The Upsides of School: Fun, Women, and Booze!

In summary: Most of you probably don’t even realized how great these things are until you’ve lost them.Girls are great, the drinking is great, and school is great. However, there are some downsides. Girls are scarce in engineering, and the school’s air conditioning is always breaking.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Many of the people here hate school, but I love school. Beneath all the hard work is fun, entertainment and an endless supply of excuses. Most of you probably don't even realized how great these things are until you've lost them.

For starters, the girls are great. Where else do you get to sit next to sexy women who are as smart as if not smarter than yourself? Smart girls may be intimidating, but they're a lot more fun. Only a smart girl will laugh when you say something like "I'm hot, you're cold. Let's reach equilibrium". Only a smart girl will laugh at your goofy idea of winning a drinking contest by drinking an organic acid and a strong acid before drinking alcohol. Only smart girls propose crazy ideas like watch porno movies for a good laugh. The kicker about the girls is what is least known; smart girls drinks more, and are a lot kinkier.

Next comes the drinking. The tech school I attend has a bar connected right to the school. The bar has ok priced beer all the time (about $2 US for a pint), $0.70 US for beer on tuesdays, and a free beer if it's your birthday. The student association organized concert last saturday (yesterday) had alcohol everywhere, and each faculty organizes pub crawls and drinking contests throughout the year. The place to meet people/teachers to do work or just hang out is always the bar. Then of course there's drinking before going to boring classes; doing math when drunk is fun :biggrin:. Trying to mig weld when drunk is even more fun. Drunk welding is so much fun that half of my class last year was drunk when doing the 1 required week of welding.
School is the only place you'll find such an abundance of booze as well as people willing to drink booze, and even challenge you to a drinking contest before the day is over.

Lastly there's the excuses. No money? Oh it's because I'm a student. No job? I'm a student. Drinking too much when I'm alone? Oh no problem, it's all in celebration because I completed a lab writeup that took 4 hours. Acting crazy? The stress of school work is getting to me. Basically any problem can be blamed on being a student in some way; it's great.

It's sure going to suck when I'm totally done with school, but until then, it's all fun and games.

Here's to a good school year :smile:
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Physics news on
  • #2
You're a crazy bugger. Lots of drinking.

Why not try mixing an alcohol with some carboxylic acid? You'll get some nice, fruity smelling esters... like orange, banana, pineapple, nail polish remover, denker rub and other yummy flavours! :-p

But don't smell them - you'll get very high. Not that I would know... I'm just assuming that's what would happen... I have to leave...

*Runs away*
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  • #3
For starters, the girls are great. Where else do you get to sit next to sexy women who are as smart as if not smarter than yourself?
County Health Dept.
  • #4
i'll drink to that, i got 4 years to go, but i only have 1 problem, THERE IS NO GOD DAMN GIRLS IN ENGINEERING, what the hell is up with that, i think i'll start attending classes that I'm not enrolled is so i can sit next to girls hehe
  • #5
i_wish_i_was_smart said:
i'll drink to that, i got 4 years to go, but i only have 1 problem, THERE IS NO GOD DAMN GIRLS IN ENGINEERING
I found that out last year. 90 students - 2 of them girls.

Chem is pretty good though :wink:
  • #6
i_wish_i_was_smart said:
i'll drink to that, i got 4 years to go, but i only have 1 problem, THERE IS NO GOD DAMN GIRLS IN ENGINEERING, what the hell is up with that, i think i'll start attending classes that I'm not enrolled is so i can sit next to girls hehe

There's only one in my Calculus III class. Me and this other guy hit on her like crazy. However, everywhere you look at our school there's a girl who's going to make you look twice, or more. Maybe I should start asking some of them out. :wink:
  • #7
I love my school, the University of Western Ontario. Beautiful campus, nice profs, 32,000 students, tons of hot girls (rumor has it UWO is Maxim’s 2nd ranked school in North America for hot girls. 1st is UCLA). I live a 20-minute walk away so that’s pretty nice. My only complaint is the heat in the classrooms. The substation or something like that that supplies power to most of the school’s air conditioning system busted, or so I’ve been told.

School in general is great. Classes aren’t hard. I have lots of free time between classes. Yay school!
  • #8
oh don't get me wrong there is tons of hot chicks here too, but in nursing and arts and stuff like that so i don't have any in my classes i just see them hanging around campus
  • #9
i_wish_i_was_smart said:
i'll drink to that, i got 4 years to go, but i only have 1 problem, THERE IS NO GOD DAMN GIRLS IN ENGINEERING, what the hell is up with that, i think i'll start attending classes that I'm not enrolled is so i can sit next to girls hehe

:smile: When I was in college, I used to spend a lot of time hanging out around the college of engineering classroom buildings. :wink: I did a minor in chemistry, so met a lot of Chem E's too, but they were just plain nuts!

shawnD said:
The kicker about the girls is what is least known; smart girls drinks more, and are a lot kinkier.

