Total eclipse of the moon tonight.

  • Stargazing
  • Thread starter Jimmy Snyder
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    Eclipse Moon
In summary, tonight's total eclipse is expected to completely darken the entire full moon. The eclipse will be quite late in the UK, around 3:00 - 4:00 GMT, and may not be visible due to cloudy weather. It will also be just at sunset on the US west coast, where overcast skies may hinder viewing. It is important to never look directly at the moon without protection, as one couple learned 20 years ago while gazing at the full moon and are now married with two kids. The eclipse will last a little over 2 hours and is predicted to begin at 8:45 pm in the People's Republic of Northern South Jersey, but the forecast is for
  • #36
Thanks. I don't own a tripod, so am just doing my best to steady my arm on my doorframe! It's too cold to step any further outside (only 10 F tonight, and snow on the ground...brrrr!)
Astronomy news on
  • #38
Last year, the moon was so large, this year it's so small. Last year was much better as far as getting good shots. I think MB is doing a great job for this year. Go MB!
  • #39
Yes, nice work, MB!
Stupid clouds moved in at the really exciting point here.
  • #40
Next series of photos:

I think I was starting to need longer exposures with the dimmer views, but with a hand-held camera, I don't think that was going to work.
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  • #41
Very cool!
  • #42
The sky is very clear here tonight in New Hampshire. Nice and dry too. I should head to the observatory!
  • #43
Math Is Hard said:
Yes, nice work, MB!
Stupid clouds moved in at the really exciting point here.

I got lucky that the clouds moved away just in time. If it weren't so freezing cold outside, it's gorgeous for viewing the stars right now. The sky is sort of framed in clouds, but the area with the moon is totally clear, and the stars are absolutely brilliant around it with the complete eclipse. I do wish some of my neighbors would turn off their lights to improve the view even more, but at least with the snow on the ground, not too many of them are coming and going and blinding me with headlights while I'm trying to snap photos (though I did have to put Ember on her harness and wrap her leash around my ankle so she'd stop trying to escape...I think she'd reconsider once her little paws hit snow, but I don't want to find out!)
  • #44
Okay, this is the last one I think I'm taking...the moon is almost impossible to see in this shot, and I can't increase the exposure time without getting blurriness from shaking.
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  • #45
Thanks MoonB! you've done a lunar job :biggrin:
  • #46
Great job MB! Thank you!

It completely clouded up here with the snow moving in and obliterated the view.
  • #47
Great shots, MoonBear! The moon's not entirely gone here, yet. It's still pretty coppery but going black quickly. It's so clear here tonight. This is the first time I've been able to see the whole thing.
  • #48
Nice shots, Moonbear.

Math Is Hard said:
Looks kinda red.

Because the sky is blue in the daytime!

The moon is not completely dark because the Earth's atmosphere act as a lens and bends some sunlight such that this light reaches the Moon even when the Moon is entirely within the Earth's shadow. The Earth's atmosphere scatters blue light off in all directions, so the the light that reaches the Moon is missing much of the blue and consequently looks red.

Anyone fly their Learjet up to Nova Scotia (near me)?

Oops, sorry, that's only for solar eclipses.
  • #49
I'm going to post pics soon. It was awsome until the moon went past the awning covered it up.
  • #50
GeorginaS said:
This is the first time I've been able to see the whole thing.

Same here! The eclipses have either been at some weird hour I couldn't be around for (or awake for), or on cloudy/rainy days, or just when I've been too busy to go outside and look, so this is the first time I really got to watch the whole thing progress. Really neat to watch!

Now I need to go check if a satellite has been blown up yet. :biggrin:
  • #51
I made a small bonfire and tried to keep warm, even made a few neighbors come out to watch. It was just grand, and did I mention COLD?
Love the photos, Moonbear. You did a really good job of them!
  • #52
Moonbear said:
Same here! The eclipses have either been at some weird hour I couldn't be around for (or awake for), or on cloudy/rainy days, or just when I've been too busy to go outside and look, so this is the first time I really got to watch the whole thing progress. Really neat to watch!

Exactly! And, really neat to watch.

The moon's not going entirely dark here -- "here" being Edmonton, Alberta -- but the sliver of light is going around the bottom clockwise. It's staying mostly copper coloured.
  • #53
The colour is indicative of atmospheric conditions at the time of eclipse for the reasons George Jones mentioned. I just wish I lived on the other side of the hill :(.
  • #54
GeorginaS said:
Exactly! And, really neat to watch.

The moon's not going entirely dark here -- "here" being Edmonton, Alberta -- but the sliver of light is going around the bottom clockwise. It's staying mostly copper coloured.

Yeah, I just noticed that. The cloud cover has returned here, so I guess I got to watch the eclipse and not the "recovery" from it. I was trying to figure out where the moon went and was surprised to see the sliver visible is now on the bottom of the moon, and not on the side where the shadow first appeared. I guess I was expecting the shadow to just continue sliding from one side to the other.

