Unofficial PF Gathering in Chicago?

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
  • Start date
In summary, Tom is thinking about having a small gathering of PF members in December in Chicago. If anyone is interested, they should let him know.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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OK, so this is way, way too early to consider such things, but considering that I've already made plans for my vacation for June 2006, it isn't that early at all! :)

Is there any interest in having some sort of a gathering of PF members possibly some time this coming December in Chicago? (I know... Chicago? In december? Are you nuts?!) I thought maybe people might venture into the Windy City for a short visit or to go holliday shopping, etc. If there is, I can try to plan on meeting up at a nice restaurant somewhere. It would be right smack in the middle of the holiday festivities and I can't think of a better time to meet with the people you might have read about (or yell at) on PF.

I'm thinking of maybe some time around mid December, but the date here can be quite flexible depending on who can attend. So if you are in the Chicagoland area, or might plan on being in the area around that time, if you're interested in attending, please let me know either by posting here, or via PM. Hopefully we can come up with an arrangement that is suitable to everyone interested. In fact, if Greg is still in Milwaukee, he might want to venture a few miles south to join us! :)

Physics news on
  • #2
I vote for Chicago in the summer! :biggrin: Seriously, I'm booked...if I'm going to join you in Disney in January, I'm only going to take a short trip to NJ for Christmas.
  • #3
Since I live in Milwaukee, I'd meet up in Chicago for sure. :approve:
  • #4
Moonbear said:
I vote for Chicago in the summer! :biggrin:
This will work for me too ! In december though, umm, I'll be busy.
  • #5
Flights from Heathrow leaving on the 14th December returning to Blighty on the 20th Dec only £361 (including tax!), could be do-able, just where to stay?
And i`ve always fancied a x-mas shopping trip in the states.
(ands it`s Wolrams Birthday on the 16th Dec ...)
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  • #6
Move this thread to feedback and announcement, please! All members don't check GD threads. :wink:

PS You should post some pictures of your meeting. :-p
  • #7
Folks, there's nothing to say that we can't ALSO have a gathering in the Summer months. I am very much open for that also. However, if there's anyone who can or would like to do this during December of this year, let's plan on it. It can be as small as a handfull of people, or as large as I-need-to-reserve-a-banquet-hall. If the number is small, I might even invite those who show up to come back to my place afterwards for coffee/desserts (I'll make my often-requested flan), and you can see for yourself the "Disney artifacts". :)

And I would consider the January Disney World trip as another unofficial PF gathering, even though so far, there will probably be only be 3 PF members meeting up. Everyone is more than welcome to join us. It WILL be fun! :)

  • #8
How about San Francisco?
  • #9
loseyourname said:
How about San Francisco?

Its cheap for me to fly to SF that Chicago. Work that out! only £336.50
  • #10
I am from the 'burbs of Chicago, and I will be home for Christmas.
  • #11
Burbs! They sounds scary... :eek:
  • #12
Tom Mattson said:
I am from the 'burbs of Chicago, and I will be home for Christmas.

Do you have an approximate date when you will be back home, Tom?

  • #13
I might be able to make it. Maybe. Darn job.
  • #14
ZapperZ said:
Do you have an approximate date when you will be back home, Tom?

Not yet. I always stay in New York until the Sunday before Christmas, because I have a big holiday party at my apartment every year. Once I get that straightened out then I'll know my arrival date. But I always head back to New York on the same date: 12/30. That's so I can kick it up with my friends (again!) on NYE.
  • #15
Christmas IS a Sunday.

I wish Zz had sent out the invitation before I accepted my friend's invitation for Christmas in NJ (I jumped at the invitation because it meant staying with a friend instead of my sister and her noisy dogs and filthy house).
  • #16
OK, then maybe the period between Christmas and New Year's eve might be the best date? I will be in Iowa for Christmas, but should be back in town by the 27th or so - after all, I need to get ready to fly off to Disney World on the 1st. :) It will be rather busy around the city, though, so we may need a bit of an advance reservation to get into many eating establishments.

Again, as far as I'm concerned, the date is rather flexible for me. If anyone has any other preferred date, just let me know.

  • #17
Moonbear said:
Christmas IS a Sunday.

