Using exponential function to solve a DE

In summary, the conversation discusses using the exponential function to solve a differential equation and concludes that the solution is of the form y=te^{it}.
  • #1

I have the equation [tex]y'' +4y = t~sin(t)[/tex]

i know that you usually guess the solution by substituting y for a polynomial (or whatever the form of the right side is).

But i want to do this by using the exponential function exp.

so, set y to equal [tex]te^{it}[/tex]
chain rule:[tex]y^{\prime} = 1 \cdot e^{it} +t \cdot ie^{it} = e^{it} +tie^{it}[/tex]

[tex] y^{\prime\prime} = ie^{it} + ie^{it} \cdot ti + ie^{it} = 2ie^{it} \cdot ti + ie^{it}[/tex]

hm, is this really correct?
and how would you proceed?
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, your calculations are correct. To proceed, you would need to substitute the expression for y and its derivatives into the differential equation and solve for t. This will give you a solution of the form y=te^{it}.

FAQ: Using exponential function to solve a DE

What is an exponential function?

An exponential function is a mathematical function in the form f(x) = ab^x, where b is a constant and x is the variable. It is characterized by a rapidly increasing or decreasing curve and is commonly used to model growth or decay processes.

How is an exponential function used to solve a differential equation (DE)?

In solving a DE, an exponential function is used to represent the general solution. By plugging this function into the DE and finding the values of the constants, the final solution can be obtained.

What is the process for using an exponential function to solve a DE?

The process typically involves substituting the exponential function into the DE, simplifying the equation, and solving for the constants. These constants are then used to find the specific solution for the given initial conditions.

What are the common applications of using an exponential function to solve a DE?

An exponential function can be used to model various real-world phenomena such as population growth, radioactive decay, and economic growth. The use of DEs and exponential functions allows for accurate predictions and analysis in these scenarios.

What are the limitations of using an exponential function to solve a DE?

While exponential functions can accurately model certain growth and decay processes, they may not be suitable for all scenarios. Some systems may exhibit behavior that cannot be accurately represented by an exponential function, and alternative methods may be needed to solve the DE.
