Uniform Circular Motion Bicycle Tire

In summary, the spot of paint on the bicycle tire has traveled a linear distance of 1.66m, and the tire has rotated through an angle of approximately 5.02 radians. This is calculated using the equations v=rw and s=rθ, where r is the radius of .33m and θ is the unknown angle.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A spot of paint on a bicycle tire moves in a circular path of radius .33m. When the spot has traveled a linear distance of 1.66m, through what angle has the tire rotated?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
hi eagles12! :smile:
eagles12 said:
A spot of paint on a bicycle tire moves in a circular path of radius .33m. When the spot has traveled a linear distance of 1.66m, through what angle has the tire rotated?


T is the period (a time) …

this question has nothing to do with time :wink:

in adition to v = rω, you also need to learn …

s = rθ

a = rα :smile:

FAQ: Uniform Circular Motion Bicycle Tire

What is uniform circular motion?

Uniform circular motion is the movement of an object in a circular path at a constant speed. This means that the object is moving at a steady rate without changing its speed or direction.

How does a bicycle tire exhibit uniform circular motion?

A bicycle tire is mounted on an axle, and as the bike moves forward, the tire rotates around this fixed axis. This rotation is constant, and the tire maintains a consistent speed and direction as it moves along the circular path.

What factors affect the uniform circular motion of a bicycle tire?

The main factors that affect the uniform circular motion of a bicycle tire are the speed of the bike, the radius of the tire, and the mass of the rider and the bike. These factors can influence the centripetal force, which keeps the tire moving in a circular path.

How does the centripetal force keep a bicycle tire in motion?

The centripetal force is the force that acts towards the center of a circular path and keeps the object moving in that path. In the case of a bicycle tire, the centripetal force is provided by the tension in the spokes and the friction between the tire and the ground. Without this force, the tire would continue in a straight line instead of following a circular path.

Can the uniform circular motion of a bicycle tire be accelerated?

Yes, the uniform circular motion of a bicycle tire can be accelerated by increasing the speed or changing the radius of the tire. This acceleration is caused by an increase in the centripetal force, which allows the tire to maintain a constant circular path at a higher speed or with a smaller radius.
