Vegetarians are smarter than meat eaters

  • Thread starter Skyhunter
  • Start date
It is well known that intelligence is inherited, Sandon said. "In my opinion, the study does not control for that factor," she said.The study was published in the British Medical Journal.In summary, a study found that vegetarians have a slightly higher average IQ than meat-eaters, but the results are inconclusive as the study did not assess the effects of eating meat and did not control for factors such as environment and inherited intelligence. More research is needed to determine the cause and effect relationship between diet and IQ.
  • #36
Evo said:
When vegetarians were divided into those who were strictly vegetarian (no fish or meat) and those who consumed fish or
chicken, no difference was found in IQ score.

:rolleyes: So, doesn't that say there's no difference? If you eat fish and chicken, you're NOT a vegetarian, even if you claim to be, so if they don't find any difference in those groups, there's no effect. I would guess those two groups are probably closer matched for vegetable eating, so it could be an effect of childhood IQ on healthy food choices later in life. Though, do they say anything about their IQ as adults?

I'm still sticking with my earlier interpretation that it suggests that on average, people are average. All of those averages are within the average IQ range. I don't think it would mean anything anyway, even if they saw a huge difference between the groups. What would you do with the results? Having a particular IQ at 10 years old puts you at risk of being vegetarian as an adult? Is there an intervention necessary there? :rolleyes:
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  • #37
Honestly, are studies like these actually useful :rolleyes: other than making nice filler on the AOL/MSN homepage?

I think I am going to do a study on the effects of reading books on IQ...darrrrrrrr. (that's me, talking retarded)
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  • #38
Is a 5 point variation in IQ scores meaningful?

Let's face it, the entire IQ process is imprecise. What does it mean to have a variation, which is on the order of, or perhaps less then, the variation that the tests can resolve. I do not believe that the standard IQ test can meaningfully resolve inside of 10 points. Is a 5 point difference even statistically significant?
  • #39
I look at it this way:
If a vegetarian and a carnivore are stranded on a desert island together, who will survive longer? :devil:
  • #40
Danger said:
I look at it this way:
If a vegetarian and a carnivore are stranded on a desert island together, who will survive longer? :devil:

Mmmmmmm, that long-pig was tasty and smart. :-p
  • #41
Danger said:
I look at it this way:
If a vegetarian and a carnivore are stranded on a desert island together, who will survive longer? :devil:
But water is the real problem on a desert island. :wink:
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  • #42
That's why you always save the kidneys and bladder; they're used to purify and store seawater.
  • #43
An old conclusion: nothing's bad, and so isn't eating meet, unless you're overdoing it. As for such studies as given in post #1, I was not even interested in clicking on the link.
  • #44
Skyhunter said:
Originally Posted by Mk
I wonder what the margin of error was for this study anyway?

We all know there's more vegetarians in California than hicktown or Africa. It's demographics
The study was conducted in Great Britain.
I suppose it was, but that's not what I meant. Just to nitpick, I meant, basically:

Richer (scale?) people tend to be smarter (positive feedback)
Of these people, many can afford to be vegetarians.

Poorer people aren't as smart.
And they can't afford to be vegetarians.
  • #45
Mk said:
Poorer people aren't as smart.
And they can't afford to be vegetarians.

I'd rather say that poorer people have other issues and problems in life, and they don't have the time nor will to think about their diet.
  • #46
radou said:
I'd rather say that poorer people have other issues and problems in life, and they don't have the time nor will to think about their diet.

I think that the last two statements are actually in agreement. I've noticed that most (for lack of a better word) progressive ways of life (some might use the word liberal instead of progressive, but that's not the point), things like recycling, conscientious purchasing, low-impact living, and vegetarianism are indeed "luxuries." Not to say that they are exclusive to the rich, but they definitely require attention, forethought, and deliberate action. In many cases, this mode of life will be less expensive than the "simpler" and more wasteful way of Western culture. Still, it is a "cultural luxury" that tends to favor those with better thinking and planning power.

