Sonia Sotomayor's Controversial Decisions: Examining Her Judicial Record

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In summary: So that’s where policy is made.”"In summary, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a daughter of Puerto Rican parents who was raised in Bronx public housing projects. She has made several controversial statements which conservatives have pointed to as reasons to not appoint her to the Supreme Court.
  • #36
russ_watters said:
Um, ok... so what are we missing about the firefighter case? From what I've read (and your link tends to support this - it doesn't paint a favorable picture), this decision of hers is almost certain to be overturned by the USSC next month! and pundits are saying that the decision wasn't just wrong, but it was baseless. A real head scratcher. If that's not a major hit against her fitness for the job, I don't know what is!

You asked for FACTS and NUMBERS so here they are. I'm really hoping that the people who visit this site have the ***very rare*** skill to be able divorce themselves emotionally from a situation and look at the cold, hard facts - actual numbers, statistics, etc.

After all, that's why we have the scientific method or things like peer-review, correct?

What good is to be interested in science if one doesn't cross-apply the practice of evaluating brute facts not colored by one's emotions when coming up with an informed opinion or giving an analysis of physical phenomena?

I remember a while back, I made a comment that you responded to where I mentioned the science of the mind. I did this to try to provide solid evidence to you that one has to work **VERY HARD** when developing a perception to separate
1) the facts


2) one's own direct experiences which often color one's interpretation of the facts.

After all, if you knew you didn't have perfect vision and were looking at a chalk board without glasses or contacts, chances are you'd probably say, "ok what am I seeing and what's REALLY written?"


Whenever I am trying to develop an "accurate" perception of what I know to be an emotionally charged issue for me, I go ALOT out of my way to step back and say "ok, how much of this what I am REALLY seeing and how much of this is based on my own personal history and emotions?"

I do this because I interact with a lot of different people and it helps me to develop relationships with individuals from so many backgrounds - but it's worth the effort. It's what's allowed me to be good friends everyone from ex Neo Nazis to Religious Fundamentalists, to Lesbian Feminists and a whole host of other people - ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

With that, I ask you to evaluate these facts and I'd be curious to know if after viewing the FACTS your perception of the situation is the same...

We all must be quite careful about not accepting the popular projections of news stories because they are almost always a) inaccurate or b)shallow.

Probably 99% of the people who look at a rock see something solid right? (classical Newtonian view).

Well, those of us with a deeper understanding realize that even though one's eyes may see something solid and "obviously true", we know in actuality that there's is almost always something much deeper going on at the quantum level that isn't AT ALL suggested by what's obvious...


Playing Hardball With Affirmative Action

...conservative commentator Pat Buchanan suggested that the Republican Party reorganize its image around the white plaintiff in this case). But it’s also got the kind of facts that make well-meaning white folks, and even some blacks, uncomfortable about the parameters of affirmative action.

It seems like a simple case. The New Haven Fire Department conducted an examination for applicants seeking promotion to captain and lieutenant. No black test takers made the cut, so the city, fearing it would run afoul of employment antidiscrimination laws, scuttled the test. To many, this just sounds fundamentally unfair.

But the Ricci case is not that simple
. And that’s the problem with conversations about affirmative action. You say “affirmative action,” and people think they know what you’re talking about. They threw out the test? That’s unfair to the white applicants. Why couldn’t the black applicants just pass the test? Who wants a firefighter in a command position who can’t pass the test? Won’t this just stigmatize black firefighters?

What the exchange on Hardball and most discussions about this case show is the danger of talking about affirmative action in the absence of facts. I know that we lawyers tend to muck up good arguments with facts, but facts are important. So here are a few facts you may want to know about the Ricci case before you get into an argument about affirmative action at the water cooler.

