These three questions are on ym homework and I don't know how to finish them.

  • Thread starter warfreak131
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In summary, the first question asks for a formula to determine the acceleration of a system with masses mA and mB on smooth inclines, and also asks for the value of mB that would keep the system at rest and the tension in the cord. To solve this, you can use Newton's second law twice and eliminate the tension to find the acceleration.The second question involves a 3.0kg block and a 5.0kg block on a horizontal surface, with a pulling force F. The coefficient of static friction is given, and the minimum value of F needed to move the two blocks and the acceleration when F is 10% greater are asked. To solve this, you can use the formula for force of friction and
  • #1

Question 1

Homework Statement

1. The masses mA and mB slide on the smooth (frictionless) inclines fixed as shown in the first figure. Determine (a), a formula for the acceleration of the system in terms of mA, mB, θA, θB, and g. (b), if θA = 32, θB = 23, and mA = 5 kg, what value of mB would keep the system at rest? What would be the tension in the cord (neg. mass) in this case?

Homework Equations

(mB*Sin(θB)) - (mA*Sin(θA))g / (mA + mB)

The Attempt at a Solution

I had no idea how to get the equation, so I looked in the back of the book, and it says

(mB*Sin(θB)) - (mA*Sin(θA))g / (mA + mB)

How do you get that!?

I figured out how to get the mass of B, i set the equation to 0 and solved for it, that part was easy.

As for the tension, I still wasnt sure, so i checked the book, and it said 26 N. I played around with the numbers a little bit, and found out that it is the top portion of that equation divided by 2. Is that just coincidence, or it that the right way to do it? If not, what is?

Question 2

Homework Statement

2. A 3.0kg block sits on top of a 5.0kg block which is on a horizontal surface. The 5 kg block is pulled to the right with a force F as shown in figure 2. The coefficient of static friction between all surfaces is .6, and the kinetic coefficient is .4. (a), what is the minimum value of F needed to move the two blocks? (b), if the force is 10% greater than your answer for (a), what is the acceleration of each block?

Homework Equations

Ff = μ*Fn

The Attempt at a Solution

I found the force of friction needed to pull the 3kg block along the 5kg block, which is μ*Fn = (.6 * (3g)) = 17.7N

The force needed to pull the 5 kg block along the ground would be the same as above, except you use 8kg, because its the weight of both blocks combined, right?, (.6 * 8g) = 47.1 N

I figured that you would need to pull with the combined static forces of the 3 kg block and the 8kg of the two masses, which would equal 64.8 N. But the book says 82 N. And I am not sure how to get the acceleration, which the book says is 4.5 m/s²

Question 3

Homework Statement

3. A bicyclist can coast down a 7 deg. hill at a steady 9.5km/h (approx. 2.6 m/s). If the drag force is proportional to the square of the speed v, so that Fd = -cv², calculate (a), the value of the constant c, and (b) the average force that must be applied in order to descend the hill at 25km/h (approx 7m/s). The mass of the cyclist plus the bicycle is 80kg. Ignore other types of friction.

Homework Equations

Fd = -cv², F = mgSin(theta)

The Attempt at a Solution

I had no idea where to start. I looked up drag force in the book, and its so terribly vague that I can't understand what theyre saying. The answers from the back of the book are c = 14kg/m, and 570N

please help me with these!
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi warfreak131! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(not a good idea to put three long questions in the same thread! :wink:)
warfreak131 said:
1. The masses mA and mB slide on the smooth (frictionless) inclines fixed as shown in the first figure. Determine (a), a formula for the acceleration of the system in terms of mA, mB, θA, θB, and g. (b), if θA = 32, θB = 23, and mA = 5 kg, what value of mB would keep the system at rest? What would be the tension in the cord (neg. mass) in this case?

Homework Equations

(mB*Sin(θB)) - (mA*Sin(θA))g / (mA + mB)

The Attempt at a Solution

I had no idea how to get the equation, so I looked in the back of the book, and it says

(mB*Sin(θB)) - (mA*Sin(θA))g / (mA + mB)

How do you get that!?

I figured out how to get the mass of B, i set the equation to 0 and solved for it, that part was easy.

As for the tension, I still wasnt sure, so i checked the book, and it said 26 N. I played around with the numbers a little bit, and found out that it is the top portion of that equation divided by 2. Is that just coincidence, or it that the right way to do it? If not, what is?

Call the tension T (it will be the same on each side of the string), and the acceleration a …

then do good ol' Newton's second law twice, once for each block …

that gives you two equations, so eliminate T from them, to get a. :wink:
  • #3
cool, thanks

any idea about the other two?

Related to These three questions are on ym homework and I don't know how to finish them.

1. What are the three questions on your homework?

The three questions on my homework are related to a specific topic or subject that I am studying. They are designed to assess my understanding of the material and to help me apply what I have learned.

2. Why are you having trouble finishing these questions?

I may be having trouble finishing these questions because I am having difficulty understanding the material or I may not have enough information to answer the questions accurately. It is also possible that I may be feeling overwhelmed or distracted.

3. How can you approach these questions to find the answers?

To find the answers to these questions, I can break them down into smaller parts and analyze each part separately. I can also review my notes and textbook to refresh my memory and gather information. Additionally, I can seek help from my teacher or classmates if I am still having trouble finding the answers.

4. What are some strategies you can use to improve your understanding of the material?

Some strategies that can help improve my understanding of the material include actively participating in class discussions, asking questions, seeking additional resources such as textbooks or online materials, and practicing problems related to the material.

5. How can you prevent feeling overwhelmed while completing your homework?

To prevent feeling overwhelmed while completing my homework, I can break down my tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and take regular breaks in between. I can also prioritize my tasks and work on them one at a time. Additionally, I can create a study schedule and stick to it to ensure I have enough time to complete my assignments without feeling overwhelmed.

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