Unit tangent vector vs principal normal vector

In summary: The first property is that the vector has magnitude 1, and the second property is that the vector acts on the unit tangent vector at every point.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In the link, I can't understand that why the Principal Unit Normal Vector is defined by N(t) = T'(t) / | T'(t) | ,can someone explain...

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Since tangent vector is normal to principal normal vector, why the N(t) shouldn't be -1 / ( T'(t) / | T'(t) | ) , since we know that if two vectors ( A and B) are prependicular to each other, then A multiply by B will get -1,
so, N(t) shouldn't be -1 / ( T'(t) / | T'(t) | ),
am i right? why we must differentiate it?
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  • #2
How do you divide the number -1 by a vector ? Write it out as vectors and perhaps it will become clearer then...

Oh, and two vectors are perpendicular if their (inner) product is zero.

Two lines in the x,y plane may be perpendicular if the product of their slopes is -1, but that's something else ...
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  • #3
BvU said:
How do you divide the number -1 by a vector ? Write it out as vectors and perhaps it will become clearer then...

Oh, and two vectors are perpendicular if their (inner) product is zero.

Two lines in the x,y plane may be perpendicular if the product of their slopes is -1, but that's something else ...
here's my idea
i mean when we find dy/dx = gradient of tangent , gradient of tangent x gradient of normal = -1 , am i right ?
  • #4
For a line ##y_1 = a+bx## and a line ##y_2= c + dx## then ##bd = -1 \Rightarrow ## lines are perpendicular.
##\displaystyle {dy\over dx} ## is the tangent of the slope. Not the gradient of the tangent.

Numerical example: ##y_1 = x## and ##y_2 = -x## bd = -1 so perpendicular.

Otherwise: In the x,y plane doing analytical geometry, yes.But a vector is something else -- even in the x,y plane !

Vector ##\vec v_1 = (a,b) ## and ##\vec v_2 = (c,d) ## then $$\vec v_1 \perp \vec v_2 \ \ \Leftrightarrow \ \ \vec v_1 \cdot \vec v_2 = ac + bd = 0 $$.

Numerical example: ##(1,1)## and ##(1,-1)##
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  • #5
BvU said:
For a line ##y_1 = a+bx## and a line ##y_2= c + dx## then ##bd = -1 \Rightarrow ## lines are perpendicular.
##\displaystyle {dy\over dx} ## is the tangent of the slope. Not the gradient of the tangent.Numerical example: ##y_1 = x## and ##y_2 = -x## bd = -1 so perpendicular.
Otherwise: In the x,y plane doing analytical geometry, yes.

But a vector is something else -- even in the
x,y plane !

Vector ##\vec v_1 = (a,b) ## and ##\vec v_2 = (c,d) ## then $$\vec v_1 \perp \vec v_2 \ \ \Leftrightarrow \ \ \vec v_1 \cdot \vec v_2 = ac + bd = 0 $$.

Numerical example: ##(1,1)## and ##(1,-1)##
So, N(t) is gradient of tangent which us different from gradient of slope in the previous case? So, -1 / (dy/dx) can't be used here?
  • #6
More mission work required. All caps is shouting in PF, not allowed.

not gradient. Don't confuse! Gradient has a different meaning (namely: spatial derivative of a scalar quantity. A gradient is a vector, because you can have different derivatives for any of the n dimensions).​

##\vec N(t)## is the normalized time derivative of ##\vec T##.

Indeed a different beast altogeher. We can make a link (of course -- why try to keep things simple -- but let's do that later).
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  • #7
Hehe, when I read my own post I must concede that gradient = tangent of slope in x,y plane in the 1D case y = f(x) . (So still no gradient of tangent ! ) Why ? Well, in the 1D case there's no genuine difference between a vector and a scalar, I think (euphemism for feeling on thin ice...).

Back to the main thread ! Since T is normalized, it doesn't change in size very much. All that can change is its direction -- and that happens in a direction perpendicular to the thing itself.

(I'm giving it away a little bit; sheer excitement. ) FIrst things first: clear so far ?
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  • #8
Now, once converted and convinced: welcome to the wonderful world of vector calculus :rolleyes: .

As we should agree by now, the ##\vec N## definition is sound if we can underpin it with two properties: ##\|\vec N\| = 1 ## and ##\vec N\cdot\vec T = 0 ## .

First one is easy, right ? Can you write it out ? And the second one ?
  • #9
BvU said:
Now, once converted and convinced: welcome to the wonderful world of vector calculus :rolleyes: .

As we should agree by now, the ##\vec N## definition is sound if we can underpin it with
two properties: ##\|\vec N\| = 1 ## and ##\vec N\cdot\vec T = 0 ## .

