SULI DOE Acceptance Thread Summer 2017

In summary: I applied to a lot of programs, but I only received an offer from the SULI REU in Astrophysics.In summary, the applicant applied to a number of programs, but was accepted into the SULI REU in Astrophysics.
  • #1
Since I don't see a thread for this already, I'm making one.

This thread is to post updates in your application process, notably acceptances or waitlists.

I applied to SULI at Argonne; they first opened applications up for staff/group review Jan. 26th, and I got an offer in the HEP division that very same day. I rejected it because, as it turns out, my #1 choice of group is interested in me but the HEP group got to me first, haha! I'm going through a different program now for them.
Physics news on
  • #2
I figured I'd get a thread going!

Please post the REU/SULI/OSSI/internship you applied for and update as you hear back! (And specify what subfield/area of concentration, if applicable.)

I'm finishing up my sophomore year for Astrophysics, so I applied to REUs at:
- University of Michigan (Physics)
- Smithsonian (Solar Physics)
- Harvard (Astrophysics)
- Cornell (Astrophysics)
- National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- Arecibo Observatory
- American Museum of Natural History (Astrophysics)

Fingers crossed!
  • #3
I didn't realize one of my institutions had put my birthday on my transcript (very tiny font) and I had submitted this transcript in the past without problems (I am grateful for my past luck). This unfortunately disqualified me because of the personally identifiable information (PII) rule. I e-mailed the coordinators, but they sent back an e-mail that looked suspiciously like a template :cry:. I wish all the others luck! I was hoping to explore the opportunities at Brookhaven and PPPL.

It looks like this was a merged thread and is considering other opportunities too. I may update my post in the future if an alternative plan may work out. Last year, I was not accepted into a SULI program, but I ended up working at one of the NASA locations and did a PCB design for an aircraft instrument.
  • #4
I went back to check my transcripts after reading your post Jprz Xd.

I applied to PPPL and GA. I really hope I'll get at least one. Good luck to everyone! (I'll let y'all know if I get in or not)
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  • #5
Applied for CCI DOE at Brookhaven in Nuclear Technology and such. Still waiting there.

I applied for Nuclear Physics at Michigan State U and am applying for the same at TUNL.
  • #6
Applied for DOE CCI at Fermilab (1st choice) and Argonne (2nd choice), ideally in Accelerator Physics.
Really hoping I get accepted at Fermi! No word yet.
  • #7
I may have applied to an excessive amount of programs.

[program] (expressed interest in)
Applied to:
-Nevis Labs (Part. Phys)
-GA Tech (Part. Phys)
-UIUC (Part. Phys)
-UC Davis (Part. Phys)
-SAO (Astro)
-Cornell (Astro)
-U Chicago (Astro)
-TUNL/DUKE (Part. Phys)
-Northwestern (Part. Phys)
-U Hawaii (Astro)
-Haystack (Astro)
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  • #8
I applied to the DOE CCI at Fermi lab (Argonne 2nd choice) for computer technology. Fermi lab has a web page with the past CCI research projects which seem really interesting. I hope I get accepted as well! It seems like last year most acceptances went out around February 20th so hopefully we will hear within a week.
  • #9
Acceptances have been going out for a while.
  • #10
nyroko said:
Applied for DOE CCI at Fermilab (1st choice) and Argonne (2nd choice), ideally in Accelerator Physics.
Really hoping I get accepted at Fermi! No word yet.

It is too late already for this year, but if you are hoping to do internship in Accelerator Physics, you should seriously look into the Lee Teng internship. It offers quite a bit more than any other internship, because you also get to attend one course at the summer's particle accelerator school.

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Likes Joshy
  • #11
nyroko said:
Applied for DOE CCI at Fermilab (1st choice) and Argonne (2nd choice), ideally in Accelerator Physics.
Really hoping I get accepted at Fermi! No word yet.
I called them today to ask a question, and was told that the first round of acceptances for CCI doesn't go out until February 28th. (Fermilab, anyway.)
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  • #12
ZapperZ said:
It is too late already for this year, but if you are hoping to do internship in Accelerator Physics, you should seriously look into the Lee Teng internship. It offers quite a bit more than any other internship, because you also get to attend one course at the summer's particle accelerator school.

Though I am potentially interested in the Lee Teng Internship for the future, I actually took the Foundations of Accelerator Physics & lab on scholarship about a month ago. Not too sure I am ready to take anything further than this as I have been limited in my math and physics background a bit whilst in community college.. Next winter will be legit though, probably. USPAS says most of their courses are "graduate" level and even most people in my undergraduate course were in grad school.. However, I've heard a few of the courses might be tenable.

Good info for others though, and I will go for it next time. :smile:
  • #13
Has anyone heard back? I applied to LBNL and ANL for Mechanical engineering and haven't heard anything, starting to think I didn't get it.
  • #14
thazard said:
Has anyone heard back? I applied to LBNL and ANL for Mechanical engineering and haven't heard anything, starting to think I didn't get it.
I applied to pppl and ga. The project manager said decisions should be out by the end of week...I'm kinda getting nervous and think I didn't get it :/.
  • #15
Rev said:
I applied to pppl and ga. The project manager said decisions should be out by the end of week...I'm kinda getting nervous and think I didn't get it :/.

I applied to the same and have yet to hear back, so no worries. I know some people from GA (who had it as their first choice) heard back earlier this week, but nothing from PPPL yet. Hang tight.
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  • #16
Anyone heard back from SLAC (for SULI)?
  • #17
For those of you still holding out hope: when I was accepted to SULI at Fermilab in 2014, I did not hear back until March 14.
  • #18
Are there lurkers out there that still have not heard back from SULI? It'd be nice to know if I'm not the only one waiting in this forum.

