Verify Sol. of an Dynamic Problem with 2 Wheels

In summary, the problem is finding the acceleration of the two wheels (rolling without slip, in particular in point P4) and connecting them with a not extendable rope. The wheels have different radii, the internal radius where the rope is rolled up is 10 cm, and the weight of each wheel is 1 kg.
  • #1
1. The problem is the following:

Starting from stillness @ t = 0, we are looking for the acceleration @T=0 of the 2 wheels (rolling without slip, in particular in point P4 we have a gear wheel contact so we can have that the reaction R2y of the plane could be also in direction y2, in this case, you can see that Reation R2x in direction x2 the reaction is 0).
The 2 wheels are connected with a not extendable Rope. Also Wheel 1 does not slip, so R1y = mgsin(alfa) with alfa = 30°, whereas R1x should be found.
the big radius of each wheel is R=20cm
The internal radius where the rope is rolled up is r = 10cm.
J of each wheel is 0.0125 kgm^2.
Weight of each wheel m = 1kg

Homework Equations

domega1 = - a_o1 / R ; % Angle acceleration wheel 1 ( positive domega1 in clockwise direction)
domega2 = - a_o2 / R ; % Angle acceleration wheel 2 (positive domega2 in clockwise direction)
eq1 (Forces equilibrium direction x1) : m * g* sin(alfa) - T + R1x = m * a_o1 ;
eq2 (Momentum equilibrium around P1): ( J + m * R^2) * domega1 = T * (R+r) - m * g *sin(alfa) * R - m * a_o1 * R ;
eq3 (Forces equilibrium direction y2): - m * g + T + R2y = m * a_o2 ;
eq4 (Momentum equilibrium around P4) : ( J + m * R^2) * domega2 = m * g * R - m * a_o2 * R - T * (R-r) ;
eq5 (cynematic relationship) : domega2 * (R-r) = domega1 * (R+r) ;

The Attempt at a Solution

Looking for:

I solve it with Matlab and i got a_02 about -23 m/s^2 which is in my opinion not acceptable.
What do i do wrong?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!
parmalesso said:
eq2 (Momentum equilibrium around P1): ( J + m * R^2) * domega1 = T * (R+r) - m * g *sin(alfa) * R - m * a_o1 * R

Can you explain why you included the last term on the right side?

domega1 = - a_o1 / R ; % Angle acceleration wheel 1 ( positive domega1 in clockwise direction)
domega2 = - a_o2 / R ; % Angle acceleration wheel 2 (positive domega2 in clockwise direction)
Did you mean to say counterclockwise here? Your diagram indicates that positive direction of rotation for both wheels is counterclockwise.
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  • #3
TSny said:
Welcome to PF!
"Can you explain why you included the last term on the right side?"
Because i am a idiot! As i saw now, I wrote erroneusly and to some extends accidentally into both Momentum Equilibrium equations the "resulting forces", i will correct the equation s and come back to you.
Did you mean to say counterclockwise here? Your diagram indicates that positive direction of rotation for both wheels is counterclockwise.
YES I meant counterclockwise, the equations are positive in the counterclowise , i.e. coherent with the diagramm.
  • #4
I solved it. I rewrote the equations:

domega1 = - a_o1 / R ; % Angle acceleration wheel 1 (positive domega1 in counterclockwise direction)
domega2 = - a_o2 / R ; % Angle acceleration wheel 2 (positive domega2 in counterclockwise direction)

Equilibrium of the Forces for wheel 1 along x1
m * g* sin(alfa) - T + R1x = m * a_o1 ;
Equilibrium of the Moments for wheel 1 around P1
( J + m * R^2) * domega1 = T * (R+r) - m * g *sin(alfa) * R ;
Equilibrium of the Forces for wheel 2 along y2
- m * g + T + R2y = m * a_o2 ;
Equilibrium of the Moments for wheel 2 around P4
( J + m * R^2) * domega2 = m * g * R - T * (R-r) ;
Cinematic Relationship
domega2 * (R-r) = domega1 * (R+r) ;

And I obtain:
R and J are given:
R = 2 * r;
J = 5/4 m r^2

T = (g*m)/2
a_o1 = -(4*g)/21
a_o2 = -(4*g)/7
R1x = -(4*g*m)/21
R2y = -(g*m)/14
  • #5
That all looks good to me. Nice work.

FAQ: Verify Sol. of an Dynamic Problem with 2 Wheels

1. What is meant by "Verify Sol. of an Dynamic Problem with 2 Wheels"?

The phrase "Verify Sol. of an Dynamic Problem with 2 Wheels" refers to the process of evaluating and confirming the solution to a dynamic problem involving two wheels. It is a common term used in the field of mechanical engineering and robotics.

2. Why is it important to verify the solution of a dynamic problem with 2 wheels?

Verifying the solution of a dynamic problem with 2 wheels is crucial because it ensures that the proposed solution is accurate and can be implemented in real-world scenarios. It also helps in identifying any errors or discrepancies in the solution and allows for necessary adjustments to be made.

3. What are some common methods used to verify the solution of a dynamic problem with 2 wheels?

There are several methods used to verify the solution of a dynamic problem with 2 wheels, including mathematical modeling, simulation, and experimentation. Mathematical modeling involves using equations and calculations to analyze the problem and evaluate the solution. Simulation uses computer software to simulate the real-world conditions and test the solution. Experimentation involves building a physical prototype and testing it in a controlled environment.

4. What factors should be considered when verifying the solution of a dynamic problem with 2 wheels?

When verifying the solution of a dynamic problem with 2 wheels, it is essential to consider factors such as the accuracy of measurements, the precision of equipment, and the repeatability of experiments. It is also crucial to consider any external factors, such as environmental conditions, that may affect the solution's performance.

5. Are there any limitations to verifying the solution of a dynamic problem with 2 wheels?

Yes, there are limitations to verifying the solution of a dynamic problem with 2 wheels. These limitations include the complexity of the problem, the availability of resources, and the time and cost involved in the verification process. Additionally, some factors, such as human error, may also impact the accuracy of the verification results.
