The Big Question: Folding or Scrunching Toiletries?

  • Thread starter ||spoon||
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In summary: I am a folder from way back. As a matter of fact, I believe I come from several generations of folders.I just can't imagine life before toilet paper. But having traveled through Europe where bathrooms at train stations are no more than holes in the floor and nothing to wipe with. That toilets on trains were simply holes in the bottom of the train where you could see the track going by under you and the breeze was not conducive to urinating. Of course there was a sign asking you not to relieve yourself when nearing a road crossing as you would spray people waiting to cross.Well, I figure the OP should put in his two cents about now.I would say i am a

scrunching or folding??

  • I'm a folder!

    Votes: 23 57.5%
  • I'm a scruncher!

    Votes: 13 32.5%
  • I have a different method (explain!?!?)

    Votes: 4 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • #36
I love Jimmy Doohan's response when someone asked him why there appeared to be no toilets on the Enterprise. He said that they didn't need them; they just set the phasers very carefully. :approve:
Physics news on
  • #37
They have bidets in Argentina where I used to live, but I never used one (well, never again after the first time I did)... call me crazy, but having a blast of cold water shot up at my butt doesn't sound like the sort of activity in which I'd like to partake on a daily basis.

Moonbear said:
Well, if you're going to fold, why bother using more than one sheet at a time? You get the same surface area that way.

Touché, Moonbear (or tushy, I guess). It could all come down to brand: with the cheaper, thinner, brands, one cannot risk the one-square-wipe, as Evo pointed out, due to the high likelihood of finger pokage.
But, as hotcommodity pointed out earlier, with insufficient paper, the scrunch will also fail.

So in the end, I still stand by my choice, and believe the fold to be far superior.
  • #38
Crumpling or Scrumpling accommodates for the varying shapes and sizes in human anotomy. Crumplers do not need to make the job look pretty because they know it isn't in the first place. A Crumplers crumple shows his/her character where as a folder falls victim to a uniform proceedure.
  • #39
G01 said:
I am WAY TOO LAZY to fold...

There are only so many hours in a day, people! How many hours are wasted folding?! :biggrin:

9.253 hours so far.

I will have to analyze if my binary fold method is more time efficient than Evo's cascading fold.

Though one should remember that time isn't everything. Being more green, and less brown, should be the goal: Saving the planet one tp square at a time.
  • #40
I scrunch. I find that the $50 bill is ideal for this purpose, the $20 being too stiff and the $100 too dear.
  • #41
Credit card offers folded 12 times is the most efficient option.

You people actually buy toilet paper? Don't you care about the environment? Don't you realize that Americans use 23 kg of toilet paper per person per year? That's way too much toilet paper. People in Asia only use 1.8 kg of toilet paper per year.

If you have to use toilet paper, you ought to use one square at a time. They put those perforations on there for a reason, you know!

Bottom Lines - Worldwide toilet paper usage
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  • #43
Sheryl Crow even endorses my idea of using less toilet paper. She even has some great ideas about how to reduce the use of napkins and kleenex. I mean, what other purpose can there be for shirt sleeves besides wiping your nose or your mouth (personally, I prefer to use my left sleeve for wiping my nose and my right sleeve for wiping my mouth).

Of course, using less toilet paper can cause some in some people:

Karl Rove said:
I just got an eyewitness account of the Karl Rove-Laurie David-Sheryl Crow encounter at the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday night ...

Crow described the ending this way: "In his attempt to dismiss us, Mr. Rove turned to head toward his table, but as soon as he did so, Sheryl reached out to touch his arm. Karl swung around and spat, 'Don't touch me.' How hardened and removed from reality must a person be to refuse to be touched by Sheryl Crow?

Well, actually, he was probably worried about whether she'd used enough toilet paper.
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  • #44
A personal pet-peeve for my toilet paper is that it BETTER be hanging down infront. Else it'll annoy me to no ends. Or atleast the duration of the time spent near it...
  • #45
lol. I'm definitely a folder, lol.
  • #46
BobG said:
Sheryl Crow even endorses my idea of using less toilet paper. She even has some great ideas about how to reduce the use of napkins and kleenex. I mean, what other purpose can there be for shirt sleeves besides wiping your nose or your mouth (personally, I prefer to use my left sleeve for wiping my nose and my right sleeve for wiping my mouth).

Of course, using less toilet paper can cause some in some people:

Well, actually, he was probably worried about whether she'd used enough toilet paper.

:smile: WaahahhaHAhaHAaa!... eww.
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  • #47
Thanks to Captain Quasar for reminding me of this in another thread.
I always wondered how Edward Scissorhands dealt with this situation. :eek:
  • #48
Danger said:
Thanks to Captain Quasar for reminding me of this in another thread.
I always wondered how Edward Scissorhands dealt with this situation. :eek:

He has a bidet of course :rolleyes:
  • #49
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  • #52
I studied russian for a bit in second year, there was a girl named Gabrielle in my class, she was cute. I got drunk at our end of term party and hit on her and never saw her again.
  • #53
NeoDevin said:
I studied russian for a bit in second year, there was a girl named Gabrielle in my class, she was cute. I got drunk at our end of term party and hit on her and never saw her again.

So the whole thing just went down the toilet with Gabrielle, sorry to hear that. :wink:
  • #54
It was quite entertaining to hear the stories the next day, I didn't remember any of it.
  • #55
Oh, I get it now! That's what that roll in the bathroom is for. I thought they were just little napkins for cleaning up bathroom spills and blowing one's nose and stuff. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

It seems as if folding is the preferred method. I'll start with that one.
  • #56
Yes! The folders win, all is right with the world.
  • #57
What's a scruncher and what's a folder ?

define "to scrunch" : make a noise typical of an engine lacking lubricants


  • #58

Is anyone else thinking splashback hell?

If folding were the way to go, TP would come in huge pre-folded packs. It doesn't.
  • #59
marlon said:
What's a scruncher and what's a folder ?

Both sound pretty primitive to me.

By the bye, since the subject of Asian trains came up earlier, did any of you see that report a day or two back about the lady who prematurely gave birth on a train toilet and the baby ended up on the tracks? Amazing story of survival.
  • #60
Wow, this is still going?
  • #61
_Mayday_ said:
Wow, this is still going?

Yeah. It's amazing what bored people will latch onto.
  • #62
I can't believe so many people fold!
  • #63
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  • #64
_Mayday_ said:
I can't believe so many people fold!

I never knew there were two methods and people scrunched until a couple of years ago :rolleyes: Yes I've lived a sheltered life.
  • #65
Put it this way. I would rather have a few inches of scrunched paper between my hand and my bum, than a folder who only has one or two layers.
  • #66
_Mayday_ said:
Put it this way. I would rather have a few inches of scrunched paper between my hand and my bum, than a folder who only has one or two layers.

Thats why we should all wash our hands after we use the toilet :wink:
  • #67
Kurdt said:
Thats why we should all wash our hands after we use the toilet :wink:


Even though the final result may be the same (Clean hands and a clean bottom) I would prefer to skip the "Wash hands because 2 layers wasn't enough" stage. :-p
  • #68
_Mayday_ said:

Even though the final result may be the same (Clean hands and a clean bottom) I would prefer to skip the "Wash hands because 2 layers wasn't enough" stage. :-p

:eek: You mean you don't wash anyway?
  • #69
Kurdt said:
:eek: You mean you don't wash anyway?

I wash my hands lol! :rolleyes:

Before I dig myself into a massive hole I will say.

I wash my hands

I scrunch

  • #70
Discussions like this make me wish that I was a dog.

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