I'm still waiting on PPPL or GA...and previous year's thread makes it seem like PPPL sent out invites last week :<
  • #19
I got accepted to General Atomics DIII-D in plasma and fusion sciences.

My dream internship! I'm so excited for this summer.
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Likes swirlyink, puddleduck and Joshy
  • #20
Stephen Storment said:
I got accepted to General Atomics DIII-D in plasma and fusion sciences.

My dream internship! I'm so excited for this summer.

What a great area too! I would definitely explore the area if you get the chance. There's Balboa Park towards downtown, and The Coves with a few places I really like such as Bobboi Gelato and Pannikin's Coffee. I would imagine exploring UCSD is fun for visitors to do, and I even think their on campus food is pretty good too :woot:

I'm seeing others full of doubt given the timeline, but I didn't receive an offer until March 3rd when I did it for Summer 2015; I was at SLAC. Don't put all your eggs in one basket too... it's a little bit late to be applying to places, but it's not too late!
  • #21
Jprz said:
What a great area too! I would definitely explore the area if you get the chance. There's Balboa Park towards downtown, and The Coves with a few places I really like such as Bobboi Gelato and Pannikin's Coffee. I would imagine exploring UCSD is fun for visitors to do, and I even think their on campus food is pretty good too :woot:

I'm seeing others full of doubt given the timeline, but I didn't receive an offer until March 3rd when I did it for Summer 2015; I was at SLAC. Don't put all your eggs in one basket too... it's a little bit late to be applying to places, but it's not too late!

I visited San Diego/Del Mar last summer and I absolutely loved it. Can't wait to be back there again.

I heard back from GA on February 8th, if that information matters to anyone.
  • #22
For those who may be interested, I just heard back from PPPL today via email.
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  • #23
arcticfox said:
For those who may be interested, I just heard back from PPPL today via email.
Are you going to be participating?
  • #24
Stephen Storment said:
Are you going to be participating?
Yes! I just accepted the offer five minutes ago. :)
  • #25
arcticfox said:
Yes! I just accepted the offer five minutes ago. :)
Congrats! I believe the PPPL and the GA students will both be attending the same week-long plasma physics course at Princeton during the first week of the program, so I guess I'll be seeing you there.
  • #26
Stephen Storment said:
Congrats! I believe the PPPL and the GA students will both be attending the same week-long plasma physics course at Princeton during the first week of the program, so I guess I'll be seeing you there.
Oh really? How does travel work for GA students then--fly/drive across the country twice? Well if so see you there!
  • #27
It didn't work out for me with SULI this year, but don't lose hope: Last year, I was not selected, and a more preferable opportunity at NASA reached out to me. This year, I was disqualified (PII on my transcript), but two NASA locations reached out to me and both showed me strong signs of a possible offer. I received an offer from one of them today and I happily accepted it.

I did SULI (SLAC) during Summer 2015 and I did not receive my offer until 6th of March, and so I am sure there is still a lot of open positions available, but if you're not hearing anything... don't put all your eggs into one basket :sorry: there are a lot of great opportunities out there.
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  • #28
Jprz said:
I'm seeing others full of doubt given the timeline, but I didn't receive an offer until March 3rd when I did it for Summer 2015; I was at SLAC. Don't put all your eggs in one basket too... it's a little bit late to be applying to places, but it's not too late!

Jprz said:
I did SULI (SLAC) during Summer 2015 and I did not receive my offer until 6th of March, and so I am sure there is still a lot of open positions available, but if you're not hearing anything... don't put all your eggs into one basket :sorry: there are a lot of great opportunities out there.

Not that it's at all likely to be relevant this year, but in 2015 did you hear back from SLAC on March 3rd or March 6th?

By the way, I'm sorry to hear about your application being disqualified for such a mundane reason. I really thought they were exaggerating when they said that PII would void the application.
  • #29
Just received an offer from Fermilab for the CCI program at 1 AM this morning! Just accepted it, but have no idea about the project information. Wew!
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Likes Joshy and puddleduck
  • #30
I was accepted to FermiLab as well! Maybe see you there.
  • #31
Has anyone heard from SLAC yet? At this point I'm fairly sure I didn't get accepted but some closure would be nice.
  • #32
abk1207 said:
Has anyone heard from SLAC yet? At this point I'm fairly sure I didn't get accepted but some closure would be nice.
Don't worry, I haven't heard back from them yet either. Hopefully that just means they're still making their final decisions before they release them.
  • #33
I think the first choice lab are done with offers by now, but we still have the second choice lab!
  • #34
Well... there's an end date for the offer period, and so I wouldn't assume anything just yet because there is still time; however, and again: Don't put all of your eggs into one basket. I recommend calling other places and working out a backup plan, or leveraging potential opportunities between each other (ie. "I've been talking to bla bla bla organization and there seems to be a lot of promise, but your organization is my # 1 choice and I want to make sure before I accept the other offers") I would talk to your university or nearby businesses where you'll likely be for the Summer if you don't get an offer. I think experience really makes a difference... the place doesn't necessarily have to be a National Laboratory or NASA to be worth it :wink: .
  • #35
Anyone who is following this. From what I read some labs historically wait until almost the end to make offers. One of them being Lbnl from what I've read. If anyone has been accepted there already let me know!

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