- #71
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Physics-Learner said:i am not assuming that what's true must be false because of tautology. your logic is saying that what's true COULD BE false because of tautology.
we simply don't know what we don't know. we can't observe what is not observable.
so any topic you want to bring up, i can use your basic logic that you have presented, to cast doubt.
if this universe is not causal, we sure have an awful lot of physics that seems to do a pretty good job of defining a causal universe. and not one iota to suggest non-causality.
Are you able to distinguish between analytical tools and the physicalities they analyze? An analytical tool does not have a truth value in itself. It doesn't make sense to say that "length is true," although it can be true that something is 50cm long. This is why I'm pointing out the logical problem with tautological truth. If length or causality can be applied to anything physical, then it is not true or false in itself. It is only accurately applied or not as a tool. It would be silly to apply causality in some ways, such as asking what the cause of air is. Air in and of itself doesn't have a cause, or rather it could have many different causes depending on what aspect of it you're talking about. Causality isn't something about the universe, it is a way of looking at things that happen.