The Dangerous Influence of Far-Right Talk Radio on American Politics

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  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: And it's scary to think that there are people out there who actually believe and support his extreme views. It's also concerning that this type of rhetoric is influencing and shaping the political landscape in our country. In summary, Michael Savage, host of a popular right-wing talk radio show, is known for making outrageous and controversial statements. He has a large following, but his extreme views and fear-mongering tactics are concerning and have the potential to negatively impact our society and political climate.
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  • #107
What did he say that is factually incorrect? I only watched about half of it, but so far it sounds right.

btw, I don't watch Olberman or anyone who yells at the camera.
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  • #108
Its all the hyperbole in there ramped up to 120dbl, same thing as Savage.
  • #109
mheslep said:
Its all the hyperbole in there ramped up to 120dbl, same thing as Savage.

What I saw is not even close to savage. You really can't tell the difference?

Does Olberman tell people to open their window and scream at other people driving on the freeway, as Savage say he does [Savage sounds like a real psycho]? Did Olberman call all conservatives fascists or perverts? Does he attack education? Where do we find any attacks like this with Olberman?

What I heard was factually correct.
  • #110
Ivan Seeking said:
What I heard was factually correct.

That's the saddest thing of all...
  • #111
Ivan Seeking said:
What I saw is not even close to savage. You really can't tell the difference?
Yes Savage is apparently much less pompous. I also see Savage has a PhD in biochem from Berkeley.

Does Olberman tell people to open their window and scream at other people driving on the freeway, as Savage say he does [Savage sounds like a real psycho]? Did Olberman call all conservatives fascists or perverts? Does he attack education? Where do we find any attacks like this with Olberman?

What I heard was factually correct.
As I said its hyperbole; half of Olberman is not subject to fact checking at all as in "cold blooded murderers" and "Shut the hell up" at the end.
  • #112
This comparison between Olbermann and Savage is completely ridiculous! mheslep, did you watch the clip posted in one of the early posts?

Or try this one. Savage's response to a prank caller who identified himself as gay and poked fun at Savage's teeth:
Savage said:
Oh, so you're one of those sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig; how's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig? You got nothing better to do than to put me down, you piece of garbage? You got nothing to do today? Go eat a sausage, and choke on it. Get trichinosis. Now do we have another nice caller here who's busy because he didn't have a nice night in the bathhouse who's angry at me today? Put another, put another sodomite more calls?...I don't care about these bums; they mean nothing to me. They're all sausages.
  • #113
Savage is THE MAN. He doesn't hold back. Not worried about offending anyone.
  • #114
Gokul43201 said:
This comparison between Olbermann and Savage is completely ridiculous! mheslep, did you watch the clip posted in one of the early posts?

Or try this one. Savage's response to a prank caller who identified himself as gay and poked fun at Savage's teeth:
Never said the two were the same. Yes that's some Bronx style street vulgarity from Savage, offensive or at least boring. Olberman's offensive in another way. If you think you're going to convince me Olbernan's rants and his regular "worst person in the world" are not offensive, for other reasons, you are wasting your time.

BTW - check Obama on the subject. He called Wright offensive and over the top for some of Wrights rants that parallel Olberman, again just with a different style.
  • #115
mheslep said:
Yes that's some Bronx style street vulgarity from Savage, offensive or at least boring.
Please let's not confuse bigotry with slang.
  • #116
mheslep said:
Yes Savage is apparently much less pompous. I also see Savage has a PhD in biochem from Berkeley.
From Berkeley? He chose to go to what is arguably the most liberal campus in the entire country? Does Savage actually have a far left background that he wishes to hide?

A minute of looking around...and I find he does not have a PhD in Biochemistry, but a PhD in ... get this: Nutritional Ethnomedicine!

Can anyone here name a field that Savage himself would more loudly scream at as being "liberal"?

But this gets better...Savage, as Michael Weiner, has written a The Complete Book of Homeopathy, the Holistic and Natural Way to Good Health.

