Try Turbo-1's Habanero Sauce - Hot Stuff!

  • Thread starter Astronuc
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In summary, turbo and his wife spent the day canning and pickling various types of peppers, including habaneros, jalapenos, lipstick chilis, and a variety of red peppers. They also made a flavorful pepper relish using peppers from their neighbor and Astronuc. Their neighbor is also a pepper enthusiast and turbo's wife brought some extra jars to the store owner, who loved it and may want to start selling it. They also made jalapeno poppers, which were a hit with everyone except for the hot-averse members of the family. They also started a batch of tomato and pepper salsa to be canned the next day.
  • #666
Does anyone live far enough south to have native tepins? (chiltepins, chilitepins, what ever they go by)

Thinking I need to get my heat mat out here soon and start my seeds, but will wait for tepins if anyone has some!

(oops, forgot this part)
Turbo, I read recently in another forum where a few people thought that orange habs had a chemical flavor, while the red habs were divine. I probably need to try the reds! Have you had the orange? If my memory serves me right, you said you grow red. But my memory serves no one.
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  • #667
Peter peppers:


I think they fail to rise up to expectation.
  • #668
Borek said:
Peter peppers:


I think they fail to rise up to expectation.
Maybe add viagra to their water, although, I can see the resemblance. :blushing:
  • #669
No doubt there is some resemblance - but apparently pictures shown by sellers are either photoshopped, or peppers were selected from very large crop. I had about thirty or forty peppers - and they mostly looked like these two. One plant had crippled fruits, short and twisted. But they were not more phallic, they were just ugly looking.
  • #670
  • #671
Borek said:
No doubt there is some resemblance - but apparently pictures shown by sellers are either photoshopped, or peppers were selected from very large crop. I had about thirty or forty peppers - and they mostly looked like these two. One plant had crippled fruits, short and twisted. But they were not more phallic, they were just ugly looking.
Nice photo's Borek,

What background, lighting do you use ? More important what kind of camera do you use ? I saw your trip photo's earlier this year, some shots were stunning. Did you bounce the flash as well ?

  • #672
  • #673
rhody said:
What background, lighting do you use ?

Just a large (100cmx70cm) black paper for the background, combination of flashes for lightning.

More important what kind of camera do you use ?

EOS 7D, various lenses. We occasionally discuss our gear in the photography threads, and if you want to continue this discussion it will be better to move there.

Did you bounce the flash as well ?

Yes, but I am not sure about details of this particular shot. I simply don't remember. Two basic setups I am using are two side flashes bounced from the ceiling or two side flashes with umbrellas. Judging from the shadows it was the ceiling variant.
  • #674
Thanks Borek, if I need more help I will continue discussion there.

Now, onto the ever escalating arms race in the war to produce ever hotter variants of the hottest peppers. The latest" : HP22B grown by Ed Currie of Rock Hill, South Carolina. It has been measured at 1.5 million scoville units but not independently verified by the Guinness Book of records.
But Calloway says Currie may be on to something trying to develop high-level capsaicin peppers for cancer research.

“The unique thing about Ed’s peppers[is that] as a generator of capsaicin they are much more efficient than other peppers,” Calloway says.

More capsaicin means more cancer-killing potential. Dr. Calloway has been helping Currie test the capsaicin in his peppers for a few years, and says he thinks Currie may indeed have the world’s hottest.

A pepper’s heat is measured in Scoville units. The one Ed has to beat, the Trinidad Scorpion “Butch T” from Australia, measures 1.4 million Scoville. Dr. Calloway says Ed’s Guinness pepper, on average, measures 1.5 million Scoville. For comparison, a regular jalapeño is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,500-5,000 Scoville.

So, what happens when you eat such a hot pepper?

“Your heart will race, you’ll sweat,” Currie says. “You might shake, you might throw up. But once it gets into your blood stream and gets into your brain the capsaicin releases the same endorphins that narcotics do. So you get a euphoric feeling.”

Currie, a banker by day, says:
“After God, and then my wife - family, friends, peppers,” Currie says.

