Two total internal reflection examples

In summary, when viewing a candle behind a glass container of water at an angle greater than the angle of total reflection, the viewer will see an image of the candle rotated 90 degrees on the surface of the water. This is due to the phenomenon of total internal reflection, where light is completely reflected back into the denser medium. When a metal spoon is placed in water, it appears to be burnt due to the difference in refractive indices between air and water causing the light to be refracted towards the normal. This also explains why objects in water appear larger and closer to the surface.
  • #1

Homework Statement

-Behind a glass container with water, there is a candle. The container is paralelopiped - shaped. What is the image that the viewer is going to see, if the eye is set like so, that he watches the candle with an angle greater than the angle of total reflection?
-Hold a metal spoon over a candle and bring it into a container with water. The spoon won't look burnt. What's the reason?

Homework Equations

None - conceptual questions.

The Attempt at a Solution

-I am fairly sure that since he watches at an angle greater than the angle of total reflection, he will see the image of the cangle on the surface of the water, rotated 90 degrees. Am I right?
-I really can't put my mind into this one. I think that it has something to do with the different refraction indices of water and air - but I still don't see how this could affect the coloring - some light rays would still get to the burnt parts - and absorb the same frequencies - so the same color will remain... A little help?
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  • #2

Hello, thank you for your post. I can provide some insight into these questions.

For the first question, you are correct in thinking that the viewer will see the image of the candle on the surface of the water, rotated 90 degrees. This is because when light passes from a denser medium (in this case, water) to a less dense medium (air), it is refracted away from the normal (an imaginary line perpendicular to the surface). When the angle of incidence (the angle at which the light hits the surface) is greater than the critical angle (the angle at which total internal reflection occurs), the light is completely reflected back into the water, creating an image of the candle on the surface. This phenomenon is known as total internal reflection.

For the second question, the reason the metal spoon won't look burnt when placed in water is due to the difference in refractive indices between water and air. When light passes from air to water, it is refracted towards the normal, causing objects to appear closer than they actually are. This is why objects in water appear larger and closer to the surface. The metal spoon is not actually burnt, but it appears to be due to the refraction of light. This is also why objects in a glass of water appear to be bent or distorted - the light is being refracted as it passes from the air to the water.

I hope this helps to clarify these concepts for you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Keep up the good work!
  • #3

Your understanding of the first example is correct. When the eye is set at an angle greater than the angle of total reflection, the viewer will see the image of the candle on the surface of the water, rotated 90 degrees. This is because at this angle, total internal reflection occurs at the interface between the water and the glass container, causing the light rays to reflect off the water's surface and create the image.

For the second example, the reason the spoon won't look burnt is due to total internal reflection at the interface between the water and the spoon. When the spoon is held over the candle, it heats up and creates a layer of hot air around it. This layer of hot air has a lower refractive index than the surrounding water, causing total internal reflection to occur at the interface between the water and the spoon. This means that the light rays from the candle are not able to reach the spoon's surface and create the image of the burnt spoon. Instead, the viewer sees the reflection of the water's surface on the spoon, making it appear as if it is not burnt.

FAQ: Two total internal reflection examples

What is total internal reflection?

Total internal reflection is a phenomenon that occurs when a ray of light passes from a material with a higher refractive index into a material with a lower refractive index. If the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, the light will be completely reflected back into the original material instead of passing through it. This results in no light being transmitted through the interface.

What is the critical angle?

The critical angle is the angle of incidence at which total internal reflection occurs. It is determined by the refractive indices of the two materials at the interface, with the formula being sinθc = n2/n1, where θc is the critical angle, n1 is the refractive index of the first material, and n2 is the refractive index of the second material.

Can total internal reflection occur with any two materials?

No, total internal reflection can only occur when light travels from a material with a higher refractive index to a material with a lower refractive index. If the light travels from a material with a lower refractive index to a material with a higher refractive index, it will not experience total internal reflection.

What are some common examples of total internal reflection?

One common example of total internal reflection is the mirage effect, where light passing through hot air near the ground is refracted, creating the illusion of water or an object in the distance. Another example is the sparkle effect in diamonds, where light entering the diamond is reflected multiple times before exiting, creating a sparkling appearance.

How is total internal reflection used in technology?

Total internal reflection is used in many technologies, including fiber optic cables, where light is transmitted through a thin core of high refractive index material surrounded by a lower refractive index material. It is also used in prisms and mirrors to manipulate and reflect light in various applications such as cameras and telescopes.