Not only is he a loudmouthed bigot who appears to be hiding a liberal past, but he's also a crackpot and a quack.
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  • #117
Gokul43201 said:
Please let's not confuse bigotry with slang.
I don't think I have. The street stuff you can commonly hear in parts of NY wouldn't pass off as just slang.
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  • #118
seycyrus said:
Well that certainly is a stupid bumper sticker.

That's simply announcing to the world that you have already been brainwashed.

Why would you be for a war? The last time a US war was justified was WW2 and that was because we were attacked by an actual country first, and Europe had already been ravaged.

Oh, I guess "Gulf War 1" kind of counts, too.

Seriously, I'm trying to understand your mindset here.
  • #119
Gokul43201 said:
Not only is he a loudmouthed bigot who appears to be hiding a liberal past, but he's also a crackpot and a quack.

You forgot hypocrite.
  • #120
drankin said:
This is liberal extremism. As Dr Savage points out, that mindset is a mental disorder. English want to be English, Irish want to be Irish, French want to continue being French, Americans want to be Americans, Iranians want to be Iranians... take away their borders and they lose their culture, their identity, their government and their language. Your idea, though ideal in a strange sort of way, is not even close to reality.

What's wrong with losing their culture, identity, government, and language?

Let me tell you my story. I was born in Greece to Polish parents and live in the US. I only lived in Greece for 3 months before coming to the US but lived in Poland for a total of about 4 years. While in the US I moved from the East Coast to the West Coast.

My point? My sense of culture, identity, government, and language has completely eroded. And I LOVE it. I honestly don't care where I live anymore. I have no ties to any country or culture and do what I please instead of what I "should" as part of a country.

The idea that French want to be French and Irish want to be Irish and English want to be English is a completely manufactured and arbitrary labeling of those people. Jesus Christ, do you have any idea how frickin' TINY England and Ireland are? You take away the border and nobody would care. The only reason they don't want to assimilate into one big Great Britain like they should is because they are butt hurt about all the wars in the past.

You know what's a mental disorder? Wanting to die for your leader. Wanting to die for a tiny piece of land that you can't even call your own because the government has the final say on it. "For King and Country."? Please. There are much more worthwhile causes to die for than that.
  • #121
Poop-Loops said:
Why would you be for a war?

The bumper sticker implies a certain foreknowledge about the events involved in the next *war*. Does it not?

Can these people tell the future?

I think it is fair to say that certain judgements have been made about the participants.

Poop-Loops said:
The last time a US war was justified was WW2 and that was because we were attacked by an actual country first, and Europe had already been ravaged..

You are aware that there are people who will make claims that the US was the actual instigator of hostilities in WW2?

I do not hold that point of view, nor am I here to argue that position, rather I am pointing out that such theories do exist.

It is my contention that the people who support such ideas are the same ones that would sport a bumper sticker that says "I am already against the next war."

The implied "no matter what", is the troubling part.
  • #122
seycyrus said:
The bumper sticker implies a certain foreknowledge about the events involved in the next *war*. Does it not?

Can these people tell the future?

I think it is fair to say that certain judgements have been made about the participants.

I'm still not understanding. There IS a foreknowledge of the next war. People will die, innocent people, economies will be ravaged, and pain all around. No matter what else, we can all agree that those things are bad.

You are aware that there are people who will make claims that the US was the actual instigator of hostilities in WW2?

I do not hold that point of view, nor am I here to argue that position, rather I am pointing out that such theories do exist.

That's fascinating. What does it have to do with anything here? Oh, do you mean that the US traded with Germany during WW2? That's a far cry from actually instigating violence, but, well, I think this clip shows it best:

It is my contention that the people who support such ideas are the same ones that would sport a bumper sticker that says "I am already against the next war."

Your contention is the problem. I am already against the next war and I don't believe in those "theories" you were talking about. Oops.

The implied "no matter what", is the troubling part.