Right, that's why I haven't figured out my departure date yet. :wink:

I know for certain that I'll be in IL from the 24th till the 30th, so any time in there would be cool for me.
  • #18
BTW, Tom, which 'burbs is your home? I should have asked you this, but if you are ever back home again during the "regular" part of the year, you're more than welcome to come visit me at Argonne and get a tour of all my "toys". :) Just give me a couple of week's notice.

  • #19
ZapperZ said:
Just give me a couple of week's notice.
He'd like you to think that's so he can clear his schedule and arrange a tour, but it's really just so he has time to polish the Disney memorabilia.
  • #20
Moonbear said:
He'd like you to think that's so he can clear his schedule and arrange a tour, but it's really just so he has time to polish the Disney memorabilia.


Did the people I work with rattled on me?!


  • #21
OK, so far this is taking a very loose shape of being a remote possibility (how's that for being non-specific?).

If I do an off-the-top-of-my-head head count, the possible attendees so far (with no firm commitment of any kind) are me, Tom, Greg, and a maybe-Evo. This is beginning to sound like a Mentor Gathering. Anyone else would like to throw his/her hat into this?

Oh, in case I forgot to mention, family members, significant other, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, live-in partner, stuffed toys, security blanket, etc. are also welcomed.

I'm sure the plan will take a firmer and more definite shape as we get nearer to the holiday season.

  • #22
One time I went to Chicago. I was 8.

Better go scrape the cheese off the fryin pan...
  • #23
ZapperZ said:
OOh, in case I forgot to mention, family members, significant other, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, live-in partner, stuffed toys, security blanket, etc. are also welcomed.
Well, if I can bring along my security blanket...and about a dozen more blankets. :smile: I wish I could go, but I'll have to save my festivities for Disney.
  • #24
Moonbear said:
Well, if I can bring along my security blanket...and about a dozen more blankets. :smile: I wish I could go, but I'll have to save my festivities for Disney.

Moonbie dear, I INSIST you save your festivities for Disney, if it comes to a choice. This applies to you too, Evo. I love nothing more than getting to see you twice in a span of 2 weeks, but if you have to choose between Chicago and Disney, I'd rather you do Disney with me.

Just think about it, which one do you prefer to see? A prim, proper, and well-behaved ZapperZ at a dinner table, or a goofy ZapperZ at Disney World acting like a juvenile wearing a silly birthday hat on the Dumbo ride?

<you don't have to answer that one, Gokul!>


  • #25
ZapperZ said:
Moonbie dear, I INSIST you save your festivities for Disney, if it comes to a choice. This applies to you too, Evo. I love nothing more than getting to see you twice in a span of 2 weeks, but if you have to choose between Chicago and Disney, I'd rather you do Disney with me.
Just think about it, which one do you prefer to see? A prim, proper, and well-behaved ZapperZ at a dinner table, or a goofy ZapperZ at Disney World acting like a juvenile wearing a silly birthday hat on the Dumbo ride?
<you don't have to answer that one, Gokul!>
Disney, without a doubt!

That's right, you have a birthday in January!
  • #26
Yes, his birthday is Jan 2...I hope you didn't miss the dinner invitation in this thread.
  • #27
Moonbear said:
Yes, his birthday is Jan 2...I hope you didn't miss the dinner invitation in this thread.

I believe the dinner invitation is in the Disney thread, post #936. I also hope you didn't miss it, Evo.

  • #28
No new update here, just to let people who might have missed this know that this is still being planned. So far, the tentative date for our possible PF gathering in Chicago is the week between Christmas and New Year.

Oh wait, I do have something new here. I would like to suggest a specific date: Dec. 30th, which is a Friday. I think I will be in town (and available) from Dec. 28 until and including Dec. 30th. I may even consider Dec. 31st, but it will have to be during the day and not for dinner (since I have to pack and go to bed early to leave the next day for Disney World).

So for people who have shown interest in attending, or people still considering, those are the possible dates. Hopefully they are not too inconvenient. We can work out the details later.

  • #29
I wish I was living back in Milwaukee still- I would have totally joined you all in Chicago. It is even south of Wisconsin- that means it warmer there right? Everyone have a fun time!
  • #30
Norman said:
I wish I was living back in Milwaukee still- I would have totally joined you all in Chicago. It is even south of Wisconsin- that means it warmer there right? Everyone have a fun time!

