Some conceptual questions on SR

In summary: The statement is "the force on an object is proportional to its mass". By this I mean that if you double the mass of an object, you double the force needed to accelerate it at a given rate.The statement is wrong because it ignores the fact that "mass" isn't a constant. Mass is a function of speed, so if you double the speed of an object, you change its mass. So the statement should be "the force on an object is proportional to its mass as measured when it is at rest".Now, to answer your question, the force on an object depends
  • #1
I need to clear some conceptual doubts in the Special theory of relativity. So could anyone explain them in context to the following questions:

1. The speed of light in glass is 2.0 x 108m/s. Does it violate the second postulate of SR in any way?

2. A uniformly moving train passes by a long platform. Consider the events 'engine crossing the beginning of the platform' and 'engine crossing the end of the platform'. Which frame (the train frame or the platform frame) is the proper frame for the pair of events?

3. An object may be regarded to be at rest or in motion depending on the frame of reference chosen to view the object. Because of length contraction at relativistic speeds the same rod may have two different lengths depending on the state of the observer. Am I right?

4. Mass of a particle depends on its speed. Does the attraction of the Earth on the particle also depend on the particle's speed?
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  • #2
Reshma said:
1. The speed of light in glass is 2.0 x 108m/s. Does it violate the second postulate of SR in any way?
No. That is an apparent speed caused by interaction with the glass. Photons themselves only move at C.
2. A uniformly moving train passes by a long platform. Consider the events 'engine crossing the beginning of the platform' and 'engine crossing the end of the platform'. Which frame (the train frame or the platform frame) is the proper frame for the pair of events?
There is no such thing as a "proper frame". Either will work depending on what you are trying to accomplish in the analysis.
3. An object may be regarded to be at rest or in motion depending on the frame of reference chosen to view the object. Because of length contraction at relativistic speeds the same rod may have two different lengths depending on the state of the observer. Am I right?
4. Mass of a particle depends on its speed. Does the attraction of the Earth on the particle also depend on the particle's speed?
Not sure...
  • #3
Reshma said:
I need to clear some conceptual doubts in the Special theory of relativity. So could anyone explain them in context to the following questions:

1. The speed of light in glass is 2.0 x 108m/s. Does it violate the second postulate of SR in any way?
u know what, i heard that electrons travel faster than light in impure water if it is made conductive(as 100% pure water is non-conductive at least i think so :confused: ). o:)
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  • #4
Just to add to Russ's comments.
Reshma said:
2. A uniformly moving train passes by a long platform. Consider the events 'engine crossing the beginning of the platform' and 'engine crossing the end of the platform'. Which frame (the train frame or the platform frame) is the proper frame for the pair of events?
In the train frame, the two events happen at the same location. Thus the train frame will measure the proper time between those events. (If that was what you were getting at.)
4. Mass of a particle depends on its speed. Does the attraction of the Earth on the particle also depend on the particle's speed?
See this thread:
  • #5
Reshma said:
3. An object may be regarded to be at rest or in motion depending on the frame of reference chosen to view the object. Because of length contraction at relativistic speeds the same rod may have two different lengths depending on the state of the observer. Am I right?

Russ Watters answered this "yes", but I am going to pick a nit. I would be inclined to say "No, that is not right. The same rod may have an infinite number of different lengths since an observer may have an infinite number of different speeds with respect to the rod."
  • #6
Reshma said:
I need to clear some conceptual doubts in the Special theory of relativity. So could anyone explain them in context to the following questions:

1. The speed of light in glass is 2.0 x 108m/s. Does it violate the second postulate of SR in any way?

No. Why would you think it would?

2. A uniformly moving train passes by a long platform. Consider the events 'engine crossing the beginning of the platform' and 'engine crossing the end of the platform'. Which frame (the train frame or the platform frame) is the proper frame for the pair of events?

I don't understand the question. Relativity has technical notions of "proper time" and "proper distance", and even "proper acceleration", but there isn't any technical notion of "proper frame". You can do your calculations in any frame you like, then convert the results to any other frame via the Lorentz transform. Any frame is as good as any other. This is the principle of Lorentz covariance.

I could define proper time and/or proper distance if that's your real question, but I don't want to get off on a tanget if it isn't.

3. An object may be regarded to be at rest or in motion depending on the frame of reference chosen to view the object. Because of length contraction at relativistic speeds the same rod may have two different lengths depending on the state of the observer. Am I right?

Right, length is an observer dependent quantity. The Lorentz interval of the rod is a (the!) quantity which is the same for all observes - the length of the rod is not the same for all observers.

4. Mass of a particle depends on its speed. Does the attraction of the Earth on the particle also depend on the particle's speed?

The short answer is yes. A longer more detailed answer is


To answer the question, it's necessary to define how one compares the force on a moving object to the force on an unmoving object. This could be a long discussion in and of itself, especially if you are not familiar with relativity. I've attempted to shortcut this long discussion by using the force generated by a charge (the electric field) as a reference standard. The thought experiment is a simple way of showing that gravitational force must transform differently than electromagnetic force, given the principle of equivlalence.