No matter what, war is bad. How you can say otherwise is unimaginable to me.
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  • #123
Poop-Loops said:
Why would you be for a war? The last time a US war was justified was WW2 and that was because we were attacked by an actual country first, and Europe had already been ravaged.
How was the US declaration of war on Germany justified? Germany did not attack the US prior to the US entry, shipping to support Germany's enemy Britain aside.
  • #124
Poop-Loops said:
The idea that French want to be French and Irish want to be Irish and English want to be English is a completely manufactured and arbitrary labeling of those people. Jesus Christ, do you have any idea how frickin' TINY England and Ireland are? You take away the border and nobody would care.

Wow, that is a really ignorant statement!
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  • #125
mheslep said:
How was the US declaration of war on Germany justified? Germany did not attack the US prior to the US entry, shipping to support Germany's enemy Britain aside.

Okay, so when's the last war that WAS justified then? Why would someone not be against future wars?
  • #126
Poop-Loops said:
I'm still not understanding. There IS a foreknowledge of the next war. People will die, innocent people, economies will be ravaged, and pain all around. No matter what else, we can all agree that those things are bad.

Not to be unfeeling (I am making a point), but those things will happen, regardless of whether a war occurs.

The question really is, will *going to war* increase those things over *not going to war*?

Poop-Loops said:
That's fascinating. What does it have to do with anything here?

In my experience the same people who claim that the US is/has been/always will be the greatest evil in the history of the universe, are the same people who would sport such a bumper sticker.

Poop-Loops said:
Your contention is the problem. I am already against the next war and I don't believe in those "theories" you were talking about. Oops.

Not to be hostile, but I don't quite believe you. Rather,I believe that you are against what you *believe* will be the conditions leading up to, and resulting from the next war. You do not know for certain.

I believe (hope?) I could create scenarios, in which you would agree that war woud be the best choice of action.

The bumper sticker, with it's implied *no matter what* dictates an immediate dismissal of the all of my scenarios, *no matter what*.

Poop-Loops said:
No matter what, war is bad. How you can say otherwise is unimaginable to me.

Sometimes not going to war would be worse.

A better bumper sticker would state "I am already against the conditions that would make going to war next time, a neccessity."
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  • #127
Poop-Loops said:
Okay, so when's the last war that WAS justified then? Why would someone not be against future wars?

When not going to war would be worse.

So, just to clarify. Do you think the US entering the war in WW2 was a good thing or a bad thing?
  • #128
It was better than not going to war, but it wasn't *good*.

Moreover, that's my whole point. WW2 had some point to it. Since then it has been a lot of spin and no clear rhyme or reason, just war for the sake of war.
  • #129
mheslep said:
How was the US declaration of war on Germany justified? Germany did not attack the US prior to the US entry, shipping to support Germany's enemy Britain aside." The US reciprocated immediately.

We should get our facts straight before we go too far...

And there were Americans who were against that war as well. The American Bund party members leaps to mind. There will always be anti war types regardless of the provocation. Some even believe that we should not have a war against poverty or be at war with terrorists because war is not the perfect instrument. That's OK, keep waiting for the perfect instrument. It's juuust around the corner...
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  • #130
seycyrus said:
The bumper sticker implies a certain foreknowledge about the events involved in the next *war*. Does it not?

Can these people tell the future?

I think it is fair to say that certain judgements have been made about the participant

No they can't tell about the future, yet the past appears to be about to repeat itself.

I think we can safely assume that the people who buy these stickers are not thinking about WWII.

The Iran situation is constantly in the news. Threats and warnings by the Bush Administration have made it clear where the next war will be.

Lets not confuse the issue by looking at world history. We know where the problem area is.

The bogus war in Iraq makes people want to be damn sure about what country we attack next.
  • #131
chemisttree said:
Some even believe that we should not have a war against poverty or be at war with terrorists because war is not the perfect instrument. That's OK, keep waiting for the perfect instrument. It's juuust around the corner...

LOL? See, this is what I don't like about right-wingers: you take away jobs from real comedians.

