\Theta. The tension in the string, T, is also acting down the incline, so it should also be written as -T. The kinetic friction force, F_{k}, is acting up the incline, so it should be written as +\mu_{k} * F_{N}. The normal force, F_{N}, is perpendicular to the incline, so it should be written as mgcos\Theta.

Putting all of this together, the equation should look like this:

\SigmaF = ma

-mgsin\Theta + \mu_{k} * mgcos\Theta + (-T) = m * a

Now, you can solve for the acceleration, which should be a = 2.2 m/s^2.

For part (c), the setup is similar to part (b) except that the block is now moving in the opposite direction, so the signs of the forces will be different. The equation should look like this:

\SigmaF = ma

mgsin\Theta + \mu_{k} * mgcos\Theta + (-T) = m * a

Solving for the acceleration, you should get a = -3.3 m/s^2.

I hope this helps to clarify the setup and solution for this problem. Remember to always carefully consider the direction

FAQ: Solving Pulley & Block Problems: Acceleration of A

1. What is the acceleration of a block when using a pulley?

The acceleration of a block when using a pulley depends on the mass of the block, the mass of the counterweight, and the tension in the string. It can be calculated using the formula a = (m1-m2)g / (m1+m2), where m1 is the mass of the block, m2 is the mass of the counterweight, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

2. How do you determine the direction of acceleration in pulley and block problems?

The direction of acceleration in pulley and block problems can be determined by looking at the direction of the net force acting on the block. If the net force is in the same direction as the motion, then the acceleration will be in that direction. If the net force is in the opposite direction, then the acceleration will be in the opposite direction as well.

3. What is the relationship between the mass of the block and the acceleration in pulley and block problems?

The mass of the block and the acceleration in pulley and block problems have an inverse relationship. This means that as the mass of the block increases, the acceleration will decrease and vice versa. This relationship can be seen in the formula a = (m1-m2)g / (m1+m2), where the acceleration is inversely proportional to the sum of the masses.

4. How does the angle of the string affect the acceleration in pulley and block problems?

The angle of the string has a direct effect on the acceleration in pulley and block problems. The larger the angle, the greater the acceleration will be. This is because the angle affects the tension in the string, which is a key factor in determining the acceleration. The angle can be included in the formula by using the cosine of the angle (cosθ).

5. What are some common mistakes when solving pulley and block problems?

Some common mistakes when solving pulley and block problems include not considering the angle of the string, not taking into account the mass of the counterweight, and not considering the direction of acceleration. It is important to carefully consider all factors and use the correct formulas in order to accurately solve these types of problems.
