Speed of Falling Objects Creating A Filter System

In summary: Also, the weight of the bag will have to be increased to compensate for the lost energy. Additionally, your system will have to be redesigned to compensate for the weight.
  • #1
I'm currently in High School and we have to create an idea to make the world better. Mine is to use the force of gravity and convert it to energy to power a system that will filter air. This is supposed to be used in developing countries where there are large amounts of biomass and harmful particles in the air, so there can be no electricity used.
Since I have absolutely no advanced knowledge in physics, I made a rough diagram that has the basics of what I want my project to do (it is an attached file, and I suggest looking at that before continuing reading).
So pretty much a weight will go down, and at the same time will generate a force that will suck in the air around it. I want to know how heavy that bag would have to be to suck in the biomass and air particles, and what my system would have to look/be like to accomplish this goal.
I know that's not a lot to go on, but any help would be great! Thanks


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  • #2
The lack of specificity makes it impossible, I think, to answer your question but I have one for you. Since there will inevitably be some amount of wasted energy in getting the bag back up and therefor an overall waste of energy, why is your proposal better than just having someone pull on the rope to move the gears and leave the bag out of it entirely? There ARE possible reasons for using the bag but you have not expressed any knowledge of the issue.

By the way, welcome to the forum.
  • #3
There has been one invention where gravity was used to create electricity. In their case, they used 25kg that dropped at 1mm/1 minute. For something to fall at that same speed for creating a filtration system, is there a way we could figure out more specifics about the filter itself?
  • #4
kenie333 said:
There has been one invention where gravity was used to create electricity.
For low power LED lights:

  • #5
kenie333 said:
There has been one invention where gravity was used to create electricity. In their case, they used 25kg that dropped at 1mm/1 minute. For something to fall at that same speed for creating a filtration system, is there a way we could figure out more specifics about the filter itself?
FIrst, you did not answer my question. The fact that something possibly similar has been done does not answer my question. Second, this is YOUR project. You need to research the filter. I'd suggest as a first cut just poking around on the internet. If you can't find anything useful, maybe open a new thread asking for help on the filter.
  • #6

You need to know how much power it takes to filter the required air flow.

FAQ: Speed of Falling Objects Creating A Filter System

1. What is the speed of falling objects?

The speed of falling objects varies depending on factors such as the mass and shape of the object, as well as the force of gravity. However, in a vacuum, all objects will fall at the same rate of 9.8 meters per second squared.

2. How does the speed of falling objects affect a filter system?

The speed of falling objects can impact a filter system by determining the force and velocity at which particles and debris are pulled through the system. If the objects are falling too quickly, it can cause clogs or damage to the filter. However, if they are falling too slowly, it may not effectively filter out all debris.

3. What are the benefits of using the speed of falling objects to create a filter system?

By utilizing the speed of falling objects, a filter system can be designed to efficiently and effectively filter out particles and debris from a certain area. This can be especially useful in environments with a high concentration of contaminants or in industrial settings.

4. Can the speed of falling objects be manipulated in a filter system?

Yes, the speed of falling objects can be manipulated in a filter system through various means such as adjusting the force of gravity, altering the shape or size of the filter, or using external forces such as air or water pressure to control the speed of falling objects.

5. How can the speed of falling objects be measured in a filter system?

The speed of falling objects can be measured in a filter system through various methods such as using sensors to track the velocity of the falling objects, timing the objects as they pass through different points in the system, or using specialized equipment such as a particle counter to measure the speed and size of particles being filtered out.

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