Understanding the definition of continuous functions

In summary, Charles Nash's book emphasizes that the real definition of continuity, which requires the inverse image of every open set in Y to also be open, is not sufficient. Nash presents a counter example which maps open sets into open sets but the inverse image of an open set is not necesserily open. He also presents a function which is continuous but not inversible, and which has an open inverse image.
  • #1
Definition: A function f mapping from the topological space X to the topological space Y is continuous if the inverse image of every open set in Y is an open set in X.

The book I'm reading (Charles Nash: Topology and Geometry for Physicists) emphasizes that inversing this definition would not be a sufficient requirement for continuity: a function that maps open sets into open sets is not necesserily continuous (according to our intuition). He presents a counter example ## f(x) =
x& x\leq 0 \\
1+x & x > 0

He says that this is a function that maps open sets into open sets, but the inverse image of an open set is not necesserily an open set. The second part is trivial if we look at the image of the interval ##(1- \epsilon, 1+\epsilon)##, so according to the real definition this isn't a continuous function. But I'm having a problem with the first part. If we take the interval ##(-\epsilon,\epsilon)##, then its image is ##(-\epsilon, 0] \cup(1,1+\epsilon)## This is not an open interval either. What am I missing here?
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  • #2
Robin04 said:
Definition: A function f mapping from the topological space X to the topological space Y is continuous if the inverse image of every open set in Y is an open set in X.

The book I'm reading (Charles Nash: Topology and Geometry for Physicists) emphasizes that inversing this definition would not be a sufficient requirement for continuity: a function that maps open sets into open sets is not necesserily continuous (according to our intuition). He presents a counter example ## f(x) =
x& x\leq 0 \\
1+x & x > 0

He says that this is a function that maps open sets into open sets, but the inverse image of an open set is not necesserily an open set. The second part is trivial if we look at the image of the interval ##(1- \epsilon, 1+\epsilon)##, so according to the real definition this isn't a continuous function. But I'm having a problem with the first part. If we take the interval ##(-\epsilon,\epsilon)##, then its image is ##(-\epsilon, 0] \cup(1,1+\epsilon)## This is not an open interval either. What am I missing here?
It is an open set in ##Y:=(-\infty,0] \cup (1,\infty)##. If you consider ##f\, : \,\mathbb{R} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}## instead, then you fill in the unnecessary gap ##(0,1]##. However, we can define ##f\, : \, \mathbb{R}\longrightarrow (-\infty,0] \cup (1,\infty)## in which case ##f## is an open function. And it is still not continuous at ##x=0##.
  • #3
fresh_42 said:
It is an open set in ##Y:=(-\infty,0] \cup (1,\infty)##. If you consider ##f\, : \,\mathbb{R} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}## instead, then you fill in the unnecessary gap ##(0,1]##. However, we can define ##f\, : \, \mathbb{R}\longrightarrow (-\infty,0] \cup (1,\infty)## in which case ##f## is an open function. And it is still not continuous at ##x=0##.
So the reason why its continuous is because the range of ##f## is only a subset of ##\mathbb{R}## and thus the interval ##(-\epsilon,0] \cup (1,1+\epsilon)## is open because I cannot take ##0+\delta##, ##\delta > 0## as it's not in the set? It would only be closed if ##0+\delta## was in the set?
  • #4
Not sure what you mean here. Let's keep the topological definition. Since it makes a statement about open sets of ##X## and ##Y##, the choice of the spaces is essential here, and ##Y=(-\infty,0]\cup (1,\infty) \neq \mathbb{R}##. Next we see, that if we concentrate on the open sets of ##Y## instead of the different space ##\mathbb{R}##, then ##f## becomes open. Now ##U:=(-\varepsilon,0]\subseteq Y## is an open set and ##f^{-1}(U)=(-\varepsilon,0] \subseteq X:= \mathbb{R}## is not, so it cannot be continuous.