The war on drugs as well as the war on terror are epic failures.
  • #132
Poop-Loops said:
It was better than not going to war, but it wasn't *good*.

Well, then your definition of *good* is so relative as to be absolutely meaningless.
  • #133
edward said:
No they can't tell about the future, yet the past appears to be about to repeat itself.

Seeing as Bush is not goign to be in office and is not in a position to invade Iran, one can safely say that will not be attacking Iran under the same conditions.

edward said:
I think we can safely assume that the people who buy these stickers are not thinking about WWII.

I think it is safe to assume that these people are not thinking, period.

edward said:
The Iran situation is constantly in the news. Threats and warnings by the Bush Administration have made it clear where the next war will be.

The Iran situation is not all about it's interactions with the US. The UN in general, and the IAEA specifically, has voiced many concerns over Iran's conduct. not to mention many other countries.

edward said:
The bogus war in Iraq makes people want to be damn sure about what country we attack next.

Make damn sure? That goes against the implied *no matter what*.
  • #134
seycyrus said:
Seeing as Bush is not goign to be in office and is not in a position to invade Iran, one can safely say that will not be attacking Iran under the same conditions.

This is exactly how Iraq started, so I don't know what you are talking about. Moreover, you have McCain wanting to keep the Bush Legacy alive. Besides that, there's several month so of Bush left.

I think it is safe to assume that these people are not thinking, period.


The Iran situation is not all about it's interactions with the US. The UN in general, and the IAEA specifically, has voiced many concerns over Iran's conduct. not to mention many other countries.

Sure. Saying they want to destroy Israel is far-out on the loon radar, but what have they actually done to threaten anybody? They stopped their nuclear program, and so far there is absolutely zero evidence of them meddling in Iraq. (providing weapons, at least) Is there anything I haven't heard of that is cause for concern? This is an honest question, by the way, I'd just like to know.

Make damn sure? That goes against the implied *no matter what*.

No, actually, it goes WITH the implied the "no matter what". You are against the war from the start. So it would take something extraordinary to change your mind.

Oops, I forgot, people aren't allowed to do that. It's "flip flopping".
  • #135
Poop-Loops said:
This is exactly how Iraq started, so I don't know what you are talking about. Moreover, you have McCain wanting to keep the Bush Legacy alive. Besides that, there's several month so of Bush left.

It would be logistically impossible to deploy our troops to Iran in the same manner that we deployed to Iraq in the time interval indicated.

Poop-Loops said:
Sure. Saying they want to destroy Israel is far-out on the loon radar, but what have they actually done to threaten anybody? They stopped their nuclear program, and so far there is absolutely zero evidence of them meddling in Iraq. (providing weapons, at least) Is there anything I haven't heard of that is cause for concern? This is an honest question, by the way, I'd just like to know.

They stopped the nuclear program they claimed *never existed*, and now claim that other programs *don't exist*. That doesn't strike you as cause for concern? Please note, that the IAEA has not cleared them of transgressions.

There is FAR from zero evidence of them meddling in Iraq. The one recent news story absolved them of being involved in ONE incident, it said nothing about the others. There are plenty of reports from soldiers (at all levels) stating that Iran is providing weapons to dissidents in Iraq. It's even on NPR.

But again, that is besides the point. The bumper sticker crowd is against the next war, no matter what!
  • #136
seycyrus said:
They stopped the nuclear program they claimed *never existed*, and now claim that other programs *don't exist*.

I'm not following you. We found out they lied about something, so clearly they must be lying about everything else.

No, seriously, how does that logic go? You ask your friend for $5, he says he doesn't have any money on him, but you find $5 on him, then ask for $100000000000 and he says he doesn't have it again, so therefore he must have it?

That doesn't strike you as cause for concern? Please note, that the IAEA has not cleared them of transgressions.

No, but then again I don't jump at my own shadow.