First one is easy, right ? Can you write it out ?
And the second one ?
What do you want me to write? I am confused...
  • #10
Well, I simply want you to write out ##\|\vec N\|## in such a way that it shows that the value is 1 :smile:
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  • #11
BvU said:
Well, I simply want you to write out ##\|\vec N\|## in such a way that it shows that the value is 1 :smile:
sorry , why it will equal to 1 ? I really have no idea...
  • #12
$$\|\vec N\|\ \equiv \sqrt {\vec N\cdot\vec N}$$ $$ {\vec N\cdot\vec N} = { \vec T' \over \|\vec T'\|} \cdot { \vec T' \over \|\vec T'\|} = { \vec T' \cdot \vec T'\over \|\vec T' \|^2 } ={ \|\vec T' \|^2 \over \|\vec T' \|^2 } = 1$$
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  • #13
Can someone explain how to turn the formula of curvature T'(t) / r'(t) into | r'(t) x r"(t) | / | (r't)^3 | ?

my working is in 317.jpg


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  • #14
BvU said:
$$\|\vec N\|\ \equiv \sqrt {\vec N\cdot\vec N}$$ $$ {\vec N\cdot\vec N} = { \vec T' \over \|\vec T'\|} \cdot { \vec T' \over \|\vec T'\|} = { \vec T' \cdot \vec T'\over \|\vec T' \|^2 } ={ \|\vec T' \|^2 \over \|\vec T' \|^2 } = 1$$
is T' . T' = || T' ^2 || ?
|| T' ^2 || shows the magnitude , right ? and T' . T' only shows the product of dot product , why they are equal ?
  • #15
Later. I would like to know if my last post is clear to you -- and why you didn't have any idea what I meant ...

Then we go on with showing that ##\vec N\cdot\vec T=0##.

And then we move on to curvature...
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  • #16
BvU said:
Later. I would like to know if my last post is clear to you -- and why you didn't have any idea what I meant ...

Then we go on with showing that ##\vec N\cdot\vec T=0##.

And then we move on to curvature...
do you mean post#12 ?
i just don't understand why
T' . T' = || T' ^2 || ?
|| T' ^2 || shows the magnitude , right ? and T' . T' only shows the product of dot product , why they are equal ?
  • #17
chetzread said:
is T' . T' = || T' ^2 || ?
|| T' ^2 || shows the magnitude , right ? and T' . T' only shows the product of dot product , why they are equal ?
No. ##\ \ \vec T'\cdot\vec T' ## is usually written as ##\vec T^2##. It is a scalar (a number). So $$
\vec T'\cdot\vec T' = \|\vec T'\|^2 $$ the square of te norm.

Remember Pythagoras, remember what a vector dot product is, try a few numerical examples (the norm of ##(3,4)## for example).
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  • #18
BvU said:
No. ##\ \ \vec T'\cdot\vec T' ## is usually written as ##\vec T^2##. It is a scalar (a number). So $$
\vec T'\cdot\vec T' = \|\vec T'\|^2 $$ the square of te norm.

Remember Pythagoras, remember what a vector dot product is, try a few numerical examples (the norm of ##(3,4)## for example).
following the same trend as | N | , i gt |T | as 1 , here's my working , how could N dot T = 0 ?
i gt 1 dot 1 = 1


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  • #19
chetzread said:
i gt 1 dot 1 = 1
No, that's for the magnitudes. and an inner product is ##|\vec a \cdot\vec b|=|\vec a||\vec b|\cos\alpha## and ##\alpha = \pi/2## makes ##|\vec a \cdot\vec b|=0## .

A hint escaped me in post #7. Don't mind giving away the trick, if you solemnly promise never to forget :smile:.


Of what is ##\vec N\cdot \vec T## the time derivative ?
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  • #20
BvU said:
No, that's for the magnitudes. and an inner product is ##|\vec a \cdot\vec b|=|\vec a||\vec b|\cos\alpha## and ##\alpha = \pi/2## makes ##|\vec a \cdot\vec b|=0## .

A hint escaped me in post #7. Don't mind giving away the trick, if you solemnly promise never to forget :smile:.


Of what is ##\vec N\cdot \vec T## the time derivative ?
to be honest , i don't understand the question
Of what is ##\vec N\cdot \vec T## the time derivative ?
I am not a native English speaker . do you mean what is the derivative of N.T with respect to t(time) ?
  • #21
chetzread said:
I am not a native English speaker .
Neither am I.
do you mean what is the derivative of N.T with respect to t(time) ?
No, the opposite: (*) ##
\vec N\cdot \vec T## is the time derivative of something. If ##
\vec N\cdot \vec T = 0 ##, then that something ought to be a constant. If we turn that around we are in business.

( (*) In fact we are going to show that the numerator in the expression for ##\ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ## is 0).

Cryptic, eh ? Don't mind showing (but you have to promise solemnly first :smile:).
  • #22
BvU said:
Neither am I.
No, the opposite: (*) ##
\vec N\cdot \vec T## is the time derivative of something. If ##
\vec N\cdot \vec T = 0 ##, then that something ought to be a constant. If we turn that around we are in business.

( (*) In fact we are going to show that the numerator in the expression for ##\ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ## is 0).