Now you want to switch to the equivalent ##\varepsilon-\delta## definition of continuity in ##\mathbb{R}##. Let us therefore take ##\varepsilon := 1/2##. Now we must find a ##\delta > 0## such that for all ##x\in \mathbb{R}## holds ##|x| < \delta \Longrightarrow |f(x)|<1/2\,.## But such a ##\delta## does not exist, because for ##x_0:=\frac{1}{2}\delta## we sure have ##|x_0|=\frac{1}{2}\delta < \delta## so our condition is given, but ##|f(x_0)|=1+\frac{1}{2}\delta > 1/2\,.##
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  • #5
Here is an extreme example.

Let ##X## be the real numbers with the usual topology. Let ##Y## be the real numbers with the discrete topology. Let ##f:X→Y## be the identity map ##f(x)=x## for all numbers. Then ##f## is an open mapping because every subset of ##Y## is open. But the inverse image of an open set might not be open for instance the inverse image of a point.

Now let ##X## have the trivial topology - the only open sets are the null set and the set of all real numbers - and ##Y## the usual topology on the real numbers. Then the identity map is open but not continuous. More generally, ##Y## can be the real numbers with any non-trivial topology.
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  • #6
It's become a bit complicated for me. I'm very early in my studies in topology. What I understood is that ##f## does not map from ##\mathbb{R}## to ##\mathbb{R}##, but from ##\mathbb{R}## to ##Y:=(-\infty, 0] \cup(1, \infty)##. There was the example I checked where the function mapped an open set from ##\mathbb{R}## into ##(-\epsilon, 0] \cup(1,1+\epsilon)##. The only thing to prove is that this set is open in ##Y##. First, I think I'm missing the exact definition of what an open set generally is. The book I'm reading only says that open sets are the elements of a topology to a set, but an open set also seems to be a separate concept used outside the context of topological spaces or at least not very much attached to them (correct me if I'm wrong).

Also, you both used the term open for functions too. When do we say that a function is open?
  • #7
Robin04 said:
It's become a bit complicated for me. I'm very early in my studies in topology. What I understood is that ##f## does not map from ##\mathbb{R}## to ##\mathbb{R}##, but from ##\mathbb{R}## to ##Y:=(-\infty, 0] \cup(1, \infty)##. There was the example I checked where the function mapped an open set from ##\mathbb{R}## into ##(-\epsilon, 0] \cup(1,1+\epsilon)##. The only thing to prove is that this set is open in ##Y##. First, I think I'm missing the exact definition of what an open set generally is.
An open set is what is defined as being open in the corresponding topology.

A topology is a set ##X## together with a collection of subsets ##U_\iota \in \mathcal{P}(X)## with certain conditions. Now let this collection of subsets be ##\tau = \{\,U_\iota\,|\,\iota \in I\,\}## for some index set ##I##. Then ##\tau## is called a topology if
  • ##\emptyset\; , \; X \in \tau##
  • Finite intersections of sets of ##\tau ## are in ##\tau## again: ##U_\mu\; , \;U_\nu \in \tau \Longrightarrow U_\mu \cap U_\nu \in \tau##
  • Arbitrary unions of sets of ##\tau## are in ##\tau## again: ##U_\iota \in \tau \,(\iota \in J \subseteq I)\,\Longrightarrow \bigcup_{\iota \in J}U_\iota \in \tau##
The sets in ##\tau## are all sets we call open in the topology ##\tau##.
The book I'm reading only says that open sets are the elements of a topology to a set, but an open set also seems to be a separate concept used outside the context of topological spaces or at least not very much attached to them (correct me if I'm wrong).

Also, you both used the term open for functions too. When do we say that a function is open?
You probably confuse different topological spaces here. We start with ##X=\mathbb{R}## and define as open whatever can be written as an arbitrary union of open intervals.

For the sake of completeness: This is the topology which is induced by the Euclidean metric. Every metric induces a topology, because we can define open sets as those with a distance from a point smaller than a fixed number: ##U_\iota(x_0;r) := \{\,x \in X\,|\,d(x_0,x)< r\,\}##, collect the empty set, the entire space, and all arbitrary unions of ##U_\iota(x_0;r)## and call them open.