There is FAR from zero evidence of them meddling in Iraq. The one recent news story absolved them of being involved in ONE incident, it said nothing about the others. There are plenty of reports from soldiers (at all levels) stating that Iran is providing weapons to dissidents in Iraq. It's even on NPR.

Sources? I can't imagine guys carrying Iranian flags running around all over Iraq, so how exactly do these soldiers know where they are from? Captured prisoners?

But again, that is besides the point. The bumper sticker crowd is against the next war, no matter what!

You keep saying that but never actually connect to why that is wrong.
  • #137
Poop-Loops said:
I'm not following you. We found out they lied about something, so clearly they must be lying about everything else.

No, seriously, how does that logic go? You ask your friend for $5, he says he doesn't have any money on him, but you find $5 on him, then ask for $100000000000 and he says he doesn't have it again, so therefore he must have it?

I must seriously ask why you felt the desire to increase the sum of money in your example. Are you trying to lend credence to your argument by use of exageration?

We are talking about nuclear programs, past and present. Your example would have been more properly illustrated if you had used equivalent amounts of money.

Here is a better example and I will not have to resort to ludicrous exageration to fluff my point.

A few years ago you had suspicions that the guy in the trailer across the street was operating a meth lab. He says he never, ever, ever had one. The police bust his place find some traces of stuff, but say that stopped producing a year ago.

You now have suspicions, and the police have suspicions that he is once again operating a meth lab. He says, he would never, ever, ever do that...

Your call.

Poop-Loops said:
Sources? I can't imagine guys carrying Iranian flags running around all over Iraq, so how exactly do these soldiers know where they are from? Captured prisoners?

Munitions have certain tell-tale signs indicating where they were produced. Go see the Iron Man movie. The exact flow is difficult to trace, but there are people who know about such things.

As I mentioned, I hear references to reports on NPR as well as CNN. I certainly do not have specifics of when/where I heard the stuff on the radio.

Poop-Loops said:
You keep saying that but never actually connect to why that is wrong.

I shall try to be civil and reanswer this point even tho I feel like I have made my position clear.

I am against the fact that this bumper sticker implies a course of action *no matter what*. To me the bumper sticker implies a foreknowledge that the US will be on the *wrong* side of the next conflict, *no matter what*.

To me that implies a certain anti-US sentiment. The *no matter what* part. No matter what, the US will be wrong...

If that is indeed what it is implying, then it IS certainly an unpatriotic sticker.

On a related note. There was some discussion raised by an article in the NY Times about the US using military might to force the Myanmar govt. to accept aid to it's people.
  • #138
mheslep said:
How was the US declaration of war on Germany justified? Germany did not attack the US prior to the US entry, shipping to support Germany's enemy Britain aside.
:confused: It was the other way around, Germany declared war on the US.
  • #139
seycyrus said:
I must seriously ask why you felt the desire to increase the sum of money in your example. Are you trying to lend credence to your argument by use of exageration?

We are talking about nuclear programs, past and present. Your example would have been more properly illustrated if you had used equivalent amounts of money.

Here is a better example and I will not have to resort to ludicrous exageration to fluff my point.

A few years ago you had suspicions that the guy in the trailer across the street was operating a meth lab. He says he never, ever, ever had one. The police bust his place find some traces of stuff, but say that stopped producing a year ago.

You now have suspicions, and the police have suspicions that he is once again operating a meth lab. He says, he would never, ever, ever do that...

Your call.

ZOMG YOU'RE RIGHT! He's guilty until proven innocent! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??

That's all you have to go by? Suspicions? What evidence do you actually have of Iran doing anything sinister?

Munitions have certain tell-tale signs indicating where they were produced. Go see the Iron Man movie. The exact flow is difficult to trace, but there are people who know about such things.

As I mentioned, I hear references to reports on NPR as well as CNN. I certainly do not have specifics of when/where I heard the stuff on the radio.

Then don't bother citing it. I can say I heard as well that every single claim against Iran has been proven false. But I don't remember where I got that claim from. Oops, I guess we are on equal footing!

