- #71
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marlon said:I took the effort of reading this publication and i did not find any clue to denies what i have said. Please, show me, in this paper, the part where you think what i have said (which is just mainstraim physics) is incorrect. Let's work with this one.
You must go for a career as politician : I never claimed that what you said *about QM* is wrong, just that your claims about what wave particle duality implies are. The latter paper deals with a description of the Schrodinger equation within the context of classical statistical mechanics (without Wick rotation). As I said, the author does not refer explicitely to the measurement problem here, but (a student of) Toffoli has published on that (as said before).
marlon said:
That's a bit easy no ?
Nope, I give up on hopeless cases who do nothing but insulting the other party based on a clear lack of knowledge about what has been said.
marlon said:Err, the fact that it does NOT exist, maybe ?
Wrong, it is known to exist for about 100 years now : the resulting equation in EM for a particle, taking into account the coulomb selfinteraction as well as the radiative backreaction (= radiative ``self interaction'', I would have better used backreaction if you are so confused by this use of the word selfinteraction) is called the Lorentz Dirac equation.
marlon said:Show me some self interacting particles in classical physics please. Again, if you make a hollow claim, please take the effort of using mainstream physical examples. Otherwise, what you say is just ...empty stuff...
I gave you already one, and I called it ``electron'' If you want a reference : ``classical electrodynamics of retarded fields of particles'', Rivista del nuovo cimento vol 3, no 9. (1980)
marlon said:No you did not, but i am giving you the chance to do that again.
Please refrain from giving yourself an imaginary mentor status : I am giving you too much chances.
marlon said:That's the first time you talk about that to me. Also, regurgitating some terms is useless. What do you mean by "spinorial particles responsible for apparent duality" ? Mainstream physics only please...
Learn to read : I said that the *zitterbewegung* of spinorial particles was responsible for the apparent duality and this is a very old idea.
marlon said:But again, what does this have to do with our original discussion which is limited to the original QM formalism.
No, you limited it to QM !
marlon said:Yeah, very clear. I am sure that if people read what you say here, your point will be sooooooo convincing.
In contrast to you, I am not trying to convince anybody of my point of view. I realize that it is still too unpolished, but on the other hand it is useful to point out where other possibilities reside which have been peer published already for many years !
marlon said:Clearly, my dear friend, you are not used to real scientific discussions. You seem to be of one of them pop science guys.
What you are doing here in this thread does not even qualify in my experience as a discussion, and certainly not as a scientific one. On the other hand, you have proven yourself not even to know about the classical origin of electromagnetic self interaction, but even worse, you straigtforwardly attack someone who is pointing this out to you. Of course this EM self interaction has not the same effect as the QM one (since the wave function is smeared out) and the latter has lead to a correct prediction of the Lamb shift amongst other things.
marlon said:That's something, you see it is not so hard to swallow your proud and follow mainstream physics.
And YES, you are always talking about different interpretations while i was ONLY talking about the standard QM formalism. NO measurement problems...
I was NEVER talking about different interpretations.
marlon said:WRONG. You are again mixing measurement problems with the formalism. I am not going into that again since i have been doing that ad nauseum".
You were never listening to the counter example I gave you he (the bra and ket model). Usually, when people do not know about it, they ask for references.
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