The Andromeda Paradox: A Reflection of Quantum Mechanics?

In summary, the Andromeda paradox is a thought experiment that demonstrates how simultaneity is relative and can result in different observations for two observers in different locations. This paradox also highlights the finite speed of light and how it can affect the perception of events. It was initially seen as a potential explanation for the concept of "spooky action at a distance" in quantum mechanics, but is now recognized as a paradox of relativity. Although some may argue that it is not truly a paradox, it serves as a useful tool for understanding the concept of simultaneity and the relativity of time.
  • #1

Can someone explain the" ? What does it mean, philosophically/etc? Local and non-local events. Time? Was this paradox an invitation for an explanation of the unknown concept at the time called "spooky action at a distance"? Which we can now call QM?
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  • #2
Suppose the Andromedans launch a fleet of spaceships to invade Earth. The launch happens on April 4, Earth time--in Earth's reference frame, the launching of the spaceships is simultaneous with the clocks striking midnight on April 4. When the light from that event reaches Earth, Earthlings take into account the finite speed of light as well as the distance to Andromeda, and deduce that the spaceships were launched on midnight of April 4, 2011.

For somebody who starts traveling towards Andromeda on April 4, Earth time, the launch of the spaceships happens on a later date, say April 5. That is to say, when he receives light from the event and calculates when it was emitted, he will get April 5.

Neither the Earthlings nor the traveling observer will know about the launch for millions of years. If our traveller decides to stay on Earth instead of continuing towards Andromeda, he would receive information about the launch at the same time as everybody else. If he continues his journey, he would obviously receive news of the launch sooner. However, he cannot convey this information to Earth until his radio signals actually reach Earth, and this will not happen before light from Andromeda reaches Earth directly. The fact that the launch happened on April 5 in the observer's reference frame results in absolutely no observable difference.
  • #3
As I'm reading in other threads on this topic. Some claim that the paradox is only apparent, or even not really a paradox. Do you have any idea why Penrose labeled this thought experiment as a "paradox"?
  • #4
"Two people pass each other on the street; and according to one of the two people, an Andromedean space fleet has already set off on its journey, while to the other, the decision as to whether or not the journey will actually take place has not yet been made. How can there still be some uncertainty as to the outcome of that decision? If to either person the decision has already been made, then surely there cannot be any uncertainty. The launching of the space fleet is an inevitability."
So, does this paradox arise because of the fact that "simultaneity" is observer dependent but not in respect to "objective" reality, at the same time?
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  • #5
Willowz said:
As I'm reading in other threads on this topic. Some claim that the paradox is only apparent, or even not really a paradox. Do you have any idea why Penrose labeled this thought experiment as a "paradox"?

You realize this is a "paradox" of relativity, not quantum mechanics? And also that there is no violation of locality involved.

This is a common source of discussion and this thread handles it well...

And checking Penrose's Emperor's New Mind, where he gave the example, he does not call it a paradox. Instead he is trying to illustrate that what seems strange is true.
  • #6
Thank you. Got lost in my own ramblings. :smile:
  • #7
Curses, foiled again.

I would have thought the paradox was why are we going to crash with it in 5 or so billion years when everything in the universe is moving away from us. But I have little education and know less.
  • #8
The Andromeda paradox just illustrates how distant two different hyperplanes of simultaneity can be for two close observers.

Related to The Andromeda Paradox: A Reflection of Quantum Mechanics?

1. What is "The Andromeda Paradox" and how does it reflect quantum mechanics?

"The Andromeda Paradox" is a thought experiment that highlights the paradoxical nature of the universe according to quantum mechanics. It involves two observers, one on Earth and one on a spaceship traveling towards the Andromeda galaxy. According to quantum mechanics, the observer on Earth would see the spaceship as both moving towards and away from the galaxy at the same time, while the observer on the spaceship would only see the galaxy getting closer. This paradox reflects the concept of superposition in quantum mechanics, where particles can exist in multiple states at the same time.

2. How does "The Andromeda Paradox" challenge our understanding of reality?

"The Andromeda Paradox" challenges our understanding of reality by demonstrating that our perception of the universe is limited by our perspective. It shows that reality is not always as straightforward as we think it is, and that our observations can influence the outcome of an experiment. It also raises questions about the nature of time and space, as well as the concept of causality.

3. Can "The Andromeda Paradox" be proven or tested?

As a thought experiment, "The Andromeda Paradox" cannot be tested in a traditional sense. However, similar experiments have been conducted in quantum physics research, such as the double-slit experiment, which have yielded results that support the paradoxical nature of quantum mechanics. These experiments provide evidence for the principles behind "The Andromeda Paradox," but they do not directly prove it.

4. How does "The Andromeda Paradox" relate to other theories in physics?

"The Andromeda Paradox" has connections to other theories in physics, such as the theory of relativity and the concept of entanglement. It also ties in with the wave-particle duality of light and the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. These theories all contribute to our understanding of the paradox and provide different perspectives on the nature of reality.

5. What implications does "The Andromeda Paradox" have for the future of science and technology?

"The Andromeda Paradox" has significant implications for the future of science and technology. It challenges traditional notions of cause and effect, which could lead to new approaches in fields such as artificial intelligence and computing. It also opens up possibilities for quantum technologies, such as quantum computing and communication, which could have a profound impact on our society. Additionally, the paradox highlights the need for further research and exploration in the field of quantum mechanics, as we continue to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

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