I shall try to be civil and reanswer this point even tho I feel like I have made my position clear.

I am against the fact that this bumper sticker implies a course of action *no matter what*. To me the bumper sticker implies a foreknowledge that the US will be on the *wrong* side of the next conflict, *no matter what*.

There's a right side to a war?

To me that implies a certain anti-US sentiment. The *no matter what* part. No matter what, the US will be wrong...

I'm still not understanding where you get the "no matter what" part from. It doesn't say so on the sticker, and anything implied comes from the fact that, you'd better sit down now, WARS ARE BAD!

If that is indeed what it is implying, then it IS certainly an unpatriotic sticker.

I bet those people don't wear flag lapel pins, either.

On a related note. There was some discussion raised by an article in the NY Times about the US using military might to force the Myanmar govt. to accept aid to it's people.

That's not exactly a war now, is it? We don't have an enemy we need to destroy, we just have a fly in our ointment we are annoyed by. Myanmar doesn't want to kill us any more than we want to kill them.
  • #140
Poop-Loops said:
ZOMG YOU'RE RIGHT! He's guilty until proven innocent! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??.

The truth is that in the real world, you would adjust your behavior.
He WAS guilty once when he claimed he was innocent. Only a naive person judges the present without consideration of the past.

Answer the simple question. Would you let your kids go play in the neighbors front yard?

(I am now waiting for you come forth with several responses indicating that you don't have kids, your neighbor doesn't have a front yard, don't let them play alone unsupervised anyway etc. etc. without addressing the spirit of my question).

Poop-Loops said:
That's all you have to go by? Suspicions? What evidence do you actually have of Iran doing anything sinister

Why do insist on asking questions when you already know the answer? The IAEA is the one that is pressing Iran on the Nuclear issues.

Do you think the IAEA's case against Iran is legitimate or illegitimate?

Poop-Loops said:
Then don't bother citing it. I can say I heard as well that every single claim against Iran has been proven false. But I don't remember where I got that claim from. Oops, I guess we are on equal footing!

Go take a flying leap. I didn't *cite* it. I said I heard it on the radio, on NPR. I did not present my information in any way that can be construed otherwise. People on PF talk about stuff they heard or saw all the time without being asked to produce a timestamp.

Note I didn't say I heard a claim that all reports were 100% correct. I said I heard claims. The fact that you are even aware that such claims exist, demonstrate that that such claims are being made.

Poop-Loops said:
There's a right side to a war?

Yes, oftentimes there is. I suggest you read "The Once and Future King" by T.H. White

Poop-Loops said:
I'm still not understanding where you get the "no matter what" part from. It doesn't say so on the sticker,...

You are being dishonest and deceptive. You asked me what *my* feelings on the matter were. I explained the origin of the *no matter what* part in earlier posts.

Poop-Loops said:
and anything implied comes from the fact that, you'd better sit down now, WARS ARE BAD!

Watch out for the BIG dose of reality coming your way! Sometimes the consequences of not going to war are WORSE!

Poop-Loops said:
I bet those people don't wear flag lapel pins, either.!

That's another example of spin. the ORIGINAL controversy was because people were being forced to REMOVE their lapel pins. Not the other way around.

Poop-Loops said:
That's not exactly a war now, is it? We don't have an enemy we need to destroy, we just have a fly in our ointment we are annoyed by. Myanmar doesn't want to kill us any more than we want to kill them!

Exscuse me? Can you participate in an argument without the introduction of fourteen strawmen?

*IF* we invaded Myanmar it WOULD be a war, (at least for a few moments) wouldn't it?

The point is that the editorial raised the question whether the pros of invading Myanmar would outweigh the cons.

The fact that such a question can even be raised indicates that it is not such a cut and dried issue as you propose.

The fact that the NYT(The holiest bastion of clear and correct thinking!) posits a line, that once crossed, would merit an invasion is a clear indication that being *Already against the next war* is a simple-minded viewpoint that does not adress the realities and complexities of the world today (or anytime in the past or present).
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