First, the issue before the Supreme Court is whether New Haven officials violated the constitutional rights of Frank Ricci, a white firefighter who took and passed the promotion exam, when the city’s Civil Service Board failed to certify the exam. Why did the board refuse to certify it? Questions about the test were raised in part because the company that created the test failed to follow several practices regarded as “standard” among experts providing tests to fire departments. One of those is the submission of the test to a process that determines a relevant cutoff for a passing score. The test developer simply skipped this step. Nor was the test submitted to fire experts in New Haven to ensure its relevance to the particular conditions and realities for firefighters there. Thus, when the racially disparate results from the test differed substantially from the results of previous tests conducted by the New Haven Fire Department, alarm bells went off. The matter was submitted to the Civil Service Board. After hearing from the public and outside experts at five hearings, the board split 2-2 on whether to certify the test (the board’s fifth member, an African American, did not participate in any of the decisions).

Second, this case cannot be examined outside the very powerful historical context of race in urban fire departments in the United States and in this particular fire department in New Haven. As the NAACP Legal Defense Fund argued in its amicus brief to the court, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was amended in 1972 to include state and municipal governments precisely because of widespread discrimination in public sector employment. Fire departments have been among the most resistant municipal enclaves to integrate. It has been surmised that because firefighters essentially live together in the same space, whites have been especially resistant to integrating this workspace.

Unfortunately, fire departments have been the sites of some of the most odious incidents of racial discrimination. As documented by the LDF, even in supposedly desegregated firehouses in Washington, D.C., in the late 1960s and early ’70s, the beds, dishes and eating utensils of black firefighters in some firehouses were marked “C” for “Colored.” Segregated firehouses were maintained in jurisdictions from San Francisco to Memphis through the 1970s. And this is not just a relic of our past. The effort to address discrimination in fire departments is part of the ongoing work of civil rights organizations and the Department of Justice. In one compelling account, Legal Defense Fund lawyers revealed that in the Cleveland Fire Department, black firefighters were assigned to a battalion that was known as “Monkey Island.” In 2004.

Getting employed at all as a firefighter has been a challenge for black applicants. After the application of Title VII to municipal employers in 1972, blacks were kept from employment as firefighters and promotion to officer positions through changes in prerequisites for employment designed to disproportionately affect blacks; the use of quotas as a bar to black promotion; and, of course, the use of tightly held information about job openings and promotion opportunities.

New Haven has a particular history of discrimination in its fire department. Black firefighters and applicants have successfully sued the department for racial discrimination in hiring or promotion numerous times, most recently in 2004. Although New Haven has made strides in the hiring of black firefighters, the promotion of black officers continues to be a problem. In 2007, although a little over 30 percent of entry-level positions in the department were filled by blacks, African Americans held only 15 percent of supervisory positions.

Thus, the only stigma at issue in this case is the stain on fire departments throughout the U.S. that have treated their firehouses like private, white familial enclaves. That’s why it was so galling to hear Chris Matthews on Hardball defend the use of patronage and family connections in some Irish Catholic communities to maintain a disproportionate access to firefighting jobs not as discrimination but as “tradition.”
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  • #37
adrenaline said:
Here is a different take on the ricci case:

But how bizarre, nominating someone who ruled on a case that is going to the supreme court for review and possibly overturned?...

Thanks as well for the link and I quoted it. You know, it's quite nice to exchange ideas with thoughtful thinkers.

I am sure almost everyone on this forum has had the experience of getting one impression of a news story, then, once one investigates the FACTS coming to understand that there's so much more to it than meets the eye, i.e as it was presented in the popular media.

That's why I study science for fun because it really has improved my life. When you've had enough "provable" experiences of discovering that the reality of a situation is often so much different than one's initial impression, it really makes one unquenchably curious from a mental standpoint.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of the population, once they've developed an opinion on an issue based upon what the popular media projects, even in the face of facts they refuse to change their opinions...
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  • #38
I think the "white man did not get the job" is emotionally charged and makes for good fodder. I am not a lawyer, but I think law has layers and layers of implication that only an expert can elucidate sometimes. I read elsewhere that this Ricci case was already decided in a lower court, first a district court found in favor of the city of New Haven and published a lengthy opinion. A panel of judges Sotomayor sat with heard an appeal and upheld the district court's decision. Sotomayor's panel only wrote one paragraph themselves in their opinion of the case. In the paragraph, the panel said they completely agreed with the district court's opinion in its entiretly. So the panel cited the entire district court opinion and published.

