Static Electricity -- how does it work?

In summary: If you were touching the ground then that would create a negative charge and the metal can would read that way. If you were just touching the metal can then it would read positively.
  • #1
in my physics lab we did an expirement where we had to use an vernier electrostatic kit. So it consisted of placing a metal can inside a metal cage, and both were attached to an plastic disk, and below was a metal plate which was used for grounding.

A black wire was connected from the cage to the metal plate, and a red wire was attached from the metal can to a charge reader, which was connected to a laptop to read the charges. I also had a blue wire in my wrist and it was also connected to the metal plate, for grounding.

my question is this, we rubbed two charge seperators, one white and one gray, and we put the white seperator inside the can, resulting in a positive reading. And then i touched the metal can with my finger resulting in a negative reading (my teacher said that we did something wrong it should have a reading of 0, but that is not important, we only have to explain what happened).

Then i released my finger from the can, and nothing happened. then i released the white charger from the metal can, and the reading become more negative, but why? where did the extra electrons came from at end phase?
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  • #2
I don't know the answer, but today I crossed a local river bridge, the footpath is made of some sort of synthetic rubber.
On arriving at the far side I touched a metal post, part of the bridge, I got quite a severe shock.
  • #3
rootone said:
I don't know the answer, but today I crossed a local river bridge, the footpath is made of some sort of synthetic rubber.
On arriving at the far side I touched a metal post, part of the bridge, I got quite a severe shock.

jajaja so let can you at least tell me if my explanation is correct?

So I think that the white charge separator became negatively charged, which caused the electrons from the metal can to move to the ground (away from the negatively charged white separator) resulting in a positive reading from the metal can (more protons than electrons). then when I touched it, it became neutral (electrons came from the ground since I was wired to the metal plate which served as the ground). I release my finger and nothings happens. then as I removed the white separator, electrons came from the ground (electrons experienced a decreasing force as the negatively charged white separator moved farther), resulting in a negative charge. is that correct?
  • #4
When it comes to conductors, the general rule to remember is that when a charged item is put on another discharged item, and they are conductive, electrons and holes will move about to meet this criteria: Have the same potential, but also not create charge, if the net charge would be say 5 coulombs it'll stay 5 coulombs, conservation of matter for you. (for the purposes of this experiment, not applicable to certain fields)

With the ground it is usually connected to the big oblate spheroid we call earth. The charge would spread so thinly it would be negligible. In fact the smallest you can ever detect would be +/- 1.6*10^-19 coulombs for classical experiments. Which for the purposes of such large scale experiments when compared to an atom is approximately 0.

The electrons had to come from somewhere, if there are no places it could have come from, you should check your instruments, by using another sensor which you'll know for a fact is not faulty, see if they agree. If no such sensor exists, try a multiple of them and see if they agree on the values. If say one out of 10 can't agree with the other 9, it is possible that that one sensor is faulty.

There is a possibility you were connected to the reference ground, but was not directly connected to mains earth, which could be at either a higher potential or lower potential. Was the reading 0 when you just set up the experiment and grounded the can momentarily before doing anything? The answer to that will be your clue.

In our lab experiments we had cases where the equipment was faulty, sometimes we discovered it soon enough for us to change the equipment and take additional measurements. Only in one experiment I did to this day (and may haunt me for the rest of my life) we don't know why we did not see conservation of momentum as described.
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  • #5
thanks! when we set up the instruments, there was already a negative charge before doing anything. I assume that there was humidity, so that could be an issue! thanks for the feedback =D
  • #6
It isn't exactly clear to me what your exact procedure was but you mention touching things half way through the process. That suggests to me that you were in effect, charging the object by Electrostatic Induction.

FAQ: Static Electricity -- how does it work?

1. What is static electricity?

Static electricity is a build-up of electric charges on the surface of an object. It is created when electrons are transferred between two objects that are in contact or rubbed together. One object becomes positively charged and the other becomes negatively charged, resulting in an imbalance of electric charges.

2. How does static electricity work?

Static electricity works through the transfer of electrons between two objects. When objects are in contact or rubbed together, electrons can move from one object to another, causing one object to become positively charged and the other to become negatively charged. This difference in electric charge creates a force, which can cause objects to attract or repel each other.

3. What causes static electricity?

There are several ways that static electricity can be produced. The most common way is through friction, where two objects rub against each other, causing electrons to transfer between them. Other causes include separation of materials, such as when you peel off a piece of tape or comb your hair, and even changes in humidity levels.

4. Why do some materials create more static electricity than others?

Some materials are more likely to gain or lose electrons than others. Materials that are good insulators, such as rubber or plastic, tend to generate more static electricity because they do not allow electrons to flow easily. On the other hand, materials that are good conductors, such as metal, allow electrons to flow freely and do not build up as much static charge.

5. Can static electricity be dangerous?

In most cases, static electricity is harmless. However, in certain situations, such as in an environment with flammable gases or liquids, a spark from static electricity can cause an explosion. Static electricity can also damage sensitive electronic equipment, so it is important to discharge any built-up static charge before handling these devices.

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