Statistics: Width of a Confidence Interval

In summary, the homework statement is that the width of a confidence interval changes depending on the size of the sample. The attempt for part b shows that Sp is just a weighted average of Sx and Sy and therefore shouldn't change much. However, as the sample sizes increase, Sp might change.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am OK with part a, but I am having some troubles with part b.

Homework Equations

Width of a Confidence Interval

The Attempt at a Solution

Attempt for part b:
note: P(T>t_(n1+n2-2),alpha/2)=alpha/2 where T~t distribution with n1+n2-2 degrees of freedom.

Now, as n1 increases and n2 increases,
(i) t_(n1+n2-2),alpha/2 gets smaller
(ii) denominator gets larger
(iii) the ∑ terms gets larger because the upper indices of summation are n1 and n2, respectively

(i) and (ii) push towards a narrower confidence interval, but (iii) pushes towards a wider confidence interval. How can we determine the ultimate result?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
I think the intuitive answer is that the CI will be "narrower", but how can I prove this more rigorously? My method above doesn't seem to work...
  • #3
On your handwritten attempt for part b, use the second to last line instead of the last line. It shows that Sp is just a weighted average of Sx and Sy and therefore should not change much, since the true variances are assumed equal. For your problem, Sx=1.8 and Sy=2.6, so you should assume they are the same and just compute 2t*sqrt{Sp*(etc)} and see that the interval is narrower. Technically Sp might be slightly more or slightly less (and if you compute Sp with Sx=1.8 and Sy=2.6 and then again with interchanged 1.8 and 2.6 you should get an example of both possibilities). The change in t has much more of an effect than any slight change in Sp.
  • #4
"Sp should not change much"

Why?? As the sample sizes increase, wouldn't Sx and Sy change?

  • #5
As the sample sizes increase, wouldn't Sx and Sy change?

Even if the sample size stays the same, Sx and Sy probably would change with every experiment.

But you are using them to estimate the true sigma, which by assumption is the same for both Duracell and Energizer.

And Sp is of the form (a*Sx + b*Sy)/(a+b), in other words just a weighted average of these two.

Question (b) really doesn't seem to be posed as a deep question. In fact, the wording of question (b) suggests that you are supposed to assume that the sample means and sample standard deviations are the same as in (a), but the sample sizes are now different.

FAQ: Statistics: Width of a Confidence Interval

1. What is a confidence interval?

A confidence interval is a range of values that is likely to include the true value of a population parameter with a certain level of confidence. It is often used in statistics to estimate the precision of a sample statistic and to make inferences about a population.

2. How is the width of a confidence interval determined?

The width of a confidence interval is determined by several factors, including the sample size, the standard deviation of the sample, and the desired level of confidence. A larger sample size and a smaller standard deviation will result in a narrower interval, while a higher level of confidence will result in a wider interval.

3. Why is the width of a confidence interval important?

The width of a confidence interval reflects the precision of the estimate. A narrower interval indicates a more precise estimate, while a wider interval indicates a less precise estimate. The width of a confidence interval can also affect the interpretation of the results and the level of confidence in the findings.

4. Can the width of a confidence interval be changed?

Yes, the width of a confidence interval can be changed by altering the factors that determine it, such as the sample size, standard deviation, or level of confidence. However, it is important to carefully consider the impact of changing these factors on the accuracy and precision of the estimate.

5. How is the width of a confidence interval related to the margin of error?

The width of a confidence interval is directly related to the margin of error. The margin of error is the maximum amount that the sample statistic is expected to differ from the true population parameter. A narrower interval will result in a smaller margin of error, indicating a more precise estimate.

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