When Judge Cabranes complained about an opinion containing no reference to constitutional claims or making perfunctory disposition " he was criticizing the panel for not writing their own opinion." He was not criticizing the way Sotomayor's panel decided the case. In other words, he may not have wearing the mantel of "activist" judge. Strange...

Another legal minded person said "One of the more intersting things about the Ricci case is that it deals with Discremanatory Impact more so than Discremanatory Purpose, which is what the Equal Protection Act is for..."

Whatever the hell that means, but I'm sure its obvious to any legal folks...
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  • #39
Ivan Seeking said:
An interesting observation wrt the SC: Given the current nomination, the court will consist of 6 Catholics, 1 Protestant, and 2 Jews.

It probably affects their opinion no? Human's aren't vulcans after all. Maybe we need a Wiccan, or Buddist or athiest thrown into the mix, would make things more lively no? I'm waiting for those very powerful, very rich but very looney scientologists to make their way into the supreme court one day.
  • #40
adrenaline said:
It probably affects their opinion no? Human's aren't vulcans after all. Maybe we need a Wiccan, or Buddist or athiest thrown into the mix, would make things more lively no? I'm waiting for those very powerful, very rich but very looney scientologists to make their way into the supreme court one day.

I think "looney" is why the Senate stands at the gate and punches admission tickets.
  • #41
adrenaline said:
I think the "white man did not get the job" is emotionally charged and makes for good fodder.

Yes, I completely agree with you. That statement was a bit of a turn off. And while she makes some good points, it too is emotionally charged. I was also a bit turned off with statements like "black folks this" and "white folks that", I mean really? Can't we be a bit less grotesque and dated in our presentations?

At any rate, I googled the writer and she appears to have some reasonably good credentials:

BA, 1984, Vassar College
JD, 1987, New York University

Professor Ifill is nationally recognized as an advocate in the areas of civil rights, voting rights, judicial diversity and judicial decision-making. She teaches Civil Procedure, Legal Writing, and a seminar on Reparations, Reconciliation and Restorative Justice. Professor Ifill has also taught Constitutional Law (I was most concerned with her direct knowledge of constitutional law), Environmental Justice, Complex Litigation, as well as seminars on Voting Rights, Equal Protection, and Judicial Decisionmaking.
  • #42
swat4life said:
And people claim there is no discrimination any more in America. Can you imagine someone of a different sex or cultural background having her intelligence question with these credentials?

I see no evidence that he questioend her credentials because of her sex or race. Let's not call out the race/sexism card right off the bat.
  • #43
seycyrus said:
I see no evidence that he questioend her credentials because of her sex or race. Let's not call out the race/sexism card right off the bat.

You'll want to direct those comments to Rove and Limbaugh and Gingrich and Glen Beck I think. That is the chorus that is chirping about racism.
  • #44
LowlyPion said:
You'll want to direct those comments to Rove and Limbaugh and Gingrich and Glen Beck I think. That is the chorus that is chirping about racism.

Did they question her intelligence soley based on her sex/race? I think not.
  • #45
seycyrus said:
Did they question her intelligence soley based on her sex/race? I think not.

Good point. They apparently didn't bother to examine her intelligence. They just out and out called her a racist.
  • #46
seycyrus said:
I see no evidence that he questioend her credentials because of her sex or race. Let's not call out the race/sexism card right off the bat.

You're being silly dear with this statement. Or, perhaps I should give you the benefit of the doubt and say that due to lack of exposure you're just unaware. Ask say 5 of your Latino friends if they caught the gist of the coded language then come back and respond...
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  • #47
LowlyPion said:
I think it is an unfortunate reality that the Lincoln Chafees and the Tom Ridges and the Colin Powells and even John McCains have been sidelined in the party. With the passing of Jack Kemp there really seems to be a shortage of moderate voices, and certainly an absence of moderate voices with any real power to affect much of anything.

