The Importance of Showing Empathy and Compassion in Relationships

  • Thread starter hager mahdy
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    Life Pain
In summary: I've ever experienced.:sad:Among other things...The greatest pain in life is not to die, but to be ignored.
  • #1
hager mahdy
The Greatest Pain in Life​
The greatest pain in lifeis not to die, but to be ignored

To lose the person you love somuch to another who doesn't care at all

The greatest pain in life, is not to die, but to be forgotten

When you show someone your innermost thoughts and he laughs in yourface

For friends to always be too busy to console you when you needsomeone to lift your spirits

When it seems like the only person who cares about you, is you

Life is full of pain, but does it ever get better?

Will people ever care about each other,and make time for those who are in need?

Each of us has a part to playin this great play we call life

Each of us has a duty to mankindto tell our friends we love them

If you do not care about your friendsyou will not be punished

You will simply be ignored... forgotten... as you have done to others

Physics news on
  • #2
Getting hit in the family jewels hurts a lot more IMO.
  • #3
MotoH said:
Getting hit in the family jewels hurts a lot more IMO.

I guess you've never experienced any of those things huh :-p.
  • #4
zomgwtf said:
I guess you've never experienced any of those things huh :-p.

Friends laughing in my face and turning their backs on me? Every day.
Now when they drop-kick me in the gonads... that one gets my emotions rolling...
  • #5
MotoH said:
Getting hit in the family jewels hurts a lot more IMO.

Having the dentist drill a hole in your tooth in order to do a filling and finding out the novocaine that took away the feeling in the entire side of your face didn't actually numb the tooth the dentist was drilling on hurts pretty bad, too.

It's an experience that definitely makes you forget about loneliness for at least a little while.

Falling asleep on the railroad tracks and being woken up by a train running over your leg hurts pretty bad, too.

"I couldn't understand. The only thing I could understand was really pain," Destiny says. "Like, that's what hurt the most was the wind."

"When your bones that have never touched the air touch the air, it's like putting a Popsicle on your bottom teeth," Rachel says.

"Except for times a million," Destiny says.
  • #6
Ugh, I've kinda had that happen Bob, the dentist story that is. Except it wasn't 'the wrong tooth' (is that even possible when I go my whole mouth is numbed.) but it wore off as the procedure went on. I knew it was almost finished so I just went through it with the pain but PAINFUL it was indeed. I didnt' want to tell him that it was beginning to hurt because I just wanted to get out of there, had things to do and I was sure if I said something I'd have to wait to get those needles again etc.

That's a pain that just happens and goes away relatively quickly. Loving someone and getting hurt by them... that drives people into deep depressions that can last lifetimes and can lead to suicide.

It would suck getting your legs run over by a train though, not cause of the pain though that would probably go away after it numbs off and you go into shock. If not then it'll go away when the doctors arrive, the pain of not having legs though... that's forever.
  • #7
Embarrassing and painful:

Having a clown punch you in the face whilst simultaneously having your jacket get caught in a car door and the car driving away and stripping you naked in front of a crowd which has all of the hottest girls in the world in it.

Oh and it is extremely cold out. . .
  • #8
I've experience several emotional pains, such as losing loved ones, and several physical pains, burns probably being the worst.

While I've become tolerant of physical pain to a degree, the major emotional ones still get me.
  • #9
the greatest pain in life

is reading emo threads
  • #10
Betrayal :mad:
  • #11
I don't think there is any comparison between physical pain and heartbreak. I don't want either, but if I had to choose, I'd take physical pain.
  • #12
As for physical, I would add "caught in the zipper" to the list.
  • #13
Ivan Seeking said:
As for physical, I would add "caught in the zipper" to the list.

The brief moment of terror that the unspeakable just happened is the worst.
  • #14
MotoH said:
The brief moment of terror that the unspeakable just happened is the worst.

Hopefully it is brief and not a matter of capture.
  • #15
Mentallic said:
Now when they drop-kick me in the gonads... that one gets my emotions rolling...

Among other things...
  • #16
hager mahdy said:
The greatest pain in lifeis not to die, but to be ignored

Try Dale Carnegie:

  • #17
Evo said:
I don't think there is any comparison between physical pain and heartbreak. I don't want either, but if I had to choose, I'd take physical pain.
Same here.

Watching my youngest brother die, and my parents suffering through that, is the worst I've experienced to date. I'd gladly take all the physical pain the world could throw at me, if it would have saved his life or if that would bring my brother back.
  • #18
Astronuc said:
Same here.

Watching my youngest brother die, and my parents suffering through that, is the worst I've experienced to date. I'd gladly take all the physical pain the world could throw at me, if it would have saved his life or if that would bring my brother back.

Physical pain such as failing to perform normal tasks can cause emotional pain which might be more worse than the example given.

Personally, I will take whatever comes.

Life is full of pain, but does it ever get better?
There are many other religions/ways that can answer this but I would prefer the Buddhism way.
Last edited:
  • #19
BobG said:
Having the dentist drill a hole in your tooth in order to do a filling and finding out the novocaine that took away the feeling in the entire side of your face didn't actually numb the tooth the dentist was drilling on hurts pretty bad, too.

It's an experience that definitely makes you forget about loneliness for at least a little while.

Falling asleep on the railroad tracks and being woken up by a train running over your leg hurts pretty bad, too.
Imagine the combined pain for the girl if her friend had slept with the other end on the rails...

Can it get worse?
  • #20
thaaaaaaaaaaaaanks for reply:smile:

FAQ: The Importance of Showing Empathy and Compassion in Relationships

What is considered the greatest pain in life?

The greatest pain in life is subjective and can vary from person to person. Some may say it is the loss of a loved one, while others may say it is failure or betrayal. It ultimately depends on an individual's personal experiences and perspectives.

How does the greatest pain in life affect people?

The greatest pain in life can have a profound impact on people's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It can lead to feelings of sadness, anger, and despair, as well as changes in relationships and daily life. It can also trigger physical symptoms such as headaches, loss of appetite, and fatigue.

Can the greatest pain in life ever be overcome?

While the pain may never fully disappear, it is possible to learn to cope with it and find ways to move forward. Seeking support from loved ones, therapy, and self-care practices can help in the healing process.

Is the greatest pain in life always negative?

The greatest pain in life is often associated with negative experiences, but it can also bring about positive changes and growth. It can lead to increased resilience, empathy, and a deeper understanding of oneself.

How can one help someone experiencing the greatest pain in life?

Offering support, understanding, and validation can make a significant difference for someone going through the greatest pain in life. Encouraging them to seek professional help and being present for them without judgment can also be helpful.

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