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mtong said:I should have made myself more clear, this was in response to CarlB's solution, using special relativity.
OK, was this his post #20 that you were criticizing?
mtong said:I should have made myself more clear, this was in response to CarlB's solution, using special relativity.
FAQ said:It's often said that special relativity is based on two postulates: that all inertial frames are of equal validity, and that light travels at the same speed in all inertial frames. But in real world scenarios, objects almost never travel at constant velocity, and so we might never find an inertial frame in which such an object is at rest. To allow us to make predictions about how accelerating objects behave, we need to introduce a third postulate.
This is often called the "clock postulate", but it applies to much more than just clocks, and in fact it underpins much of advanced relativity, both special and general, as well as the notion of covariance (that is, writing the equations of physics in a frame-independent way).
The clock postulate can be stated in the following way. First, we take the rate that our frame's clocks count out their time, and compare that to the rate that a moving clock counts out its time. Before the clock postulate was ever thought of, all that was known was that when the moving clock has a constant velocity v (measured relative to the speed of light c), this ratio of rates is the Lorentz factor
gamma = 1/sqrt(1-v2)
The clock postulate generalises this to say that even when the moving clock accelerates, the ratio of the rate of our clocks compared to its rate is still the above quantity. That is, it only depends on v, and does not depend on any derivatives of v, such as acceleration. So this says that an accelerating clock will count out its time in such a way that at anyone moment, its timing has slowed by a factor (gamma) that only depends on its current speed; its acceleration has no effect at all.
In other words, the accelerated clock's rate is identical to the clock rate in a "momentarily comoving inertial frame" (MCIF), which we can imagine is holding an inertial clock that for a brief moment slows to a stop alongside of the accelerated clock, so that their relative velocity is momentarily zero. At that moment they are ticking at the same rate. A moment later, the accelerated clock has a new MCIF, again one that is moving momentarily to match its speed, and there is a new inertial clock that briefly slows to a stop alongside of the accelerated clock. And again, the rates of accelerated clock and the new inertial one will momentarily be the same.
OlderDan said:I'm not suggesting this is a proper view of the universe as seen by T_a, but it all seems to be consistent with a special relativistic view of the problem and, to me at least, casts doubt on the validity of any quasi-inertial approach to treating accelerating reference frames. I've always assumed the general theory could account for these intervals of acceleration properly, but I don’t see it happening from a calculation like the one you did.
Feel free to tell me what's wrong with my description of the scenario. That' why I'm throwing it out there.
pervect said:For someone accelerating at 1G, the rindler horizon will be about 1 light year behind him. Signals from the region of space-time behind this horizon will never reach the accelerating observer as long as he continues to accelerate.
Well that's awsome. I appreciate your taking the time to respond. What's even more intriguing than the time evolution is the rapid change in the distance from the accelerating observer to the distant star. It seems the star must appear to be moving substantially faster than c, but I guess that's OK as long as the light from the star is staying ahead of it. I guess I'll finally have to do some reading on this GR stuff.pervect said:The short answer to your question is "yes", he can witness the evolution in fast motion. Now for the long answer.
pervect said:But guess what - all of this weirdness is tied to using the coordiante system of an accelerated observer, one which corresponds to the above metric.
When you use the coordinate system of an inertial observer, the metric coefficients are always
ds^2 = -dt^2 + dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2
And when you use this metric, all clocks run normally - there is no gravitational field, and there is no gravitational time dilation effects.
CarlB said:I assume you mean this in the general sense, that is, for the watch thrown in the air, when the calculation is made in the rest frame of that watch, there is no gravitational time dilation, even though the watch is clearly in the "gravitational field" of the Earth.
What I believe we agree on here, is that it truly is only velocity that causes time dilation. "Gravitational time dilation" is not included in Einstein's relativity, except when you make certain (very natural) assumptions about the metric you will work in.
Another way of putting this is that time dilation can only be a relative thing.