I have to hand it to him, he has the passion...

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  • #675
I am pretty sure I have a problem. I think I have ants in the dirt for my three indoor pepper plants, and I want to get rid of them without contaminating the plant and ruining the peppers. Any suggestions ? I could put ant food traps in them, and put the pots in a big pan and fill the pan with ant killer to keep them from escaping. I am looking for a natural way to rid myself of them for the winter. Ideas ?

  • #676
It obviously depends on the type of ants, but since I had ant issues at my rental house (that one time set up residency in a pot) I will offer this bit of advice."

What I had are apparently called "odiferous house ants" or "pine ants", as when you pinch them they smell like pine. I had called a pest eliminator company after completely giving up, and they told me I didn't need them to spray, that I only needed the Terro. Works like a charm. No other trap had enticed these ants. But if it isn't the same ant, it may not work. If so, hopefully someone else can help. But that is my two cents of advice.

Ps, I love that pest elimination company! They COULD have charged me 150 or more and sprayed. Good, honest people.
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  • #677
Terro baits work well. They are sugar-water and borax - no toxins.
  • #678
Thanks Ms_Music, Turbo,

I have ant traps now, not sure they are sugar water and borax, but I will try a few, they have clear tops and 5 or 6 entrances to take the bait, I will put some in the dirt with them. If that doesn't work, then surrounding the pots with a "moat of death" is the next best idea I can think of. I am glad these things can't hop or fly.

  • #679
Just had another thought. If you use the Terro baits, put something down (plastic, foil) to protect any surfaces. The syrup is nearly impossible to get up if it spills accidentally and dries. Said from experience. *blushing*

Also, if they ARE odiferous house ants, Terro is the only bait that will work.
  • #680
Terro baits are cheap and safe and they work very well. The best thing about them is that if the ants have a colony that is out of your sight, the borax still works because the ants take that sugar-water to their nest-mates and share it, so they all will die in a couple of days. You can't get that kind of performance out of direct-application poisons.
  • #681
turbo said:
Terro baits are cheap and safe and they work very well. The best thing about them is that if the ants have a colony that is out of your sight, the borax still works because the ants take that sugar-water to their nest-mates and share it, so they all will die in a couple of days. You can't get that kind of performance out of direct-application poisons.
My mom used to make her own borax baits when I was little.
  • #682
More ghost peppers, red, red-green and chocolate for sale:

Creativity knows no limits, see below:
A small local distillery called dryfly may work with me to produce a ghost pepper vodka early next year. I am trying also to work with Ben and Jerry to make a ghost pepper ice cream and finally one of my buddies who owns a pizzeria called Pudge Brother may make a ghost pepper pizza to enjoy with Ice Beer.

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  • #683
rhody said:
More ghost peppers, red, red-green and chocolate for sale:

Creativity knows no limits, see below:

Darn, I owe you $80 Rhody. :blushing: Do these people sell many at that price? Tha's crazy!
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  • #684
Evo said:
Darn, I owe you $80 Rhody. :blushing: Do these people sell many at that price? Tha's crazy!

I am as amazed as you Evo. Yes, he must, people are passionate about these crazy peppers. You see it in the constant effort to cultivate even hotter varieties. They are time and labor (mild) intensive to grow, and once ripe they don't last long unless you freeze them like Turbo suggests (dry them good and triple bag them and put in the freezer). You are seeing the beginning of the acceptance and diversification of them into our food chain. My last post reflects what people are willing to try to find a niche in the market. Hey, I wish them well in their endeavors.

From what I have seen after e-mailing three or four folks who grow these, they all are passionate and creative. Pretty amazing to watch unfold before you, isn't it ?

  • #685
Evo said:
Darn, I owe you $80 Rhody. :blushing: Do these people sell many at that price? Tha's crazy!

rhody said:
I am as amazed as you Evo. Yes, he must, people are passionate about these crazy peppers. You see it in the constant effort to cultivate even hotter varieties.

I see a new entrepreneur in the works. You have the passion and know-how. Go for it rhody.

