Tangent Vector Spaces: Clarifying Dimension and Interpretation

In summary, the dimension of the tangent vector space at a point on a k-dimensional manifold is always k, regardless of the dimension of the manifold itself. This is because a k-dimensional manifold is locally homeomorphic or diffeomorphic to euclidean k-space, and the tangent space is the linear space that best approximates the manifold. This can be seen in the example of a sphere, where the tangent space at a point on the surface is a 2-dimensional plane, but the sphere itself is a 3-dimensional object.
  • #1
I see in my notes (I don't carry The Encyclopedia Britannica around with me) that George Mostow, in his artical on analytic topology, says "The set of all tangent vectors at m of a k-dimensional manifold constitutes a linear or vector space of which k is the dimension (k real)." Well ok, maybe it is more a paraphrase than a quote.

Shouldn't the dimension of the tangent vector space be k-1? I am imagining the tangent vector space at a point on a three-sphere as a 2-D disk originating at the point, rather as if I had tacked a CD onto my globe of the Earth.

Then on the real Earth, I am at a point, and my tangent space would be the space between me and the horizon? Say I am at sea far from any coast. Should I rather think of the tangent space as the 2d surface of the ocean, or as the 3d space in which the ocean waves occur?


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  • #2
The surface of the Earth is 2-d (locally). That it lives ina 3d space is neither here nor there.

I don't know about anyone else, but my definition of a k-dimensional manifold is that locally (i.e. the tangent space) a k-dimensional vector space. So of course it should not be k-1. Unless you think that the surface of the Earth is 1 dimensional.
  • #3
a point on a 3-sphere can be thought of as a point on the unit 3-d sphere or the 2-d unit shell. The tangent space to the unit shell is the 2-d plane that is tangent at that point. But for the 3-d sphere, the tangent space is 3 dimensional.
  • #4
rtharbaugh1 said:
I see in my notes (I don't carry The Encyclopedia Britannica around with me) that George Mostow, in his artical on analytic topology, says "The set of all tangent vectors at m of a k-dimensional manifold constitutes a linear or vector space of which k is the dimension (k real)." Well ok, maybe it is more a paraphrase than a quote.

Shouldn't the dimension of the tangent vector space be k-1? I am imagining the tangent vector space at a point on a three-sphere as a 2-D disk originating at the point, rather as if I had tacked a CD onto my globe of the Earth.

Then on the real Earth, I am at a point, and my tangent space would be the space between me and the horizon? Say I am at sea far from any coast. Should I rather think of the tangent space as the 2d surface of the ocean, or as the 3d space in which the ocean waves occur?


As others have pointed out, the 2-D disk you are seeing as the tangent space is the tangent space to the 2-dimensional surface of the sphere, not to the 3- dimensional sphere itself.
  • #5
All a k-dimensional manifold is, is a space which locally "looks" like euclidean k-space. So in sufficiently "small" regions you would expect vectors to behave like they would in euclidean k-space, meaning the vectors "live" in a k-dimensional space. When you consider the whole manifold again, those k-dimensional spaces appear as the tangent spaces since they change as you move along the manifold.
  • #6
a k manifold is something locally homeomorphic (or diffeomorphic) to R^k, while a k vector space is something linearly isomorphic to R^k.

the tgangent space is the linear space that best approxiamtes the manifold. It makes sense it should have the same dimension.

a sphere in R^3 is locally diffeomorphic to the plane, via stereographic projection, hence a sphere is 2 dimensional.
  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
As others have pointed out, the 2-D disk you are seeing as the tangent space is the tangent space to the 2-dimensional surface of the sphere, not to the 3- dimensional sphere itself.

And to speak precisely, sphere always means just the surface. If you want the volume contained in it, that's a ball!
  • #8
Thanks to all. I think I get it now. R.

FAQ: Tangent Vector Spaces: Clarifying Dimension and Interpretation

1. What is a tangent vector space?

A tangent vector space is a mathematical concept that describes the set of all possible tangent vectors at a given point on a curved surface. These vectors are used to represent the direction and rate of change of a curve at a specific point.

2. How is a tangent vector space different from a regular vector space?

In a regular vector space, vectors can be defined and operate at any point in space. In a tangent vector space, the vectors are specifically defined at a single point on a curved surface and are only applicable to that point.

3. What is the purpose of a tangent vector space?

A tangent vector space is used to help describe and analyze curved surfaces in mathematics, physics, and engineering. It is particularly useful in fields such as differential geometry, where it is used to study the properties of surfaces and curves.

4. How is a tangent vector different from a normal vector?

A normal vector is perpendicular to a surface at a given point, while a tangent vector is parallel to the surface at that point. Normal vectors are used to determine the direction of a surface, while tangent vectors are used to describe the direction of a curve on the surface.

5. Are all tangent vectors the same?

No, tangent vectors can vary in magnitude and direction depending on the point on the surface they are defined at. They can also have different rates of change, as they represent the direction and rate of change of a curve at a specific point.

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