Understanding Entangled Particles in Different Time Frames

In summary, QM tells us that correlations between measurements on an entangled pair are due to the particles being in an entangled state, which is due to the particles being created from the decay of a neutral pion.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Here is something I don't understand which I expect someone here can explain.

If one member of an entangled pair goes on a trip at relativistic speeds, there will be two different frames of observation, with two different elapsed times.
The time frames can get off-set by years, over a long trip.
If one of the pair is interacted with, determining its state, when does this "immediate" effect also determine the state of the other half of the entangled pair (in its different time frame)?

It seems like two different time frames would predict two different times for the second particle to become determined, depending on which time frame was used. Or maybe the "causal" side of the pair sets the interaction?
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  • #2
It doesn’t matter. If they are spacelike separated then no experiment can distinguish the order
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  • #3
BillTre said:
Here is something I don't understand which I expect someone here can explain.

If one member of an entangled pair goes on a trip at relativistic speeds, there will be two different frames of observation, with two different elapsed times.
The time frames can get off-set by years, over a long trip.
If one of the pair is interacted with, determining its state, when does this "immediate" effect also determine the state of the other half of the entangled pair (in its different time frame)?

It seems like two different time frames would predict two different times for the second particle to become determined, depending on which time frame was used. Or maybe the "causal" side of the pair sets the interaction?
This is precisely the point about quantum entanglement. It's not enough to postulate a FTL communication mechanism, since there is no absolute sense in which one measurement takes place before the other.

Postulating that the two particles communicate fails on those two points.

QM is silent on how nature achieves correlation of measurements on an entangled pair. There's a discussion of the "possibilities" here:

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Likes vanhees71 and BillTre
  • #4
QM, or better QFT, tells us precisely, how the correlations are "achieved". It's simply, because the particles are somehow prepared in an entangled state. One example is the decay of a neutral pion ##\pi^0 \rightarrow 2 \gamma##. This creates two photons with momenta ##\vec{k}## and ##-\vec{k}## with total angular-momentum 0 (due to energy-momentum conservation and angular-momentum conservation). This makes an entangled two-photon state
$$|\Psi \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} [\hat{a}^{\dagger}(\vec{k},1) \hat{a}^{\dagger}(-\vec{k},-1)-\hat{a}^{\dagger}(\vec{k},-1) \hat{a}^{\dagger}(-\vec{k},1)]|\Omega \rangle.$$
Here ##\hat{a}^{\dagger}(\vec{k},\lambda)## is the creation operator for a photon with momentum ##\vec{k}## and helicity ##\lambda##. This is an entangled photon state having all the astonishing properties such states have, particularly you can perform experiments violating Bell's inequality and all that. So QT indeed explains, how the correlations come about, namely in this case simply due to entanglement following from conservation laws.
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FAQ: Understanding Entangled Particles in Different Time Frames

What are entangled particles?

Entangled particles are two or more particles that are connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. This phenomenon is known as quantum entanglement and it is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics.

How do entangled particles behave in different time frames?

Entangled particles behave differently in different time frames due to the principles of quantum mechanics. In the present moment, the particles are in a superposition of states, meaning they exist in all possible states at the same time. However, once a measurement is made on one particle, the state of the other particle is instantly determined, even if they are separated by a large distance.

Can entangled particles be used for communication?

No, entangled particles cannot be used for communication. While the state of one particle can be instantly determined by measuring the other particle, this does not allow for the transmission of information. The state of the particles is random and cannot be controlled, making it impossible to use them for communication.

What is the significance of understanding entangled particles in different time frames?

Understanding entangled particles in different time frames is important for understanding the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. It also has potential applications in quantum computing and cryptography, as well as providing insights into the nature of reality and the interconnectedness of particles.

How do scientists study entangled particles in different time frames?

Scientists study entangled particles by conducting experiments using quantum systems such as photons or atoms. These experiments involve creating entangled particles and then measuring their states at different time frames to observe how they behave. Advanced technologies such as quantum entanglement tomography and quantum state tomography are used to study the complex behavior of entangled particles in different time frames.

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