  • #47
Ivan Seeking said:
Mmmmmmm, that long-pig was tasty and smart. :-p

Yep, corn fed. :biggrin:
  • #48
I've never understood vegetarians:
How can they prefer a wilted piece of salad to a tasty piece of meat? :confused:
  • #49
arildno said:
I've never understood vegetarians:
How can they prefer a wilted piece of salad to a tasty piece of meat? :confused:
Really! I do think that intelligence correlates with diet. For instance, I'd feel pretty dumb saying "No filet mignon for me, please. I'll have hummus with carrot sticks and rice cakes." :biggrin:
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  • #50
I happen to LIKE carrots.
  • #51
My ancestors spent several million years clawing their way to the top of the food chain just so I could feast upon the losers. It would be unthinkable to disrespect their efforts.
  • #52
Danger said:
My ancestors spent several million years clawing their way to the top of the food chain just so I could feast upon the losers. It would be unthinkable to disrespect their efforts.

You have it right.

Submit to your superiors, and feast on the flesh of everyone else. :smile:
  • #53
arildno said:
You have it right.

Submit to your superiors, and feast on the flesh of everyone else. :smile:

...and wear their furry skin. :biggrin:
  • #54
Or weary their smooth skin. :smile:
Be wary of tears, though..
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  • #55
Maybe the title should read: Vegetarians WERE smarter than meat eaters...until they grew up and became vegetarians. :biggrin: :devil:
  • #56
Moonbear said:
Maybe the title should read: Vegetarians WERE smarter than meat eaters...until they grew up and became vegetarians. :biggrin: :devil:
They'll pay for their habits. Notice that all the people getting dangerous e coli infections from food are the ones that ate the scallions, lettuce, and salads, not the ones who stuck with the ribs and chops.
  • #57
Then again there was the mad cow scare last year.
  • #58
Mk said:
Then again there was the mad cow scare last year.

And how many people were infected with mad cow disease? There's a difference between actual E. coli outbreaks infecting 100s of people and a mad cow scare where the disease was detected before the meat even made it to market.
  • #59
Mad Cow raises an interesting point.

The US reports in excess of 60000 people/year die from influenza. The US currently has a lot of unused influenza vaccine. Meaning people are not moved enough to bother with getting protection against a known killer - but go berserk over Mad Cow Disease. Go figure.
  • #60
The US reports in excess of 60000 people/year die from influenza. The US currently has a lot of unused influenza vaccine. Meaning people are not moved enough to bother with getting protection against a known killer - but go berserk over Mad Cow Disease. Go figure.

Yes, but were those people poor, old, etc?
  • #61
SpaceTiger said:
That shouldn't be very surprising. It's much easier to be vegetarian in open-minded and intellectual environments, where smart people often end up. I'd like to see this done with more control for environment.

I think tiger may be right on this one. Good observation :wink:

edit: if this is true, it would mean meat-eaters in the same environment would score just as high
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  • #62
Ivan Seeking said:
Mmmmmmm, that long-pig was tasty and smart. :-p

Don't forget the Fava beans and a nice glass of Chianti. :biggrin:
  • #63
ShawnD said:
I think tiger may be right on this one. Good observation :wink:

edit: if this is true, it would mean meat-eaters in the same environment would score just as high
How do we explain why vegans scored an average 10 points lower than average on IQ tests?
  • #64
Evo said:
How do we explain why vegans scored an average 10 points lower than average on IQ tests?

You can't be very smart to choose a completely vegan diet? :biggrin:
  • #65
Evo said:
How do we explain why vegans scored an average 10 points lower than average on IQ tests?
That's because Vegans are idiots. Your standard vegetarian probably has a good idea of what is being given up and how it should be replaced. Carbs from pasta, protein from beans, fats are everywhere, most vegetables count as fibre, most vegetables contain vitamins, milk has lots of good stuff in it. Completely balanced. To become a vegan you need to throw common sense out the window and decide that you would rather get your calcium from a bunch of pills instead of drinking a glass of milk. Or in some cases, not at all. Do a google search for "osteoporosis vegans".
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  • #66
because vegetarians are indians and meat eaters are americans.

face it, we are good guys but we are morons.
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  • #67
mathwonk said:
because vegetarians are indians and meat eaters are americans.

face it, we are good guys but we are morons.

Is that sarcasm? :confused:
  • #68
No way to tell. It's obvious that his brain has been addled by carrots.
  • #69
Danger said:
No way to tell. It's obvious that his brain has been addled by carrots.

Danger, you're still my hero.

I think he's joking. The Cree Indians around Edmonton were by no means vegetarians. :wink:
  • #70
I think he means indians from india.