Thermodynamics conceptual problem

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of water turning into vapor and ice in an evacuated chamber. The expert summarizer explains that the pressure in the chamber will increase as the vapor pressure increases, eventually leading to saturation. The vapor will then condense into liquid. However, if the chamber is large and the pressure is well below the triple point pressure, there will be only vapor present and no ice. The expert also discusses the role of temperature and energy in this process, and concludes that there will always be some ice left in the chamber at the end.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

1) I think the answer is c) . Since initially there is no pressure above water , it starts vaporizing . This causes loss of thermal energy from water . The heat lost results in water freezing .The process continues till all the water turns into either vapor or ice .

2) The increasing vapor in the vessel causes the vapor pressure to increase till it is saturated .After that the vapor starts condensing turning into liquid .

Are the answers as well as reasoning correct ?Many Thanks


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  • #2
Vibhor said:

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

1) I think the answer is c) . Since initially there is no pressure above water , it starts vaporizing . This causes loss of thermal energy from water . The heat lost results in water freezing .The process continues till all the water turns into either vapor or ice .
What happens if the evacuated chamber is so big that the pressure is well below the triple point pressure even in case of all water turns into vapor ?
Vibhor said:
2) The increasing vapor in the vessel causes the vapor pressure to increase till it is saturated .After that the vapor starts condensing turning into liquid .

Are the answers as well as reasoning correct ?Many Thanks
That looks correct.
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  • #3
ehild said:
What happens if the evacuated chamber is so big that the pressure is well below the triple point pressure even in case of all water turns into vapor ?

Are you suggesting that option a) is a possibility ?

Wouldn't the heat lost by water while turning into vapour simultaneously turn some fraction of water into ice ?

ehild said:
That looks correct.

Even though I have got it right , would you kindly explain why does vapour turns into liquid after saturation of vapour is reached .
  • #4
Vibhor said:
Are you suggesting that option a) is a possibility ?

Wouldn't the heat lost by water while turning into vapour simultaneously turn some fraction of water into ice ?
It was said that the water is kept at 0°
I guess there will be only vapor if the pressure is very low, but the value of the initial pressure was not stated. So I am not sure if there will be some ice .

Vibhor said:
Even though I have got it right , would you kindly explain why does vapour turns into liquid after saturation of vapour is reached .
The pressure can not go higher than the saturation pressure at the given temperature if the fluid and gas are in equilibrium. See the phase diagram again. If more vapor is injected that will not increase the pressure, but some gas turns into liquid which has much less specific volume .
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  • #5
If I understand Q1 correctly, the chamber is adiabatic, and it is very large compared to the initial amount of liquid water initially present. It would seem that all the water could not evaporate because something would have to supply the required heat. So the part that doesn't evaporate must freeze and then get even colder. Why? Because the vapor pressure of the water in the gas phase would have to be consistent with the amount of vapor, the new system temperature, and the volume of the container. Therefore, the temperature would have to drop such that there could be some amount of condensed phase still present (since it has to supply the heat of vaporization) and also to make good on the vapor pressure, which would now be lower to be consistent with the chamber volume. So, the only answer that makes sense to me is c.
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  • #6
Chestermiller said:
So, the only answer that makes sense to me is c.
The ice formed can sublimate even at freezing temperatures... Ice and vapor coexist only along the solid-vapor equilibrium line.
  • #7
ehild said:
The ice formed can sublimate even at freezing temperatures... Ice and vapor coexist only along the solid-vapor equilibrium line.
This is correct. But, if the system is adiabatic, something must supply the heat for the vapor to form. So, the system keeps cooling until a low enough temperature is reached that (1) the pressure of the vapor is consistent with the tank volume and the mass of vapor, (2) the total mass of vapor and ice matches the initial mass of water in the tank, (3) the pressure of the vapor is equal to the ice-vapor equilibrium vapor pressure at the final temperature, and (4) the total internal energy of vapor and ice matches the initial internal energy of water in the tank. So, what I'm saying is that there has to be some ice left in the tank at the end.
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  • #8
Chestermiller said:
This is correct. But, if the system is adiabatic, something must supply the heat for the vapor to form. So, the system keeps cooling until a low enough temperature is reached that (1) the pressure of the vapor is consistent with the tank volume and the mass of vapor, (2) the total mass of vapor and ice matches the initial mass of water in the tank, (3) the pressure of the vapor is equal to the ice-vapor equilibrium vapor pressure at the final temperature, and (4) the total internal energy of vapor and ice matches the initial internal energy of water in the tank. So, what I'm saying is that there has to be some ice left in the tank at the end.
The energy of the water vapor is proportional to the absolute temperature - at very low pressure even water vapor can be considered ideal gas. Assume you have a container of volume 1000 m3, evacuated, and 1 g water, initially at 273 K. Do you think there will remain some ice?
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  • #9
ehild said:
The energy of the water vapor is proportional to the absolute temperature - at very low pressure even water vapor can be considered ideal gas. Assume you have a container of volume 1000 m3, evacuated, and 1 g water, initially at 273 K. Do you think there will remain some ice?
Yes. Definitely. Would you like to work this problem together to see how it plays out? I was thinking of using 1 m^3, but 1000 m^3 is also OK, if that's what you prefer.