More advanced treatments of the topic requrie general relativity rather than special relativity.
  • #7
After making the post that refutes the value of the idea of mass increasing at relativistic velocities, I feel that I should respond to the following point to avoid confusion.
Reshma said:
4. Mass of a particle depends on its speed. Does the attraction of the Earth on the particle also depend on the particle's speed?
Gravity couples to energy not mass. And since the energy of the particle increases according to gamma m c^2, then it is clear that the gravitational force does increase just as if the mass had increased by the factor gamma.
  • #8
pervect said:
No. Why would you think it would?

I think he forgets that its 300,000,000km/s in a vacuum
  • #9
Pengwuino said:
I think he forgets that its 300,000,000km/s in a vacuum
Its 300,000,000m/s :wink:. (BTW, it is her.)
  • #10
I don't understand the question. Relativity has technical notions of "proper time" and "proper distance", and even "proper acceleration", but there isn't any technical notion of "proper frame". You can do your calculations in any frame you like, then convert the results to any other frame via the Lorentz transform. Any frame is as good as any other. This is the principle of Lorentz covariance.

I could define proper time and/or proper distance if that's your real question, but I don't want to get off on a tanget if it isn't.

I'm sorry, I would like to slightly modify my original question :blushing:. Ok, these are some technical definitions of proper time & length I found in my text.

Proper time--->When two events occur at the same location in an inertial reference frame, the time interval between them, measured in that frame, is called the proper time interval or proper time. Measurements of the same time interval from any other inertial frame are always greater.

Proper length--->The length L0 of an object measured in the rest frame of the object is its proper length or rest length. Measurements of the length from any reference frame that is in realtive motion parallel to that length are always less than the proper length.

Now what is the proper length and proper time in context to my question?
  • #11
gurkhawarhorse said:
u know what, i heard that electrons travel faster than light in impure water if it is made conductive(as 100% pure water is non-conductive at least i think so :confused: ). o:)
Oh yes! That's how you get the Cerenkov Radiation by accelerating charged particles faster than light in a material medium. I suppose this answers my first question :rolleyes:!
  • #12
Reshma said:
Now what is the proper length and proper time in context to my question?
As I mentioned in my earlier post, your two events ('engine crossing the beginning of the platform' and 'engine crossing the end of the platform') take place at the same location in the train frame. So the train frame will measure the proper time between those events. Those two events also occur at opposite ends of the platform. The platform frame will measure the distance between those events as the proper length of the platform.

Does this help?
  • #13
Reshma said:
I'm sorry, I would like to slightly modify my original question :blushing:. Ok, these are some technical definitions of proper time & length I found in my text.


Now what is the proper length and proper time in context to my question?

2. A uniformly moving train passes by a long platform. Consider the events 'engine crossing the beginning of the platform' and 'engine crossing the end of the platform'. Which frame (the train frame or the platform frame) is the proper frame for the pair of events?

Look again at the definitions you quoted.

Rather than draw ascii diagrams, let us set up a coordinate system for the platform (first), then the train.

Consider the platform frame. We will call the beginning of the platform x=0, and the end of the platform x=L. Then we have

The engine passes x=0 at some time t1, and the engine passes x=L at some time t2, where t2 is > t1.

Thus the interval between the two events is not a proper interval, because neither the position coordinate nor the time coordinate is the same.

Now consider the train frame.

We will call the coordinate of the engine x=0. Then we have

The beginning of the platform crosses x=0 at some time t1. The end of the platform crosses x=0 at some time t2. We also have t2>t1. Because x=0 for both events, the interval t2-t1 is a proper time interval.
  • #14
Doc Al said:
As I mentioned in my earlier post, your two events ('engine crossing the beginning of the platform' and 'engine crossing the end of the platform') take place at the same location in the train frame. So the train frame will measure the proper time between those events.

I agree

Those two events also occur at opposite ends of the platform. The platform frame will measure the distance between those events as the proper length of the platform.

I have to disagree here, because the engine will cross the end of the platform at a different time than it crosses the beginning of the platform.
  • #15
pervect said:
I have to disagree here, because the engine will cross the end of the platform at a different time than it crosses the beginning of the platform.
I see your point. It's probably a good idea to define length as the distance between points measured at the same time, even in the rest frame. (Even though, since the platform is not moving with respect to itself, the distance between those two events as measured in the platform frame will equal the proper length of the platform.)

FAQ: Some conceptual questions on SR

1. What is Special Relativity (SR)?

Special Relativity (SR) is a theory developed by Albert Einstein that describes the relationship between space and time. It explains how objects behave at high speeds and in the absence of gravity.

2. How is Special Relativity different from Newtonian mechanics?

Special Relativity is different from Newtonian mechanics in that it accounts for the effects of high speeds and the absence of gravity, while Newtonian mechanics assumes a constant and absolute time and space.

3. What are the key principles of Special Relativity?

The key principles of Special Relativity are the principle of relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and the principle of the constancy of the speed of light, which states that the speed of light is the same for all observers regardless of their relative motion.

4. How does Special Relativity explain the phenomenon of time dilation?

Special Relativity explains time dilation by showing that time is not absolute, but rather depends on the observer's frame of reference and their relative motion. This means that time can appear to pass slower for an observer in motion compared to an observer at rest.

5. Is Special Relativity applicable to everyday life?

Yes, Special Relativity is applicable to everyday life and has been confirmed by numerous experiments and observations. It is used in various technologies, such as GPS systems, and helps us understand the behavior of objects at high speeds, such as in particle accelerators.