Cryptic, eh ? Don't mind showing (but you have to promise solemnly first :smile:).
ok, can you show it please?
  • #23
The time derivative of ##\ \vec T^2## is ?
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  • #24
BvU said:
The time derivative of ##\ \vec T^2## is ?
it's 2##\ \vec T##dt , where t =time
  • #25
Almost :nb) : the chain rule is ## (f^2)' = 2 f f' ## -- by the way: a time derivative is a ##{d\over dt}##, a differential quotient, so you can't end up with a differential (like your dt at the end)...
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  • #26
yet ?
  • #27
BvU said:
Almost :nb) : the chain rule is ## (f^2)' = 2 f f' ## -- by the way: a time derivative is a ##{d\over dt}##, a differential quotient, so you can't end up with a differential (like your dt at the end)...
so , it's 2TT' ?
  • #28
Yes ! Recognize the numerator of ##\ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ## ?
  • #29
BvU said:
Yes ! Recognize the numerator of ##\ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ## ?
numerator ? what do you mean ? why did you ask me to differntiate ##\ vec T^2 \ ## with t (time) ?
  • #30
BvU said:
Yes ! Recognize the numerator of ##\ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ## ?
do you mean ##\ vec N\cdot \vec T \## = 0 ? but , I am shown that N = 1 , i am still not convinced that N.T = 0 ...
  • #31
[in reply to #29 which was edited afterwards] :

No, I did NOT ask you to differentiate ##
\ \vec N\cdot \vec T^2 \ ##, I asked: what gives ##
\ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ## when it is differentiated wrt time.

Then I asked you what the time derivative of ##\vec T^2## is. After a while we came to ##2\;\vec T\cdot\vec T'##

(I know, you used the shorthand 2TT' that is used by very experienced folks, but I like to take small steps and stick to the explicit vector notation :smile: -- just checking: you do understand that indeed $$ {d\vec T^2\over dt\ }= 2\; \vec T\cdot {d\vec T \over dt}\quad\quad\quad? \quad ) $$​

In that case we put 1 and 1 together, connect the dots, have our Aha ! moment and see that $$ {d\vec T^2\over dt } \propto \ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ! $$
  • #32
chetzread said:
do you mean ##\vec N \cdot \vec T \ = 0\ ##? but , I am shown that N = 1 , i am still not convinced that N.T = 0 ...
Quick succession of posts - delay on the line causes crossings.

Yes, we are working towards ##\vec N\cdot \vec T \ = 0 ##

No, we have not shown that ##\vec N = 1## (can't be that a general vector is equal to a number). We have shown that ##\ \|\vec N\| = 1 \ ##.
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  • #33
BvU said:
Quick succession of posts - delay on the line causes crossings.

Yes, we are working towards ##\vec N\cdot \vec T \ = 0 ##

No, we have not shown that ##\vec N = 1## (can't be that a general vector is equal to a number). We have shown that ##\ \|\vec N\| = 1 \ ##.
  • #34
BvU said:
[in reply to #29 which was edited afterwards] :

No, I did NOT ask you to differentiate ##
\ \vec N\cdot \vec T^2 \ ##, I asked: what gives ##
\ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ## when it is differentiated wrt time.

Then I asked you what the time derivative of ##\vec T^2## is. After a while we came to ##2\;\vec T\cdot\vec T'##

(I know, you used the shorthand 2TT' that is used by very experienced folks, but I like to take small steps and stick to the explicit vector notation :smile: -- just checking: you do understand that indeed $$ {d\vec T^2\over dt\ }= 2\; \vec T\cdot {d\vec T \over dt}\quad\quad\quad? \quad ) $$​

In that case we put 1 and 1 together, connect the dots, have our Aha ! moment and see that $$ {d\vec T^2\over dt } \propto \ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ! $$
ok , i can understand that ...but , i still can't understand why N.T = 0 ?

we only reach this
$$ {d\vec T^2\over dt } \propto \ \vec N\cdot \vec T \ ! $$ , but still haven't reach N.T = 0 ? do i left out something ?
  • #35
Ah, again postings cross. We go faster now ! Good. This is still in reply to #33:

chetzread said:
Can you explain further?

Do you remember ##\vec N \equiv \displaystyle { \vec T'\over \|\vec T'\|} ## ?

And do you remember ## \|\vec T\| = 1## , so that ##\vec T\cdot\vec T = 1 \ ## ?

BvU said:
just checking: you do understand that indeed
{d\vec T^2\over dt\ }= 2\; \vec T\cdot {d\vec T \over dt}\quad\quad\quad? \quad $$

so that - using ##\displaystyle{d\over dt }\; 1 = 0 \ ## we come to the unavoidable conclusion that

[and now we smoothly go into responding to #34] :
0 = {d\over dt }\; 1 = {d\over dt }\; \vec T^2 = 2 \vec T \cdot {d\over dt }\vec T = 2 \;\vec T\cdot\vec N \; \|\vec T'\| \quad \Rightarrow \vec N \cdot\vec T = 0 $$
(because | T| = 1 ≠ 0 ).

[edit] Oops, sorry, ##\ \|\vec T'\|\ ##, not ##\ \|\vec T\|\ ## without the quote. But if ##\ \|\vec T'\|\ = 0 ## then ##\ \vec N = 0 \ ## too.
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