Symmetry factors (Srednicki, figure 9.11)

In summary, in Srednicki's QFT book, on page 63, figure 9.11 is a Feynman diagram with four external lines, two vertices, one internal line, and one loop placed on one external line. It has a symmetry factor of 4, which accounts for the 2 possibilities of swapping the top and bottom dark circles on the right and the 2 possibilities of swapping the two internal propagators in the loop. The book mentions that this figure shows all connected diagrams with E=4 and V=4, but it does not show the other three possible diagrams where the loop is placed on one of the other three external lines. This is because those diagrams are equivalent due to rotational symmetry. The
  • #1
In Srednicki's QFT book on page 63, figure 9.11, the diagram in the middle of the second row is a Feynman diagram with four external lines, two vertices, one internal line and one loop placed on one external line. It has symmetry factor 4.

Does the symmetry facor stand for the 4 possibilities to place the loop on all four external lines respectively, so that these four diagrams would be equivalent?

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  • #2
No. There is a 2 from switching the top & bottom dark circles on the right, and a 2 from switching the two internal propagators in the loop.
  • #3
Ok. But then the next question, why does the book say that in figure 9.11 we see all connected diagrams with E=4 and V=4? What, for example, with the three other possible diagrams where the loop is placed on one of the three external lines? Where is that accounted for?

thank you
  • #4
kexue said:
Ok. But then the next question, why does the book say that in figure 9.11 we see all connected diagrams with E=4 and V=4? What, for example, with the three other possible diagrams where the loop is placed on one of the three external lines? Where is that accounted for?

We've already counted up those diagrams in the procedure outlined by Srednicki at the bottom of p60, were he talks about rearranging functional derivatives 3! ways, rearranging vertices themselves V! etc...

The point in the symmetry factors is to cancel off any duplicates we may have got by this naive counting, i.e. on the diagram in question swapping the two external props is equivalent to interaching the two func derivs from the right hand vertex, so we'd have naivley counted two diagrams that are exactly the same in our first guess at the number of diagrams, so we need a 1/2 to be introduced to start with.

Swapping the whole loop to another external propagator however is not something we need to consider in the sym factor, as to get the loop onto another arm would mean swapping the two vertices, whilst simultaneously swapping the internal prop and swapping the other external props around. Their is no other way to duplicate this by another set of our moves (we've counted correctly), no way we have overcounted etc. Compare this to get the upper right leg to be the bottom leg, we could either swap the propagators, OR we could swap the functional derivs on the right vertex.

As for why he hasn't drawn the other diagrams, with the loop on other legs, that is just because the diagrams are all equivalent, because they rotate into each other (yes, this is symmetry of the diagram, but a subtely different kind to symmetry factors)
  • #5
Cool! Thank you very much, Avodyne and LAHLH!

FAQ: Symmetry factors (Srednicki, figure 9.11)

1. What are symmetry factors in physics?

Symmetry factors are mathematical quantities used in theoretical physics to account for the different ways in which a physical system can be arranged or transformed while maintaining the same overall physical properties. They are often used in calculations involving Feynman diagrams and perturbation theory.

2. How are symmetry factors calculated?

Symmetry factors are calculated by considering all possible ways in which a given physical process can occur, taking into account the symmetries of the system. This involves counting the number of distinct diagrams that represent the same physical process and dividing by the number of ways in which each diagram can be obtained through symmetry transformations.

3. What is the significance of symmetry factors in theoretical physics?

Symmetry factors are important in theoretical physics because they allow for more accurate and efficient calculations of physical processes. By properly accounting for the symmetries of a system, researchers can reduce the complexity of their calculations and obtain more precise results.

4. How do symmetry factors relate to conservation laws?

In physics, symmetries are closely related to conservation laws. For example, the conservation of momentum can be understood as a consequence of the symmetry of physical systems under translations in space. Similarly, the conservation of electric charge is related to the symmetry of physical systems under gauge transformations. Symmetry factors play a crucial role in calculating the probabilities of these conservation laws being violated.

5. Are symmetry factors always necessary in physics calculations?

No, symmetry factors are not always necessary in physics calculations. In some cases, the symmetries of a system may be trivial or not relevant to the specific physical process being studied. In these cases, the symmetry factor is equal to 1 and does not affect the overall calculation. However, in many cases, symmetry factors are essential for obtaining accurate and meaningful results in theoretical physics.

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