A party with spokespeople like Cheney and Cantor and Boehner and McConnell and even Sarah Palin, and prominently backstopped in the media by Limbaugh and Roger Ailes' stable of polarity mongers like Glen Beck and Hannity and VanSusteren and Cavuto, tends to strangle out whatever breath of moderation that may arise. The wedge issues that they choose to fight over are really becoming splinter causes, and until they want to stop beating their heads against the wall decrying gays and abolishing abortion, I don't see them changing the situation they are in any too soon.

I miss Jack Kemp! I loved the guy. I used the word kamakazi, perhaps I should have said "suicide bombers". These are people who are perfectly willing to take down not just themselves but the party with them.

I really wish people would take the time to study what has happened to the Republican party over the past 30 years or so. It's not too different from a democratic party that today would be run by tree-hugging, anti-marriage, anti-business, extremist-atheists who want to prosecute non vegetarians for eating meat.

Ok, I know I am being a bit harsh and HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE. But that's quite frankly how I increasingly feel.

And by the way, I don't have a problem with environmentalists, liberal social-types, moderate socialists, atheists or vegetarians, it's just the EXTEMISTS that get to me...
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  • #48
swat4life said:
I miss Jack Kemp! I loved the guy. I used the word kamakazi, perhaps I should have said "suicide bombers". These are people who are perfectly willing to take down not just themselves but the party with them.

I really wish people would take the time to study what has happened to the Republican party over the past 30 years or so. It's not too different from a democratic party that today would be run by tree-hugging, anti-marriage, anti-business, extremist-atheists who want to prosecute non vegetarians for eating meat.

Ok, I know I am being a bit harsh and HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE. But that's quite frankly how I increasingly feel.

And by the way, I don't have a problem with environmentalists, liberal social-types, moderate socialists, atheists or vegetarians, it's just the EXTEMISTS that get to me...

I have to agree with that. I like to think that extremism on both ends helps keep us in the center but it never seems to really work out that way.
  • #49
May 28, 2009
First GOP senator pledges vote against Sotomayor
@ 10:30 am by Michael O'Brien

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) became the first senator Thursday to go on the record to say that he would vote against Judge Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court.

While many Republicans have opted to keep their powder dry, issuing statements about carefully reviewing President Obama's pick to join the high court, Roberts flatly stated he wouldn't support Sotomayor.

It's good to know some people don't need to bother with the facts.

A Party of No loyalist?
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  • #50
Here's Tom Tancredo calling Sotomayor a racist. (Unfortunately he doesn't have the right motto for" . Her racism stems from participating in a Latino civil rights and advocacy group?)
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  • #51
LowlyPion said:
Here's Tom Tancredo calling Sotomayor a racist. (Unfortunately he doesn't have the right motto for" . Her racism stems from participating in a Latino civil rights and advocacy group?)

Will check this out - thanks. You see, this is what makes me so mad! And yes I am getting a little emotional. An hour or two ago, I turned to Fox News to watch Hannity.

Honestly, sometimes when he manages to shut up, you can hear a guest that has something insightful to say. The point that got me angry is when he went on and on about "La Raza" this and "La Raza" that.

Now, the average I-work-a-9-to-5, I-ve-got-credit-card-debt and I-barely-have-time-to-sleep vs. scour-the-internet-for-more-factual-information viewer of Fox hears something like "La Raza=The Race" and says "oh this lady is a militant!".

How many of them (or even others on the board) will:

1) Google the organization
2) Look up their "About Us" Platform:

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) – the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States – works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. Through its network of nearly 300 affiliated community-based organizations (CBOs), NCLR reaches millions of Hispanics each year in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. To achieve its mission, NCLR conducts applied research, policy analysis, and advocacy, providing a Latino perspective in five key areas – assets/investments, civil rights/immigration, education, employment and economic status, and health. In addition, it provides capacity-building assistance to its Affiliates who work at the state and local level to advance opportunities for individuals and families.

Founded in 1968, NCLR is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization headquartered in Washington, DC. NCLR serves all Hispanic subgroups in all regions of the country and has operations in Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Antonio, and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
3) Do further research and learn about the programs LA RAZA have to GET IMMIGRANTS OFF OF TAX PAYER MONEY AND WORKING PRODUCTIVELY?!

