Vector Potential in Schrodinger eqn

In summary, the vector potential in Schrodinger equation is a mathematical quantity that describes the electromagnetic field in quantum mechanics. It is related to the electric and magnetic fields through the Maxwell's equations and is used to modify the kinetic energy term in the Schrodinger equation. This modification is necessary when dealing with quantum particles in the presence of an electromagnetic field. The vector potential has a physical significance as it is related to the electromagnetic field and is used to calculate the force acting on a particle. It is calculated using the Maxwell's equations and is only included in the Schrodinger equation when dealing with quantum particles in the presence of an electromagnetic field.
  • #1
How do you get the B field from the magnetic potential?
I tried converting the curl into matrix format, but the corresponding matrix can't be inverted.
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  • #2
The vector potential is added to the Schrodinger equation by making the substitution
[tex] \vec{p} = \vec{p} - e/c\vec{A} [/tex].
  • #3

The vector potential in the Schrodinger equation is defined as A = -iħ∇ψ/2m, where ħ is the reduced Planck's constant, ∇ is the gradient operator, ψ is the wave function, and m is the mass of the particle. It is a mathematical construct that helps simplify the Schrodinger equation and allows for a more elegant and intuitive understanding of the behavior of quantum particles in a magnetic field.

To get the B field from the magnetic potential, we can use the equation B = ∇ x A, where x represents the cross product. This means that the B field is equal to the curl of the vector potential. However, as you mentioned, the matrix representation of the curl cannot be inverted. This is because the vector potential is a gauge-dependent quantity, meaning that it can vary depending on the choice of gauge. Therefore, the matrix representation of the curl will also vary and may not always be invertible.

To overcome this issue, we can use the gauge-invariant quantity known as the magnetic flux density (B-field) instead of the vector potential. The B-field is defined as B = ∇ x A + μ0J, where μ0 is the permeability of free space and J is the current density. This equation takes into account the contribution of the current density, making it independent of the choice of gauge. Therefore, we can use this equation to calculate the B-field from the magnetic potential and current density.

In summary, the B field can be obtained from the magnetic potential by using the equation B = ∇ x A, but to ensure gauge-invariance, we can also include the contribution of the current density in the form of the magnetic flux density equation B = ∇ x A + μ0J.

FAQ: Vector Potential in Schrodinger eqn

1. What is the vector potential in Schrodinger equation?

The vector potential in Schrodinger equation is a mathematical quantity that describes the electromagnetic field in quantum mechanics. It is a key component in the Schrodinger equation, which is used to describe the behavior of quantum particles in the presence of an electromagnetic field. The vector potential is represented by the symbol A and is related to the electric and magnetic fields through the Maxwell's equations.

2. How is the vector potential related to the wavefunction in Schrodinger equation?

In the Schrodinger equation, the vector potential is used to modify the kinetic energy term, which is represented by the momentum operator. This modification is necessary when dealing with quantum particles in the presence of an electromagnetic field. The wavefunction, which describes the probability of finding a particle at a given position, is then used to solve the modified Schrodinger equation and determine the particle's behavior.

3. What is the physical significance of the vector potential in Schrodinger equation?

The vector potential has a physical significance as it is related to the electromagnetic field, which has a direct influence on the behavior of quantum particles. It is used to calculate the force acting on a particle in the presence of an electromagnetic field and is essential in understanding the quantum nature of particles.

4. How is the vector potential calculated in Schrodinger equation?

The vector potential is calculated using the Maxwell's equations, which relate it to the electric and magnetic fields. In the Schrodinger equation, the vector potential is also related to the wavefunction through the momentum operator. The specific calculation depends on the given system and the type of electromagnetic field present.

5. Is the vector potential always included in the Schrodinger equation?

No, the vector potential is only included in the Schrodinger equation when dealing with quantum particles in the presence of an electromagnetic field. In systems where there is no electromagnetic field present, the vector potential is not necessary and can be omitted from the equation.