I read somewhere earlier that it would look redder if there were more particles in the atmosphere (like dust or clouds).
  • #55
As I'm sure you guys can imagine, I took quite a few pics. Here's one from 9:49, EST (outside of Philly). The forcast here was for clouds up until 11 or 12, but they cleared-out at 8:30 instead.

The camera was a 4 year old Fuji 4mp, 10x zoom (at max zoom). I think the exposure was 1/2 sec.

As much of an astronomy buff as I am, this was the first total eclipse I've seen. Through my entire life, I've just had bad luck with eclipses.


  • Moon-2149EST.jpg
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  • #56
russ_watters said:
As I'm sure you guys can imagine, I took quite a few pics. Here's one from 9:49, EST (outside of Philly). The forcast here was for clouds up until 11 or 12, but they cleared-out at 8:30 instead.

The camera was a 4 year old Fuji 4mp, 10x zoom (at max zoom). I think the exposure was 1/2 sec.

Sure, make my photos look like fuzzballs by comparison now. :smile:

That's a great photo! I really need to get a tripod for such occasions so I can do long exposure shots (and I think I need to duct tape the cat to a chair to keep her from running out the door around me too, which was rather distracting).
  • #57
Ugh...I wish we'd been able to see sky!
  • #58
Evo, I'm a big fan of through-the-trees pics of the moon too. They add more to the scene. Here's one from earlier:

Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to get the background bright without washing-out the moon (unless you cheat and do a composite, which I might). It is only really possible when the moon is shining through thick haze, which acts as a diffuser for the light. I do have a really good shot like that from a few years ago...


  • Moon-clouds.jpg
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  • moon-clouds2.jpg
    29 KB · Views: 493
  • #59
Ooh, this site is cool. Wish I had found it before the eclipse so I'd have known which constellations I was looking at around it.
  • #60
Moonbear said:
Sure, make my photos look like fuzzballs by comparison now. :smile:

That's a great photo! I really need to get a tripod for such occasions so I can do long exposure shots (and I think I need to duct tape the cat to a chair to keep her from running out the door around me too, which was rather distracting).

That kind of camera is only about $300 these days and the long zoom and manual features come in handy sometimes. Also common now is a 2 second timer for use on a tripod so you aren't touching the camera when it fires.

I think the max exposure on the camera is 15 sec. Not a lot, but enough that galaxies and nebuae start showing up when you take wide field pics.
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  • #61
Btw, I took pictures about every 15 minutes from about 8:45 to 11:15, so this weekend or the next time I find myself in front of the tv for a few hours, I'll process them and stack them together into an animation.
  • #62
What program do you use to make animations?
  • #63
Nice shots folks, Better than mine for sure. The kids and I tried tho. Ended up making ghost shots for fun. brrr cold outside.
  • #64
binzing said:
What program do you use to make animations?
Photoshop Elements. It takes the layers and turns them into an animated .gif
  • #65 before after

I shot these from 3rd story of building until awning covered the moon =( so I couldn't get the fully shadowed moon shot. It was really tough to shoot the moon with autofocus since there were so many clouds and thus bad focus for much of them but some came out good by chance.

Cropped of course. (this is where 10.2Mp comes in handy)
and unfortunately the window ledge was my tripod...=(
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  • #66
Amazing photos christina and russ_watters! Those are even better than the real-life view I had. But I don't have any equipment, just the naked eye. Maybe I need some stuff.
  • #67
GeorginaS said:
Amazing photos christina and russ_watters! Those are even better than the real-life view I had. But I don't have any equipment, just the naked eye. Maybe I need some stuff.

Thanks, it was weird since with my own eyes looking at the moon I didn't see as much until I zoomed in.

you could get some stuff and take great pics as well :smile:
  • #68
George Jones said:
Because the sky is blue in the daytime!

The moon is not completely dark because the Earth's atmosphere act as a lens and bends some sunlight such that this light reaches the Moon even when the Moon is entirely within the Earth's shadow. The Earth's atmosphere scatters blue light off in all directions, so the the light that reaches the Moon is missing much of the blue and consequently looks red.
I had heard that it was because looking toward the Earth from the Moon, you would see a ring of sunsets all around. Or is that another way of saying the same thing?
  • #70
jimmysnyder said:
I had heard that it was because looking toward the Earth from the Moon, you would see a ring of sunsets all around. Or is that another way of saying the same thing?

Yes, it is.

The blueness of the daytime sky, the redness of the Sun at sunrise and sunset, and the redness of an eclipsed moon all have the same cause, the scattering of blue light from air molecules, and from dust particles. Take a look at the top diagram from" on Baez's site, and imagine that the moon is farther to the right.

Moonbear said:
I read somewhere earlier that it would look redder if there were more particles in the atmosphere (like dust or clouds).

Since dust particles contribute to the the random scattering of blue light, they contribute to the reddening of sunsets and lunar eclipses.
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