Programs that are well aligned with conservative values like self-sufficiency, small business ownership vs. government handouts?

Do you see why I call these people hate/fear mongers?

Why didn't they talk about this aspect of the organization on the show?
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  • #52
I don't think she is racist but she may be racially biased. Personally, I'm sick of race being an issue concerning anything anymore. It's nothing more than a political tool nowadays. The sixties are history. The only people talking racism anymore are from that generation or earlier. It's not a significant factor anymore.

Editing/removing my last sentence. Racism, whether against a minority or a majority is going to disappear in the next few generations.
  • #53
drankin said:
Editing/removing my last sentence. Racism, whether against a minority or a majority is going to disappear in the next few generations.

I think you are right.

Obama is the first harvest of the future.
  • #54
drankin said:
Personally, I'm sick of race being an issue concerning anything anymore...

Amen! Me too... (one of the best lines in this entire thread, IMHO)
I think there needs to be a way for minorities and women to become LESS sensitive about race and gender, respectively, and for non-minorities and men to become MORE sensitive about it.

This will ultimately lead to a meeting of the minds - somewhere comfortably in the middle so to speak - and the dissolution of these issues from American society...
  • #55
drankin said:
I don't think she is racist but she may be racially biased. Personally, I'm sick of race being an issue concerning anything anymore. It's nothing more than a political tool nowadays. The sixties are history. The only people talking racism anymore are from that generation or earlier. It's not a significant factor anymore.

My take is this: She said that her background can provide perspective that leads to better judicial decisions. This was said within the context of ruling on racial issues. It has been taken by people like Limbaugh to mean that she will favor one side over the other based on racial sympathies or bias, but in fact her record shows otherwise. The resolution is obvious: She was saying that one can produce better legal arguments if one understands the issues.

Beyond that, everyone including the Republicans admit that her background is excellent. So if race is an issue, it is only because her detractors, like Limbaugh, make it that way.

Republican Senators are completely rejecting the statements made by Limbaugh and Gingrich. Also, I had to laugh when I heard the clip with Limbaugh arguing that we should ignore her record and focus only on the one comment that he tries to define. IIRC, Amway uses the same sales/brainwashing technique.
  • #56
Ivan Seeking said:
My take is this: She said that her background can provide perspective that leads to better judicial decisions. This was said within the context of ruling on racial issues. It has been taken by people like Limbaugh to mean that she will favor one side over the other based on racial sympathies or bias, but in fact her record shows otherwise. The resolution is obvious: She was saying that one can produce better legal arguments if one understands the issues.

Beyond that, everyone including the Republicans admit that her background is excellent. So if race is an issue, it is only because her detractors, like Limbaugh, make it that way.

Republican Senators are completely rejecting the statements made by Limbaugh and Gingrich. Also, I had to laugh when I heard the clip with Limbaugh arguing that we should ignore her record and focus only on the one comment that he tries to define. IIRC, Amway uses the same sales/brainwashing technique.

Thank you so much for pointing that out. The reason why I said "thanks" is because it's a comfort to see there are people out there that take the time to actually do an analysis.

Quite frankly, I would bet you that every single last person on this thread who made "racist" claims about this woman didn't take the time to:

1) Read the actual speech IN CONTEXT. For goodness sakes, scientists have the scientific method and METHODOLOGY because they know the importance of protecting the integrity of information. Almost ALL INFORMATION that is not analyzed in context doesn't present the FULL picture.

Example is her speech here:

For instance, IMMEDIATELY AFTER the quote making waves in the news, she said the following:

Let us not forget that wise men like Oliver Wendell Holmes and Justice Cardozo voted on cases which upheld both sex and race discrimination in our society. Until 1972, no Supreme Court case ever upheld the claim of a woman in a gender discrimination case. I, like Professor Carter, believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable. As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so on many occasions and on many issues including Brown.


Let me state it again:
I, like Professor Carter, believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable. As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so on many occasions and on many issues including Brown.

