Universities, boyfriends and lies

In summary: If you still love him, then you should try and work through these issues. If they're too big for you to handle, you should break up with him.
  • #71
NI was once a part of Ireland for the Irish people, but then it was invaded, exploited and occupied by the English. The English are so proud they will not give it back and the Irish want them out of their territory.

You miss the point with the killing. If you kill for your country, you may be considered a nationalist. You love your country. The ones that killed the father of your friend did this because he was an enemy...

I would kill for what was mine, I would kill to protect my country and what belongs to me and my people.
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  • #72
Yep, I agree with Jimmy. They're nothing more than terrorists.

Thallium, killing civilians for your country does not make you nationalist; it makes you either a war criminal or a terrorist.
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  • #73
I have a little more to say...

Using your same logic the palestinian suicide bombers who kill innocents in Israel are sexy, the people killing soldiers in Iraq are sexy, if the native peoples of America rose up and started killing people presumably that would be sexy too, The IRA use violence and fear to try spread their own political agenda, which is the definition of a terrorist, terms like 'nationalist' and 'freedom fighters' are just sugar coats for violent, dangerous and amoral individuals who kill innocents for a cause that is wrong, Northern Ireland is British by vote of the Irish people, by definition they become British Citizens. It's not a struggle for freedom because they're not being oppressed. They might claim it but the only oppression in Northern Ireland comes from these terrorists fighting for and against British sovereignty, its not oppression on the part of the British government.

The IRA are terrorists, they've been responsible for the deaths of over 3000 people since 1962 (the IRA and other associated terror groups). They're comparable to Al Qaeda in terms of the number of people they've killed.

Would you say Osama Bin Laden is sexy?
  • #74
besides its not the English... You must watch too many Mel Gibson movies...
  • #75
Why do you for care replying? Terrorists - call them whatever you want. Humans are not only "happy-hippie-hoorayh-let's-solve-the-problem-with-apeaceful-solution" - especially not when it does not satisfy both parts.

No, bin Laden is not sexy.

Now, what about the UV, the LVF and the UDA... They have killed people too. Go to www.irishresistancebooks.com, click on "The Guineapigs" and read chapter 3,4 and 5. See how the loyalists treated "civilians" and innocent people.

Civilians is an abused term for gaining compassion. This man was an enemy, and a civilian. But, a "civilian" could be any man on earth. There are no such things as non-civilians.
  • #76
Why should I care for replying?? You are slandering my country...

Yes I know there's more then just the IRA, did I mention that I LIVE in Britain? The ULA, the IRA, the pIRA and all the others are all terrorists. So what your saying is that terrorism is 'natural?' and therefore acceptable? I'm sure the families of the 9/11 victims will rest easy at night knowing that.

Any loss of innocent life is a crime, period, especially if its done for the sake of a minority who DONT represent the majority view of the people in Northern Ireland.

Things in Northern Ireland are bad, people in some areas are raised simply to hate others because they were born in the wrong street, intimidation, fighting, vandalism and murder are all too frequent, but generally it doesn't even make the British papers, let alone the Norwegian ones, kids going to school get taunted, abused and harrased by adults to such an extent that they need a police escort. But that is ok i suppose?

I notice your objection to the word 'civilian' would you perhaps care to tell me of another word for a normal person going about their life, the kind of person generally caught in their terrorist actions. In fact in militarilistic terms, a civilian is a non-military personnel. Terrorist organisations usually have military aspects so that I think that is a good enough term for the general populace.

Im not saying Loyalists are better then Republicans, they're all equally bad. I'm just opposing your view that racist murderers are sexy.
  • #77
(Disclaimer: I don't make any claims that the following statements do or do not apply to the IRA)

The whole "fight for your freedom" thing means fighting your oppressors, and does not mean killing people who would otherwise be entirely uninvolved with your struggle in hopes of terrorizing them into forcing those who are involved in the struggle to cave.
  • #78
I never said that racist murderers are sexy. The outfit that these men use is sexy, not the KKK's themselves.

Your friend's father was a soldier and therefore not a civilian, according to the "militaristic terms" oyu mentioned. That is why we are not talking about killing a civilian. But the IRA should be fighting directly against the other paramilitaries, not casual by-passers and people who are not involved, I agree, and I do not feel comfortable when hearing of killings of not-involved persons. Most of those who have been abducted, killed etc have been involved in some way, either they were tell-taling, spying, killing people in the IRA or opposing them in a violent way. Some of them were fanatics, some were loyalists/unionists.

"Any loss of innocent life is a crime, period, especially if its done for the sake of a minority who DONT represent the majority view of the people in Northern Ireland."

Whether taking someone's life is a crime or not depends on how you define 'crime'. Your understanding of a crime may not be another's understanding of crime.
  • #79
A crime is something that is punishable by law. The IRA kill people within British jurisdiction; therefore, they follow British laws. I might be wrong on this but I heard that killing people is illegal in Britain :wink:.
  • #80
and in most countries i would assume.

My friends father aside. That was not what I was talking about. He was just one victim, but there are many other innocents which i was referring to.

I am glad we are starting to agree on things though, i would hate to make an enemy here :biggrin:
  • #81
Yes the same to you, jimmy. I do not over my dead body want to make enemies in here. I like you and IRA shall not get in the way. I accept your opinion. It is always nice with different opinions so that one is not blinded by one's own.
  • #82
Yeah, I agree. :smile:

I still have memories of the things we had to do in Germany. Every time we used the car we had to check that there were no bombs under it, I had to go to school in an military base because that was the safest place for children of soldiers. I also had to be able to lie convincingly in German if people asked what my dad's job was. No-one was allowed to know he was in the Army in case an IRA member was listening.
  • #83
Yes, it is truly a dirty war. The one part is no less guilty than the other. Still, I hold on to my stand that Northern Ireland should be part of Ireland and not occupied by British.

My condoles
  • #84
lol, the people of NI voted it...
  • #85
But the number of supporters has decreased...
  • #86
but the majority still want to be British...
  • #87
..but the number of supporters has decreased...

HAHAHAHAH! We will keep going like this forever... :D
  • #88
It doesn't matter how low support is. Majority still rules; that's how a referendum works. If people started to riot every time a vote didn't go their way, every democratic nation in the world would be in big trouble.
  • #89
and as me and ShawnD are in agreement, as he stated, majority rules. Now bow down and accept your fate HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :devil: :devil:
  • #90
Oh, **** that.
  • #91
LOL! :biggrin: ok!
  • #92
That is what we call diplomacy.. :P
  • #93
mental note: don't piss of Norway
  • #94
Oh, and what is that supposed to mean?
  • #95
Well, if that is how you are diplomatic, I would hate to see you guys being UNdiplomatic! :biggrin:
  • #96
Ah! Case closed. Court adjourned.

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