It's always the shy, quiet ones... :shy: :blushing:
  • #10
My geometry class is filled with girls.

During my first class, before class started, I even asked a girl next to me to confirm that it is geometry class. When I came in there was one guy, and maybe 8 girls, and the guy was in the back corner. Felt like a chick class, and the guy was trying to hide or something. Later on, more girls came! The teacher is a female too!

I believe it has something to do with students planning to become teachers because over half of the girls had that same plan. There's even group work and presentations! It felt so weird, and so not math like.

When I see girls, they always seem to be in Business, Child Studies, Biology, or Arts. Probably the only programs they choose from!

Besides being a physics/math major you don't have time to think girls, only NUMBERS! :eek:
  • #11
JasonRox said:
There's even group work and presentations!

Good reason to ask for their numbers, I say.
  • #12
Wow what a week it's been.

Monday - drinking after class
Tuesday - no drinking :frown:
Wednesday - drinking too much after class
Thursday - drinking way too much, going to math class, making a scene, going drinking after math.

Tomorrow? Who knows :biggrin:
  • #13
ShawnD said:
Wow what a week it's been.

Monday - drinking after class
Tuesday - no drinking :frown:
Wednesday - drinking too much after class
Thursday - drinking way too much, going to math class, making a scene, going drinking after math.

Ok, I'm starting to see a pattern here... is it drinking?

AMW Bonfire
  • #14
Urg, I can't afford to drink anymore since I started school :(
My first beer in two weeks was yesterday...and that was from my dad. How very, very sad.
  • #15
i found out my tuition is going to be 5000$ cheaper, so lots of drinkin for me, besides it my b-day tomorrow, so there is bound to be some drinking somewhere in there

its true though that women are either in arts or something medical, bunch of losers

we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, the engineers
we can, we can, we can, we can, we can, demolish 40 beers
drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, and come along with us
cause we don't give a damn for any damn man that don't give a damn for us
  • #16
Am I the only math guy here that doesn't drink?
  • #17
I seldomly drink, but it's usually because I'm low on cash.

There is no hockey this year, and that means no free entertainment.

Movies generally suck unless it's about hockey, or something scientifically accurate(in some way i.e. A hot girl with nerd is not accurate.)

Television blows, and the Discovery Channel took a dive!

Good thing I got a season pass at a ski resort! :D
  • #18
Chrono said:
Am I the only math guy here that doesn't drink?
Yes, you are. Now give into peer pressure. :wink:
  • #19
ShawnD said:
Yes, you are. Now give into peer pressure. :wink:

I...must not...give in.
  • #20
Come on, it's not going to mess you up or anything. My chem friends and myself go to the bar almost every day (4 out of 5 days last week), and we have the highest marks.

Maybe it's because we actually have fun at school :wink:
  • #21
Yay BeeR! My friends and I sure had fun last night at the hawaiian themed kegger. Lots of bikinis!
  • #22
JasonRox said:
I seldomly drink, but it's usually because I'm low on cash.

There is no hockey this year, and that means no free entertainment.

Movies generally suck unless it's about hockey, or something scientifically accurate(in some way i.e. A hot girl with nerd is not accurate.)

Television blows, and the Discovery Channel took a dive!

Good thing I got a season pass at a ski resort! :D
i hear ya, remember we're all in this together
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FAQ: The Upsides of School: Fun, Women, and Booze!

What is the purpose of "The Upsides of School: Fun, Women, and Booze!"?

The purpose of "The Upsides of School: Fun, Women, and Booze!" is to explore the positive aspects of attending school, including the opportunities for having fun, meeting women, and enjoying the social aspect of drinking alcohol.

Is this book appropriate for all ages?

No, this book is geared towards adults and may contain mature content related to alcohol consumption and relationships with women.

Does this book promote excessive drinking and partying?

No, the book does not promote excessive drinking and partying. Rather, it acknowledges that these aspects may be present in the college experience and explores them in a lighthearted manner.

What makes this book different from other books about college life?

This book takes a more playful and humorous approach to discussing the college experience, specifically highlighting the fun, women, and social aspects of school that are often overlooked.

Who would benefit most from reading this book?

This book would benefit readers who are interested in learning about the positive aspects of attending school, particularly in regards to having fun, meeting women, and enjoying the social scene. It may also appeal to those who enjoy humorous and lighthearted perspectives on the college experience.

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