They are time and labor (mild) intensive to grow, and once ripe they don't last long unless you freeze them like Turbo suggests (dry them good and triple bag them and put in the freezer).

Well, I still have a few left and they're in good condition (stored in my refrigerator at a very cold temperature with high humidity). I just used one in a batch of chilli. :smile:
  • #686
Here is a "before" and "after" picture of my three ghosts of being trimmed for the winter hiatus.
Can you tell which plant is the two year old one ? The bottom picture is the baby ghosts, about the
size of a nickel I saved before trimming the plants back.



Rhody... :wink:
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  • #687
dlgoff said:
I see a new entrepreneur in the works. You have the passion and know-how. Go for it rhody.

I will be the first customer! :!)

dlgoff, you can join rhody and sell big ghost eggs :cool:
  • #688
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  • #689
Evo said:
AAAARGHHH! Will that throw them into shock?

I hope not Evo, I did the same thing to the oldest one this spring when I planted it outdoors and it came back just fine, only time will tell though.

  • #690
I'm going to try raising ghosts in the garden this summer, right alongside the Savinas. I have had a couple of crappy years in a row, but that was not always the case. There were years when I had bumper crops of ripe habaneros from just a few plants.

BTW, this is the very basic set of ingredients for a batch of habanero relish. Ripe peppers, fresh hard-neck garlic, and chopped dill florets. The flowering heads of dill are far more flavorful than the weed (leaves).
  • #691
turbo said:
I'm going to try raising ghosts in the garden this summer, right alongside the Savinas. I have had a couple of crappy years in a row, but that was not always the case. There were years when I had bumper crops of ripe habaneros from just a few plants.

BTW, this is the very basic set of ingredients for a batch of habanero relish. Ripe peppers, fresh hard-neck garlic, and chopped dill florets. The flowering heads of dill are far more flavorful than the weed (leaves).

If I have success with the trinidad scorpions (TS), and God knows something even hotter that hits the market, I am going to venture to guess that you will meet your limit with the TS peppers. The video's I have seen of people attempting to eat them are very scary.

  • #692
rhody said:

If I have success with the trinidad scorpions (TS), and God knows something even hotter that hits the market, I am going to venture to guess that you will meet your limit with the TS peppers. The video's I have seen of people attempting to eat them are very scary.

We'll see, rhody. I like the ghosts. They are rich and sweet, along with the heat. I made my shrimp marinade/basting sauce with one of them (flesh only, because I wanted to save the seeds), and my wife said the shrimp weren't spicy enough. The next time I made them, I used 3 ghosts instead of 1. When I served them, she said they were real hot, then she and my father proceeded to make those shrimp disappear. I had to scramble to get my share. You've never seen a pound of grilled jumbo shrimp evaporate like that. 3 ghosts basted onto one pound of shrimp seems like just about the right proportions. My father used to like to eat chili peppers until he turned about 70 or so, and said that the heat was bothering him. He didn't seem phased by the heat when he was wolfing down the shrimp.
  • #693
turbo said:
We'll see, rhody. I like the ghosts. They are rich and sweet, along with the heat. I made my shrimp marinade/basting sauce with one of them (flesh only, because I wanted to save the seeds), and my wife said the shrimp weren't spicy enough. The next time I made them, I used 3 ghosts instead of 1. When I served them, she said they were real hot, then she and my father proceeded to make those shrimp disappear. I had to scramble to get my share. You've never seen a pound of grilled jumbo shrimp evaporate like that. 3 ghosts basted onto one pound of shrimp seems like just about the right proportions. My father used to like to eat chili peppers until he turned about 70 or so, and said that the heat was bothering him. He didn't seem phased by the heat when he was wolfing down the shrimp.

God, Turbo...

I have come to the conclusion that you and your family are HEAT FREAKS. If four out of five people who try the trinidad's puke from them and you are your brood don't and like them, then you are".

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  • #694
rhody said:
God, Turbo...