  • #10
Hi ehild,

Well, I've thought about it some more, and I'm not so sure now. I'm going to do some modeling calculations to get a better handle on it.

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  • #11
OK. Some preliminary numbers.

The change in internal energy of water at 0 C as a result of vaporization is about 2376 J/gm. The heat capacity at constant volume of water vapor in the temperature range of interest is about 1.39 J/(gm-K). So using as a reference a value of 0 for the specific internal energy of liquid water at 0 C, the specific internal energy (per gram) of water vapor at temperature T is ##u=2376+1.39(T-273)##. This would mean that, if all the liquid water went into water vapor, the temperature required for the internal energy of the 1 gm of water to remain zero would be -1436 K. So, it looks like all the original water can't change into water vapor.

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  • #12
Hi Chet,
I have to think it over, but now I think you are right,
Edit: It were my practical instincts which suggested me that the water could not cool down too much. I did not believe that it was thermally isolated completely. In case of an ideally adiabatic process, only a small amount turns to gas, and most of it becomes ice.
In real life, there is some air left in the evacuated chamber and its walls have some temperature. As the water is at 0°C initially, the walls can be also at that temperature, and there can be some heat transition between the walls and the water. If that heat transition prevents the water from cooling down too much, it can evaporate completely.
In very good vacuum and about complete isolation, like in the space, the water exist in form of ice, as it is in the comets.
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  • #13
@Chestermiller , what do you think about my reasoning for Q2 in the OP ?
  • #14
Vibhor said:
@Chestermiller , what do you think about my reasoning for Q2 in the OP ?
Sounds correct to me.
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FAQ: Thermodynamics conceptual problem

What is thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, energy, and work. It studies how energy is transferred between different forms and how it affects the behavior of matter.

What are the laws of thermodynamics?

The laws of thermodynamics are fundamental principles that govern energy and its transformations in a system. The first law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. The second law states that the total entropy (disorder) of a closed system will always increase over time. The third law states that it is impossible to reach absolute zero temperature through any finite number of processes.

What is a thermodynamic system?

A thermodynamic system is a region of space that is being studied in relation to energy and matter. It can be open, closed, or isolated. An open system can exchange both matter and energy with its surroundings, a closed system can only exchange energy, and an isolated system cannot exchange anything with its surroundings.

What is thermal equilibrium?

Thermal equilibrium is a state where two systems or objects are at the same temperature and there is no net flow of heat between them. In this state, the energy is evenly distributed, and there is no further change in temperature or energy in either system.

What is the difference between heat and temperature?

Heat is a form of energy, while temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance. Heat is transferred from a hotter to a cooler object, while temperature is a property of a single object. Temperature can be measured using a thermometer, while heat is measured in joules (J).
