Total Energy of a Particle After Discharging a Photon in a Moving Frame

In summary: But I need to know why my method is wrong...In summary, a particle of mass m at rest in the lab frame discharges a photon with energy 1/2mc^2 in the direction of x+. A spaceship moving at v = 0.8c in the same direction as the photon observes the energy of the particle to be {3/2}mc^2, while the lab frame observes it to be 1/2mc^2. This is due to the frame-dependency of energy and the fact that the particle is massless in the spaceship frame, resulting in a velocity of c in all reference frames.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass m is at rest in the lab frame.
The particle discharge a photon with energy 1/2mc^2 to the direction of x+.
A spaceship is moving at v = 0.8c in the direction x+ (in the same direction the photon is moving).
What is the total energy of the particle after it discharge the photon relativity to the spaceship frame?

Homework Equations

[itex]E = m{\gamma}c^2[/itex]
[itex]P = m{\gamma}v[/itex]
[itex]E_{photon} = pc [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Let's mark the new mass after the discharge: [itex]m'[/itex]
And the new [itex]\gamma[/itex] after the discharge : [itex]\gamma'[/itex]
And the energy of the particle after the discharge relative to the lab: [itex]E_{particle}[/itex]The energy before the discharge:
[itex]E_i = mc^2[/itex]

The momentum before the discharge:
[itex]P_i = 0[/itex]

After the discharge the energy and the momentum are same, so:

[itex]E_{photon} = 1/2mc^2[/itex]
[itex]E_f = mc^2 = E_{photon} + E_{particle} = m'{\gamma'}c^2 + 1/2mc^2[/itex]
[itex]1/2m = m'{\gamma'}[/itex]

since [itex]E_{photon} = pc [/itex] we can say that:
[itex]P_{photon} = 1/2mc[/itex]
[itex]0 = P_i = P_f = 1/2mc + m'{\gamma'}v[/itex].
[itex]m'{\gamma'} = 1/2m[/itex]
[itex]0 = P_i = P_f = 1/2mc + 1/2mv[/itex].
[itex]v = -c[/itex].
So the particle is seen from all frames with the same velocity and there for
the energy is the same that observed in the lab frame:
[itex]Ans = mc^2-1/2mc^2=1/2mc^2[/itex].

However this is not correct (by my reference), does anyone know why?
By my reference the right answer is:
[itex]Ans = {3/2}mc^2[/itex].
Physics news on
  • #2
buc030 said:
So the particle is seen from all frames with the same velocity and there for
the energy is the same that observed in the lab frame:
The particle has to be massless, I agree (which is a bit strange, but possible). This gives a speed of c in all reference frames, but the energy is still frame-dependent.

By the way, I never heard "discharge" for those processes. Usually, they are called "emission", if the result is another massive particle. If a particle decays to two photons (as in this example), I would simply call it "decay".
  • #3
You are right!
After I apply

I get the correct result!
Regarding the name of the process you are probably right, I translated this question from Hebrew so...
  • #4
<h2><strong>welcome to pf!</strong></h2>

hi buc030! welcome to pf! :smile:

a more direct way would be to use the red-shift formula to calculate the energy of the photon, and the initial energy of the particle, in the .8c frame, and just subtract :wink:
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  • #5
Yeah you have a point there :)

FAQ: Total Energy of a Particle After Discharging a Photon in a Moving Frame

What is a particle discharge?

A particle discharge refers to the release of a particle, such as an electron, from an atom or molecule. This can occur through various processes, including ionization, excitation, and decay.

What is a photon?

A photon is a fundamental particle of light. It has no mass, but carries energy and momentum. It is the basic unit of all electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, radio waves, and x-rays.

What happens when a particle discharges a photon?

When a particle discharges a photon, it means that the particle has released energy in the form of a photon. This can happen when an excited electron moves to a lower energy level, or when a charged particle is accelerated or decelerated.

Why is the release of a photon important?

The release of a photon is important because it allows for the transfer of energy from one form to another. This is essential for many processes in nature, including photosynthesis, vision, and communication through electromagnetic waves.

How is the release of a photon studied in science?

The release of a photon is studied through various experimental methods, such as spectroscopy, where the energy and frequency of the emitted photon can be measured. The phenomenon is also studied through theoretical models and simulations to better understand the properties and behavior of particles and light.