Does this sound like a racist or a reverse sexist? The woman was simply saying that let's face it, to give an example, if there were a court with only women on it and you were going on trial to get full custody of your kids as a single dad - and the decision about the case - rested in the hands of ALL WOMEN - isn't it not reasonable to assume that A MAN could do a better job of BALANCING OUT the perspectives on the court -ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL WITH REGARD TO QUALIFICATIONS - than yet another woman?

Isn't it fair to assume if there was someone in the room who could tell the side of you guys, perhaps that would cause ALL OTHER JUDGE'S IN THE ROOM to get a broader perspective on things??

Further more, she makes GLARINGLY OBVIOUS that she is NOT suggesting that if you happen to be not female and not a minority you CAN'T do a good job of judging on those cases. She's simply saying that let's face it, we are human and people from different backgrounds have different experiences which colors their perspective - COLD, HARD RESEARCH IN COGNITIVE & NEUROSCIENCE SUPPORTS THIS!

Why isn't Rush and Fox News quoting her statement that,
"I, like Professor Carter, believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable. As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so on many occasions and on many issues including Brown."

Also, here's one quick point I wanted to make about what I think amounts to mindless balderdash.

Judge Samuel Alito (who's of European Descent and Male) once said,
"When a case comes before me involving, let‘s say, someone who is an immigrant," said the nominee for the Supreme Court, "I can‘t help but think of my own ancestors because it wasn‘t that long ago when they were in that position. I have to say to myself and I do say to myself, you know, this could be your grandfather. This could be your grandmother."

What if The National Organization of Women and the Latino organization Raza started screaming about how much of a sexist and racist this guy was because he let his Italian heritage and the experiences of his male, grandfather affect his decision making?

I don't know about you but I'd think that was totally ridiculous, wouldn't you?

Alas, that's my sentiment here. I think if there are questions about this woman's skills and qualifications that are reasonable, by all means they need to be aired - she shouldn't get a pass because she's a woman and a latino. But the other issues are so obviously the concoctions of people who feed off fear, close-mindedness and dare I say mild bigotry...
  • #57
Republican Gingrich says he shouldn't have called Sotomayor 'racist', retracts allegation"My initial reaction was strong and direct — perhaps too strong and too direct. The sentiment struck me as racist and I said so. Since then, some who want to have an open and honest consideration of Judge Sotomayor's fitness to serve on the nation's highest court have been critical of my word choice.
  • #58
Alfi said:
Republican Gingrich says he shouldn't have called Sotomayor 'racist', retracts allegation

"My initial reaction was strong and direct — perhaps too strong and too direct. The sentiment struck me as racist and I said so. Since then, some who want to have an open and honest consideration of Judge Sotomayor's fitness to serve on the nation's highest court have been critical of my word choice.

Hey! Thanks for posting that! Now perhaps his critics on the left can meet him have way...
  • #59
swat4life said:
Hey! Thanks for posting that! Now perhaps his critics on the left can meet him have way...

Meet him half way to where?

Who cares how Gingrich soiled his pants making reflexive polemical statements? He has no real power. He's little more than a strutting Limbaugh, peacocking on the sidelines, hawking his book, and hoping the gaze of the Republican Party will settle on him for higher office again. (It won't.)

Who cares that he finally figured out he was wrong to have flogged her comments out of context, and he was beginning to be uncomfortable playing the foolish side of a public issue ... again?

I think the next walk back by the Right will be on the Ricci Case, which was decided on the basis of settled Law. It's a far more complex issue than the Republicans are beating their chests over, and oddly in the final analysis, I think it shows her regard for the Law and precedent, as opposed to any supposed interest on her part to actively depart.
  • #60
LowlyPion said:
Meet him half way to where?

Who cares how Gingrich soiled his pants making reflexive polemical statements? He has no real power. He's little more than a strutting Limbaugh, peacocking on the sidelines, hawking his book, and hoping the gaze of the Republican Party will settle on him for higher office again. (It won't.)

Who cares that he finally figured out he was wrong to have flogged her comments out of context, and he was beginning to be uncomfortable playing the foolish side of a public issue ... again?