Now we have what you know about the real numbers. Next, we observe that ##Y\subsetneq \mathbb{R}## is a proper subset. Therefore, we cannot take the same sets as in ##\mathbb{R}## as open sets, simply because some of them aren't part of ##Y##. However, we can introduce the so called subspace topology, that is we define for ##(Y,\tau)## all sets ##U \cap Y \in \tau## for some open set ##U \in (\mathbb{R},|.|)## where ##|.|## means the topology induced by the usual metric.

Thus ##(-\varepsilon,0] = (-\varepsilon,1/2) \cap Y \subseteq Y## is open, because ##(-\varepsilon,1/2) \subseteq \mathbb{R}## is, and likewise ##(1,1+\varepsilon)=(1,1+\varepsilon) \cap Y## which is open in both, ##\mathbb{R}## and ##Y##. Now since ##(-\varepsilon,0] \cup (1,1+\varepsilon)## is a union of open sets, it is again open in ##Y\,.##
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  • #8
Robin04 said:
Also, you both used the term open for functions too. When do we say that a function is open?

A function is called open if it maps open sets into open sets.
  • #9
Robin04 said:
It's become a bit complicated for me. I'm very early in my studies in topology. What I understood is that ##f## does not map from ##\mathbb{R}## to ##\mathbb{R}##, but from ##\mathbb{R}## to ##Y:=(-\infty, 0] \cup(1, \infty)##. There was the example I checked where the function mapped an open set from ##\mathbb{R}## into ##(-\epsilon, 0] \cup(1,1+\epsilon)##. The only thing to prove is that this set is open in ##Y##. First, I think I'm missing the exact definition of what an open set generally is. The book I'm reading only says that open sets are the elements of a topology to a set, but an open set also seems to be a separate concept used outside the context of topological spaces or at least not very much attached to them (correct me if I'm wrong).

Also, you both used the term open for functions too. When do we say that a function is open?
A set S is open if for every x in S there exists a basis element ##B_x ## withx##x\in B_x \subset S##. Meaning each point has a basic neighborhood contained entirely in the set.
  • #10
Robin04 said:
It's become a bit complicated for me. I'm very early in my studies in topology. What I understood is that ##f## does not map from ##\mathbb{R}## to ##\mathbb{R}##, but from ##\mathbb{R}## to ##Y:=(-\infty, 0] \cup(1, \infty)##. There was the example I checked where the function mapped an open set from ##\mathbb{R}## into ##(-\epsilon, 0] \cup(1,1+\epsilon)##. The only thing to prove is that this set is open in ##Y##. First, I think I'm missing the exact definition of what an open set generally is. The book I'm reading only says that open sets are the elements of a topology to a set, but an open set also seems to be a separate concept used outside the context of topological spaces or at least not very much attached to them (correct me if I'm wrong).

Also, you both used the term open for functions too. When do we say that a function is open?
When considering Y it is seen as a subpace ( of t Reals, here) so that open (subspace)sets are intersections of open sets in the ambient space ( the Reals in this case) with the subspace ( here described by freshmeister in post #2.).

Related to Understanding the definition of continuous functions

1. What is the definition of a continuous function?

A continuous function is a mathematical concept where the output of a function changes smoothly as the input changes. This means that there are no abrupt changes or breaks in the function's graph.

2. How is continuity of a function determined?

The continuity of a function is determined by its behavior at every point in its domain. A function is considered continuous if it is defined at a point, the limit of the function at that point exists, and the limit is equal to the value of the function at that point.

3. What is the difference between a continuous and a discontinuous function?

A continuous function has a smooth and unbroken graph, while a discontinuous function has gaps, holes, or jumps in its graph. In other words, a continuous function can be drawn without lifting the pencil from the paper, while a discontinuous function cannot.

4. Are all continuous functions differentiable?

No, not all continuous functions are differentiable. A function is differentiable if it has a derivative at every point in its domain. While all differentiable functions are continuous, the converse is not true.

5. How is continuity related to the intermediate value theorem?

The intermediate value theorem states that if a function is continuous on a closed interval, it takes on every value between the function's values at the endpoints of the interval. This means that if a function is continuous, it cannot "skip" any values within its range.

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