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Ibix said:If Einstein means that a uniform gravitational field permeates the whole of space
This is one of the subtleties that only really comes out when you try to do the actual math. It turns out that the expression "uniform gravitational field" does not have a straightforward translation into math. The obvious translation is "g constant everywhere", which translates into "Christoffel symbols constant everywhere", but AFAIK there is no valid coordinate chart on Minkowski spacetime for which this is true (except for the trivial case of an inertial frame in which they are all zero). So there appears to be an unavoidable ambiguity in which coordinate chart corresponds to Einstein's ordinary language description.
Ibix said:Does the requirement that the Doppler shifts make sense in this GR view impose a restriction on the g-field?
I don't know. As I said in my previous post, I don't know that Einstein or any of those who criticized his article considered this, and I have not tried to work through an analysis myself.