The Appeal of Dressing Fashionably for Men

  • Thread starter mcknia07
  • Start date
In summary, guys who dress fashionably tend to be more attractive to women. This is because they dress in a sophisticated way that shows they care about their appearance. They also tend to be more comfortable in formal clothing, because they don't rely on it as much. However, the cost of fashionable clothing can be prohibitive for some, and may not be necessary for others.
  • #36
Cyrus said:
God damn that's awful.

He looks cool to me

and ...

Dark Jeans [CHECK -like 80%]
, belt [CHECK -like 100%]
, solid black t-shirt [FAILED-0%]
, and nice shoes [CHECK -like 100%]

. It has that architect look. I personally like it.
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  • #37
rootX said:
He looks cool to me

and ...

Dark Jeans [CHECK -like 80%]
, belt [CHECK -like 100%]
, solid black t-shirt [FAILED-0%]
, and nice shoes [CHECK -like 100%]

His shoes look like shi...

His shirt looks like shi...

Pretty much everything he has on looks like know what.

Plus, I said NICE shoes. I wouldn't give those shoes to the salvation army without paying them to take it off my hands.
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  • #38
I don't call that a t-shirt. It's a long sleeve pullover.

Wow, does he have teeny-tiny feet?
  • #39

Perhaps that clarifies what I mean by 'nice shoes' Rootx.
  • #40
Or this


  • t-shirt.jpg
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  • #41
Is that guy carrying a purse?
  • #42
SticksandStones said:
Is that guy carrying a purse?

You've never heard of a messenger bag? They've been around for about 100 years now...

  • #43
Cyrus said:

Perhaps that clarifies what I mean by 'nice shoes' Rootx.

Ok that guy scores 100! He has everything.

Other than wearing a hybrid t-shirt and white shoes and missing belt and also little white hairs and carrying no messenger bag, Steve pretty much looks the same I guess.. maybe.

Evo said:
Or this

This guys score less than <25. No shoes, no dark t-shirt ..
  • #44
rootX said:
Ok that guy scores 100! He has everything.

Other than wearing a hybrid t-shirt and white shoes and missing belt and also little white hairs and carrying no messenger bag, Steve pretty much looks the same I guess.. maybe. Jobs looks stupid. Sorry. When you're worth that much and you're talking on stage, you can afford to buy something half decent to wear.
  • #45
rootX said:
This guys score less than <25. No shoes, no dark t-shirt ..

LOL, so because you can't see his shoes, that means he isn't wearing any? Also, whilst that t-shirt really doesn't look good on that guy, I disagree with the opinion that only dark t-shirts look good!
  • #46
cristo said:
LOL, so because you can't see his shoes, that means he isn't wearing any? Also, whilst that t-shirt really doesn't look good on that guy, I disagree with the opinion that only dark t-shirts look good!

Who said anything about *only* dark t-shirts?
  • #47
Cyrus said:
Who said anything about *only* dark t-shirts?

The fact that rootx is pointing out a negative of the picture Evo posted as "no dark shirt," seems to imply that he thinks only dark shirts look good.
  • #48
cristo said:
The fact that rootx is pointing out a negative of the picture Evo posted as "no dark shirt," seems to imply that he thinks only dark shirts look good.

Ah, we'll he is rather clueless though! :-p
  • #49
Cyrus said:
You've never heard of a messenger bag? They've been around for about 100 years now...

I'm of the opinion that messenger bags should hang lower while walking. But that's just me. The way he's holding it makes it look more like a purse, but what do I know?
  • #50
cristo said:
The fact that rootx is pointing out a negative of the picture Evo posted as "no dark shirt," seems to imply that he thinks only dark shirts look good.

No cyrus said that guy need to have black t-shirt and black shoes etc (see his picture), and I was using that.

" Dark Jeans, belt, solid black t-shirt, and nice shoes. It has that architect look. I personally like it. "

And yea, I don't have any personal way of telling which one looks nice (all the same).
  • #51
"It's european!"

I agree it does look like a purse. At first, I thought you were commenting on the picture Evo posted. Either way though, what the hell does it matter if it looks like a purse? I don't understand the insecurity about a guy wearing a purse like bag that most guys have.
  • #52
rootX said:
No cyrus said that guy need to have black t-shirt and black shoes etc (see his picture), and I was using that.

No, I never said it the way you worded it.

Damn, you don't pay attention! (smacks rootx upside the head)
  • #53
I don't mind a guy wearing jeans and a t-shirt, as long as we're not going someplace where nicer attire is more appropriate (i.e., out to dinner). But, the jeans and t-shirt HAVE to fit right! That's what makes most guys look like slobs, it's not the clothes, but the fit of the clothes. If you're either cinching the jeans on with a belt so they make you look like you've got no butt, or you're sucking in your gut to button them under your beer belly, they're not going to look good. Likewise, if you're in your 30s and you've owned that t-shirt since high school, chances are it's too tight, too faded and too full of holes to even be used as a dust rag let alone clothing. And, if you're wearing a shirt three sizes too big, you're going to look like a scrawny dweeb, no matter how much time you spend at the gym.