I think the next walk back by the Right will be on the Ricci Case, which was decided on the basis of settled Law. It's a far more complex issue than the Republicans are beating their chests over, and oddly in the final analysis, I think it shows her regard for the Law and precedent, as opposed to any supposed interest on her part to actively depart.

Firstly, let me admit to some hypocrisy; I responded to your thread without THOROUGHLY reading the link - just glanced it. As I said in my previous post about those taking Sotomayor's comment, out of context, perhaps I just latched on to that one sentence of yours...

So, just calling a spade a spade in the interest of healthy internal identity consistency :P

At any rate, having read more thoroughly through the article, I pretty much feel the same way. When I said "meet him half way" by that I meant, putting the issue to rest and moving past the silliness and name calling.

If you've read any of my other posts, it should be seen that I have been utterly critical of how this situation has played out. And there are many left-leaning people who now have every right to be angry and what Newt and Limbaugh and the whole Fox Vigilante has said.

And make no mistake - Fox IS a propaganda machine. When you look at how they blatantly spin the news - it makes me think of Pravda (the old Soviet Publication).

At any rate, I hope that both sides can put away their emotional reactions to what has transpired - i.e. meet each other half way - and get on with the business at hand.

And let me make a final point, I think it's quite disappointing on this thread that the only ones voicing their opinions tend to have more liberal views. You would think that a place dedicated to *objective* intellectual inquiry would attract individuals willing to be open and honest.

But as always, far too often I think people on the far right take this attitude that "oh all the liberals are after us, what's the use" as opposed to talking. Furthermore, when they do make statements that seem slightly pejorative, rather than taking a step back and saying "wow, how could someone construe that as sexist, racist, etc" their attitude is "oh those liberals!".

For instance, earlier in this conversation someone made the snide remark "don't play that race hard just yet" - WTF?

If this isn't a clear example of silly race politics, what is?

People just don't understand the history of this country and that's why there is so much misunderstanding. Part of it is due to the public school system. If anyone has been to the middle east or Northern Ireland, they'll have some semblance of understanding how nasty race (and more subtly sexism) is for America.

We all just don't *wake* up one morning and - TADA- racism isn't an issue or sexism is.


Minorities have baggage for holding on to the traumatic history of the most recent past...

Men and whites have baggage due to guilt and increasingly fear due to the changing power structure of this country...

My big fear is that the far right (and in some case far left) power-mongers are going to use old fears, misunderstanding and insecurities to tear this nation a part.

First they went after gay marriage (as if this has anything to do with the bloody economy...and make no mistake here I am rather traditional on this topic, but I do see through the subterfuge...)

Then they went after race (plenty of examples here)

Now it's abortion...

Anything to deflect attention from the real issues, as they know that if they can stir people's emotions, that will cause them not to think logically and rationally, but RE-actionarily...

In any case, I'm often guilty of mixing my passionate sentiments about such topics with loquaciousness so I'll be off now!

Thanks again for the link...
  • #61
swat4life said:
Anything to deflect attention from the real issues, as they know that if they can stir people's emotions, that will cause them not to think logically and rationally, but RE-actionarily...

My point was that Newt Gingrich is pretty much impotent. Unlike Limbaugh, he doesn't even seem to have that much of a following. He struck out as Speaker, and I think he has generally demonstrated that he's not all that deft a politician. His sniping from the sidelines really just makes him another of the magpies, and sadly for him he seems to be late to the parade anyway. (A deft politician would have read the opinions and the speeches from Sotomayor directly and concluded where the parade will have to get to and then get there ahead of it so he can look like he's leading it, rather than following the trail left by the elephants as to where it had been. You'd think a supposed Professor wouldn't be shooting from the intellectual hip like that in any event.)

As to Sotomayor, I think the Republicans seem set on a course that will do little to remove themselves from simply being seen as the Party of No. I'd say they are mostly to be ignored as obstructionists, dragging out the confirmation as long and as painfully as they can procedurally muster, blustering about filibusters, the whole way. Why meet them half way on any of this? All they are talking now is delay, delay, delay and I'm not talking Tom.
  • #62
Sotomayor's comment was foolishly phrased and racist.