I have come to the conclusion that you and your family are HEAT FREAKS. If four out of five people who try the trinidad's puke from them and you are your brood don't and like them, then you are".

Not really, rhody. My wife likes my habanero relish, but only in moderation. I'll load up my hot dogs with that relish and hot mustard and chow down, but I always save the last bite for her. She never asks, but she'd be quite disappointed if I didn't.

She made a nice soup yesterday with hamburg, black beans, corn, carrots, and a very spicy tomato sauce that we had made up (that's where the last of the ghosts ended up), and it's delicious. I wouldn't sell it at a lunch-wagon without offering customers a trial taste, because it would be a bit over-the-top for people who are intolerant of hot food. Still, it is a wonderful soup and I'm nuking some up for my lunch right now.
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  • #695
I have proof that my trimmed pepper plants like the heat mat, and it makes them grow at a more rapid pace. I picked one of my cut back plants and put a heat mat under it. After a week there is at least two times the growth (areas that are sprouting) and leaves that are twice as large as my other two plants. All three plants got the same amount of water and sun. I fertilize weekly as well. That leaves little doubt that the heat mats are doing their job and the plant is very sensitive to temperature, even if only at the root level. Questions, comments ?

Rhody... :cool:
  • #696
That goes along with my seat-of-the-pants evaluation, rhody. The soil temperature in the garden has a lot to do with growth rate. Chilies like Sun, warm soil, and not too much nitrogen. Nitrogen promotes leafy growth and suppresses fruiting and ripening. The last 2-3 years, I have had cool, cloudy weather for much of the growing season, so I have had to make do with unripe habanero chilies for my relishes. Quite disappointing. This year, I barely got any ripe Hungarian Wax (paprika) chilies, and they are usually as dependable as can be.
  • #697
turbo said:
That goes along with my seat-of-the-pants evaluation, rhody. The soil temperature in the garden has a lot to do with growth rate. Chilies like Sun, warm soil, and not too much nitrogen. Nitrogen promotes leafy growth and suppresses fruiting and ripening. The last 2-3 years, I have had cool, cloudy weather for much of the growing season, so I have had to make do with unripe habanero chilies for my relishes. Quite disappointing. This year, I barely got any ripe Hungarian Wax (paprika) chilies, and they are usually as dependable as can be.
Find a way to heat the Earth near your plants turbo, too bad we didn't live in Iceland. We could take advantage of the geothermal vents everywhere and pump naturally hot water in radiant plastic pipes near the root systems of the plants. I am convinced it would work like a charm. Hard to imagine an economical answer without outlaying some serious cash for an outdoor spring/summer/fall application. A green house is the way to go, possibly solar powered with inverters and batteries as well.

I will switch the mat to the other two plants this week so they can start to catch up with the other one.

  • #698
I have considered using black plastic sheeting on the beds, and planting right through the plastic when my seedlings are growing well. I'm not a big fan of using plastic, though. Also, if you have to water, plastic sheeting makes it tough to give the soil a good soaking, unless you want to invest in a drip system/perforated hose under the sheeting. I always mulch my garlic with oat straw, but even that mulch provides good cover for slugs. Gardening organically has its challenges.
  • #699
turbo said:
I have considered using black plastic sheeting on the beds, and planting right through the plastic when my seedlings are growing well. I'm not a big fan of using plastic, though. Also, if you have to water, plastic sheeting makes it tough to give the soil a good soaking, unless you want to invest in a drip system/perforated hose under the sheeting. I always mulch my garlic with oat straw, but even that mulch provides good cover for slugs. Gardening organically has its challenges.

A friend of mid planted 5K tomato plants through black plastic (me too for a few melons), and he used a long thin hose (with pump) with a drip tube on each plant from his pond/damned creak. He made tones on money selling at farmers markets; hiring several people to pick them.
  • #700
rhody said:
God, Turbo...

I have come to the conclusion that you and your family are HEAT FREAKS...
I think I'm one too. I am getting low on the ghost but I had one (seeds and all) today with my left-over Thanks Giving ham, g-beans, and mashed potatoes. Outstanding.


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