Time taken for a parachute to fall

In summary: C' represents the drag coefficient of the parachute material. 'p' represents the air density. 'A' represents the crossectional area of the parachute. 'd' represents the total distance traveled by the parachute. 'u' represents the initial velocity of the parachute. 't' represents the time taken for the parachute to reach its terminal velocity and travel the remaining distance to the floor. 'a' represents the acceleration of the parachute.
  • #1
Andrew Howe

I'm doing a KS3 coursework experiment whereby I need to investigate the question, 'Does the area of a parachute affect the rate of fall?' Obviously the answer is yes, however the theoretical physicist within me wanted to take this much further, so I attempted to pull together my basic understanding of drag, air resistance etc. in order to come up with a formula. I am using square parachute material made out of standard polyphene shopping-bags attatched to a spherical 1g weight of plasticine via. cotton. I am not taking into account the drag of the weight or cotton or the weight of the parachute material or the cotton, each of which I believed were neglieable. I came up with the formula seen in 'parachute2.JPG'. What I was trying to find, as explained better in 'Basicfor.JPG', was the length of time it takes for the parachute to reach its terminal velocity plus the time it takes for the parachute to travel the rest of the distance to the floor.

In the formula:
b = total time taken (seconds?)
m = mass of weight attactched to parachute (in kg?)
g = gravitational force (9.81?)
C = numerical drag coefficent (1.28 for a flat plane?)
p = air density (0.0022 approx.)
A = crossectional area (cm sqaured?)
'9.81' = acceleration under the affect of gravity (metres/second squared?)
d = total distance from where parachute was dropped from to floor (cm?)
u = initial velocity of parachute (zero m/s)
t = time taken
a = acceleration (9.81 m/s squared?)

Firstly, is this formula correct? And secondly, are the units correct? I would appreciate any help in this matter.


  • Parachute2.JPG
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  • Basicfor.JPG
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  • #2
Please identify what 's' means.
Terminal velocity is when the drag force exactly equals the gravitational force.
Its best to work in MKS, meters kilograms seconds.
Whatever units you decide, stick with them throughout.

Also tell us how you got those equations.
  • #3
'S' (as in m/s) means 'seconds', as in m/s means metres per second.

The equation basically works out the time taken for the parachute to reach its terminal velocity added to the time taken for the paracute to traverse the remaining distance to the floor.
  • #4
Your work makes no sense.

In picture "BasicFor" you are subtracting 's' with units of time from 'd' with units of distance.

I asked you to explain how you got to your conclusions but I still don't see any explaining.
  • #5
Sorry. I appear to have misunderstood your previous enquiry.

'S' represents the distance traveled by the parachute whilst it reached mits terminal velocity.

FAQ: Time taken for a parachute to fall

What factors affect the time taken for a parachute to fall?

The time taken for a parachute to fall is affected by several factors such as the weight and size of the parachute, the air resistance, and the altitude of the drop. The material and design of the parachute also play a role in determining the time taken for it to fall.

How does air resistance affect the time taken for a parachute to fall?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a force that opposes the motion of the parachute. As the parachute falls, it pushes against the air, creating a drag force that slows down its descent. The larger the surface area of the parachute, the more air resistance it experiences, which results in a longer time for it to fall.

Does the altitude of the drop affect the time taken for a parachute to fall?

Yes, the altitude of the drop does affect the time taken for a parachute to fall. As the altitude increases, the air becomes thinner, which means there is less air resistance. This results in a faster descent and a shorter time for the parachute to fall. On the other hand, a lower altitude means more air resistance and a longer time for the parachute to fall.

How does the weight of the parachute affect the time taken for it to fall?

The weight of the parachute plays a significant role in determining the time taken for it to fall. A heavier parachute will experience more gravitational force, causing it to fall faster and have a shorter time in the air. On the other hand, a lighter parachute will take longer to fall due to less gravitational force acting on it.

Can the time taken for a parachute to fall be calculated?

Yes, the time taken for a parachute to fall can be calculated using the equation t = √(2h/g), where t is the time, h is the height of the drop, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²). However, this calculation may not be entirely accurate as it does not take into account factors such as air resistance and wind.
