Solving the Vertical Plane Pendulum: Energy Levels & Corrections

In summary, the Homework Equations state that a mass is attached to a massless rod by a pivot, which allows the rod to swing freely in a vertical plane under the influence of gravity. Letting the angle between the rod and the vertical be found, the system will have three energy levels. If the angle between the rod and the vertical is small, then the system will have an energy level at zero. For angles greater than zero, the system will have an energy level at theta plus two bi-vectors (or half of theta plus one vector). The lowest energy level will be at theta plus two bi-vectors (or half of theta plus one vector). The system will have an energy level
  • #1

Homework Statement

a mass m is attached by a massless rod of length l to a pivot , which allows swing freely in a vertical plane under the influence of gravity .let the anglethita betweenthe rod the vertical .
find the energy levels of the system?
find the lowest -order correction to the ground state energy with small angle?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

if i can solve it classically first and then find the energy from schrodenger eqn , but I'm not sure if the hamiltonain work in this case?
Physics news on
  • #2
hmmm... have a look what the simplified potential would look like (ie for small angles) should hopefully give you a hint
  • #3
v=-mg cos thita
T= p^2/2m
put in schrodenger eqn solve for E then find the energy level...?
and for small angle thita =0 is it like this
  • #4
like what? try expanding cos(theta) for small theta, the potential should look familiar
  • #5
cos thita=1 for small thita
howabout the boundry condition ... if the angle is small is it
FI =FI(thita+2bi)
FI the wave function
  • #6
i'm not sure what you last post means

try writing what the force - F = -dV/dx,

do you know taylor series? if so you could expand both the potential (cos term) & the force (sin) for small theta

i think it will look soemthing like
F ~ -k.x

V ~ k.x^2

look familiar? looking simply harmonic to me...
  • #7
i think i got the answer is it totally differnet
H=1/2 ml^2thita'^2+1/2 mglthita^2
and E=(n-1/2)hw but i don't know from where get the E?
the lowest correction is H'=v-1/2 ml thita^2=1/24mglthita^4 , how ?
E'0=3/4 alpha^4(-1/24mgl/l^3)
  • #8
try the taylor series expansion and show some working
  • #9
for what i use tylar expansion can you clear it please
  • #10
taylor expansions

cos(t) ~1 + t^2/2 +o(t^4)
sin(t) ~ t + o(t^3)

FAQ: Solving the Vertical Plane Pendulum: Energy Levels & Corrections

1. What is a vertical plane pendulum?

A vertical plane pendulum is a simple mechanical system consisting of a mass attached to a string or rod suspended from a fixed point. The mass is free to swing back and forth in a vertical plane, and its motion is governed by the force of gravity and the tension of the string or rod.

2. How do you calculate the energy levels of a vertical plane pendulum?

The energy levels of a vertical plane pendulum can be calculated using the formula E = mgh, where m is the mass of the pendulum, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the pendulum's center of mass above its lowest point. The energy levels increase as the pendulum swings higher and decrease as it swings lower.

3. What are the corrections that need to be made when solving a vertical plane pendulum?

There are two main corrections that need to be made when solving a vertical plane pendulum: the correction for the finite size of the pendulum bob and the correction for the non-uniformity of the Earth's gravitational field. These corrections take into account the fact that the pendulum bob has a physical size and that the force of gravity is not constant at all points on Earth's surface.

4. How do these corrections affect the energy levels of the pendulum?

The corrections for the finite size of the pendulum bob and the non-uniformity of the Earth's gravitational field both result in a decrease in the total energy of the pendulum. This means that the calculated energy levels will be slightly lower than the actual energy levels of the pendulum.

5. Can these corrections be ignored when solving a vertical plane pendulum?

No, these corrections cannot be ignored if you want to accurately calculate the energy levels of a vertical plane pendulum. Without these corrections, the calculated energy levels will be significantly different from the actual energy levels, leading to inaccurate results. It is important to take these corrections into account for a more precise understanding of the behavior of a vertical plane pendulum.