If the adjectives "latina" and "white" had been intermixed and uttered by a caucasian male, then eyebrows would have been raised, fingers would have been pointed, and accusations would have flown.

I do not believe that her comment indicates that she is a racist. I do believe that her comment illustrates the hypocritical nature of of our society on this issue.

Edit: Soto will be confirmed, btw.
  • #63
Sotomayor WILL be confirmed, but only after a long dragged-out public battle. The GOP needs some issue to fire up their base and fund-raise with, and they have very few new ideas, so "Sotomayor is a LIBERAL" is about all they have to work with at present.

It is particularly ironic that Jeff Sessions is the ranking Republican on the Judicial Committee and is the public face of the GOP on the Sunday shows. The GOP wants to point out that Sotomayor has made what they claim are racially motivated statements, and who is the point-man? Sessions, who has said that the NAACP was anti-American and forced segregation down peoples' throats, and also said that he thought the KKK was a pretty good bunch until he found out some of them were pot-smokers. His own nomination to a federal bench was derailed by statements like these and his selective prosecution of black people in Alabama for "voter fraud". Here is a New Republic article from 2002:
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  • #64
The so called racist comment was made in an academic situation not a legal one.

Much of the debate on the Sunday talk shows revolved around Sotomayor’s 2001 statement in a speech to a Berkeley, Calif., conference on Latinos in the judiciary. “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” she said.

Only Limbaugh could apply the term reverse racist to that one sentence. The others took Rush's word for it and now are backing down.

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  • #65
So, you are claiming that a white academian could make the following statement.

"I would hope that a wise white male with the richness of his experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a latina who hasn't lived that life,"

Without raising questions? I think not.

I make the claim that that is a racist statement.

Furthemore I make the claim that virtually everyone would also claim that it is a racist statement. That is, everyone except for the Africans.

And iwhy that is, is pretty evident if you think about it. I think it's obvious that a wise Asian man, with the richness of his life experience would be able to come to a better conclusion than a female African who hasn't lived that life.
  • #66
turbo-1 said:
Sotomayor WILL be confirmed, but only after a long dragged-out public battle. The GOP needs some issue to fire up their base and fund-raise with, and they have very few new ideas, so "Sotomayor is a LIBERAL" is about all they have to work with at present.

Put that straw away. Is she pro-gun, or not? That is in itself enough of an issue for many republicans and democrats.
  • #67
seycyrus said:
So, you are claiming that a white academian could make the following statement.

"I would hope that a wise white male with the richness of his experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a latina who hasn't lived that life,"

Without raising questions? I think not.

I make the claim that that is a racist statement.

Furthemore I make the claim that virtually everyone would also claim that it is a racist statement. That is, everyone except for the Africans.

And iwhy that is, is pretty evident if you think about it. I think it's obvious that a wise Asian man, with the richness of his life experience would be able to come to a better conclusion than a female African who hasn't lived that life.

You are missing the elementary point: If it was an issue about discrimination towards Asian men, then yes, her comment would apply to them as well. That was her point. If one understands the issues, then they are more likely to produce the best legal arguments. She is familiar with another aspect of racism.

What do you mean by your reference to Africans? Are you suggesting that all people of African descent are racists?
  • #68
Ivan Seeking said:
What do you mean by your reference to Africans? Are you suggesting that all people of African descent are racists?

I basically reiterated Sot's comment. You are now suggesting that my comment has racist overtones. Mate
  • #69
Ivan Seeking said:
You are missing the elementary point: If it was an issue about discrimination towards Asian men, then yes, her comment would apply to them as well. That was her point. If one understands the issues, then they are more likely to produce the best legal arguments. She is familiar with another aspect of racism.

Understands the issues ... So, white males can't understand the issues?

It's like a black thang, you wouldn't understand?
  • #70
seycyrus said:
I basically reiterated Sot's comment. You are now suggesting that my comment has racist overtones. Mate

I have no idea what you are talking about. It sounded racist and I asked you to explain, so please do.

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