That is such a lame excuse! We have a huge airport (O'Hare, you may have heard of it) that you can fly into and get to the gathering. You have to come up with a better excuse than that. So you're not getting out of it that easily, I won't let you!


I also heard a rumor that Greg will be passing out "SuperMentor For A Week" coupons at the gathering for regular PF members who show up.

<ZapperZ runs and hides>

  • #31
I will actually be in Green Bay visiting my family and my wife's family for the holiday. I feel guilty heading down to Chicago since my parents are paying for our plane tickets- Fellowships pay for crap- well atleast not enough to go galavanting around the country. :rolleyes: I could probably convince my wife- she loves Chicago. There might be a little wiggle room there. Don't hold your breath everyone. :eek:
  • #32
Norman said:
I will actually be in Green Bay visiting my family and my wife's family for the holiday. I feel guilty heading down to Chicago since my parents are paying for our plane tickets- Fellowships pay for crap- well atleast not enough to go galavanting around the country. :rolleyes: I could probably convince my wife- she loves Chicago. There might be a little wiggle room there. Don't hold your breath everyone. :eek:

What if I sweeten the pot for you? :)

I live in the Lakeview area of Chicago, close to Wrigley Field. If you know the area, you'll know that it is a very ecletic neighborhood with a large variety of little stores selling art glasses, house decor, kitchen wares, fine arts, etc.. etc. In other words, it's a mecca for shopping!

Now most men hate shopping, but not me. So tell your wife that if she'll come to Chicago with you for this gathering, I'll personally escort her (and you if you want to tag along) shopping in the neighborhood. I'll bring her to several of my favorite stores around here. And since it is after christmas already, the bargains and sales will be obscene. All this within walking distance of my place, which, I think, might be the PF Central Meeting place for this gathering. If you don't care to come along for the shopping excursion, you can stay back and watch football on the high-def TV. :)

So, how well did I do? :)

  • #33
ZapperZ said:
What if I sweeten the pot for you? :)
I live in the Lakeview area of Chicago, close to Wrigley Field. If you know the area, you'll know that it is a very ecletic neighborhood with a large variety of little stores selling art glasses, house decor, kitchen wares, fine arts, etc.. etc. In other words, it's a mecca for shopping!
Now most men hate shopping, but not me. So tell your wife that if she'll come to Chicago with you for this gathering, I'll personally escort her (and you if you want to tag along) shopping in the neighborhood. I'll bring her to several of my favorite stores around here. And since it is after christmas already, the bargains and sales will be obscene. All this within walking distance of my place, which, I think, might be the PF Central Meeting place for this gathering. If you don't care to come along for the shopping excursion, you can stay back and watch football on the high-def TV. :)
So, how well did I do? :)


Thanks for the very kind invitation- but due to some recent news we really need to spend as much time with family as we can. But, maybe this summer we will come on by. We love to hand out in Chicago and I love the Wrigley field area- I have a good friend who lived there for a couple of years. My wife sure loves to shop and I don't mind it too much, so for that alone we would come if circumstances allowed. Maybe we could grab a tour of Argonne too! I have a good friend from Milwaukee who gets beam time down there everyonce in a while. Again, thanks for the very kind invitation.
  • #34
Norman said:

Thanks for the very kind invitation- but due to some recent news we really need to spend as much time with family as we can. But, maybe this summer we will come on by. We love to hand out in Chicago and I love the Wrigley field area- I have a good friend who lived there for a couple of years. My wife sure loves to shop and I don't mind it too much, so for that alone we would come if circumstances allowed. Maybe we could grab a tour of Argonne too! I have a good friend from Milwaukee who gets beam time down there everyonce in a while. Again, thanks for the very kind invitation.

You have a deal, both for the Chicago vist and Argonne. Besides, Chicago during the summer is typically a lot more pleasent anyway. :)

Just don't make it during the first week of June. That will clash with my yearly Disney World trip and would be tragic. :)

  • #35
I'll be in Iron Mtn. Michigan the week after Xmas. Anyone want to go skiing?? :biggrin:

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