Actually, same goes with the nice dress clothes. If they don't fit you right, it doesn't matter, you're still going to look like a dork. The seam of the shoulder should line up with the end of your shoulder, not hang several inches down your arm. If you're thin and buying off-the-rack, either find a slim fitting shirt, or spend the extra $10 to take it to a tailor and have the side seams taken into fit you better. Make sure you're buying the right collar size too. If you're getting over-sized collars, you're going to look like a pencil-neck. Not flattering, and impossible to put on a tie and make it look right. It goes without saying that you don't want it so tight it's choking you either.

And, it's amazing how just trading in the white sneakers for a nice pair of shoes can make jeans and a t-shirt look so much nicer. Save the sneakers for when you're doing a lot of walking, such as if you go out walking on trails in a park or sightseeing in a city. If you're going out somewhere like the mall or even to a casual eating place where jeans are acceptable, put on nice shoes. Such a simple change makes such a difference in appearance.
  • #54
I just verified with Evo Child, there are still "no t-shirts" signs at the nicer local clubs. That's how it was when I went clubbing, so that hasn't changed. Some restaurants I've been to require a jacket and some even a tie and have extras to provide to customers that show up inappropriately dressed.

I remember one restaurant in Chicago my date from London and I went to, he had a jacket and tie, but was wearing nice corduroy pants, which were fashionable then and he wasn't allowed in.
  • #55
Evo said:
I just verified with Evo Child, there are still "no t-shirts" signs at the nicer local clubs. That's how it was when I went clubbing, so that hasn't changed. Some restaurants I've been to require a jacket and some even a tie and have extras to provide to customers that show up inappropriately dressed.

I remember one restaurant in Chicago my date from London and I went to, he had a jacket and tie, but was wearing nice corduroy pants, which were fashionable then and he wasn't allowed in.

It really does depend on the t-shirt here. You can get into a nice club with a t-shirt, but it's got to be a nice designer t-shirt.
  • #56
Okay, just to help those who can't see the difference, here are the two photos from earlier in the thread, but with some arrows added. Both are wearing jeans and a black shirt. But, in the one with the runway model, look at where the shoulder seam is. On Steve Jobs, look at where it's way down his arm looking sloppy. Then, look at the baggy saggy butt on Steve Jobs because his jeans don't fit right (and that light color never looks good on an older should have been left in the 80s where those jeans were found). By comparison, look at the runway model and see how his jeans fit his body closely...even though he's a slender guy, he looks better because they aren't baggy on him. Even that model would look like a dork if he wore the same fit of clothes as Steve Jobs was wearing in that photo.


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  • Jobs.JPG
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  • #57
Cyrus said:
It really does depend on the t-shirt here. You can get into a nice club with a t-shirt, but it's got to be a nice designer t-shirt.

What the heck is a nice designer t-shirt? Does that just mean it has to advertise for the designer and have their logo on it? How on Earth could you tell the difference as long as it isn't so super-cheap that it's obviously very thin fabric?
  • #58
Gordon Ramsay can pull off a t-shirt.

He can also pull off the "dead dear over the shoulder" look too.


  • ramsay.jpg
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  • ramsay dead dear.jpg
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  • #59
Evo said:
Gordon Ramsay can pull off a t-shirt.

Yep...see, all it takes is for it to fit right. :biggrin:
  • #61
The pic that Cyrus posted is a good example on how a man should dress. (clean, crisp, nicely put together, etc...)
  • #63
Moonbear said:
What's special about those? The first one is just a striped t-shirt. The second two are UGLY patterns. Nothing about them says they're anything other than just another t-shirt.

Basically, they cost a lot of money. That's about it. Which is why I said earlier I'm not paying more than $50 on a t-shirt. But when someone is wearing this to a nice bar, they usually have on equally expensive jeans, shoes, and maybe a blazer. You can tell the t-shirt they are wearing isn't cheap.

I'm also not a fan of those t-shirts with the patterns on them like that. I just like a simple solid or stripe t-shirt.
  • #65
Me wearing said black t-shirt:

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  • #66
mcknia07 said:
They have shirts like that at Khols and I love them, they are cute. Just wish more guys would look at the manicans and see how they look and go from there :biggrin:

Most manicans use steriods. LOTS of steroids.
  • #67
Moonbear said:
What's special about those? The first one is just a striped t-shirt. The second two are UGLY patterns. Nothing about them says they're anything other than just another t-shirt.
They're Hugo Boss. They're recognizable. Evo Child says that designer t-shirts are allowed. People that know fashion can tell. It would be lost on me. Like my girlfriends that could tell if a man's shoes cost under $600. The guys I worked with always wore fine suits, usually costing around $1,600 at Barney's. Your boyfriend probably shops at Barney's. Have him take you there, my ex stocks up whenever he's in NY.
  • #68
Cyrus said:
Most manicans use steriods. LOTS of steroids.

I never said they have to have bodies like the manicans, nice defination though.

Nice example though Cy!
  • #69
Cyrus said:
Me wearing said black t-shirt:

[PLAIN][/QUOTE]Wow, for a moment I thought you'd cropped Gordon Ramsay.
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  • #70
Evo said:
Wow, for a moment I thought you'd cropped Gordon Ramsay.

AHAHAHAH, ramsey is crampin my style. That was pure coincidence! Plus, Ramsey is all alone, I have friends because I don't curse at everyone. F***in frenchmen...bullocks.

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