Visualizing Complex Numbers on the Complex Plane

In summary, the conversation discusses creating a program to display complex numbers as arrows on the complex plane. The use of RandomComplex[] to generate random complex numbers and the format of complex numbers (a+bi) are mentioned. However, the individual is unsure of how to actually display the arrows on the complex plane and requests help with the solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Problem 1. Create a program to display a complex number (or a list of
complex numbers) as an arrow (or arrows) on the complex plane.

i know RandomComplex[] will give me a random complex number,
and i know
RandomComplex[{1 - I, 1 + I}, 5, WorkingPrecision -> 5]

will give me 5 complex numbers 5 digits long in the range 1-I, 1+I

but that's really as far as i got. I'm not sure how to display it as arrows on the complex plane
Physics news on
  • #2
.Homework EquationsComplex numbers are in the form a+biThe Attempt at a SolutionListPlot[RandomComplex[{1 - I, 1 + I}, 5, WorkingPrecision -> 5], AxesLabel -> {"Re(z)", "Im(z)"}, PlotStyle -> Arrow[{a + bi, b + ai}]]

FAQ: Visualizing Complex Numbers on the Complex Plane

1. What is the complex plane and how is it used to visualize complex numbers?

The complex plane is a graphical representation of the set of complex numbers, where the horizontal axis represents the real part of a complex number and the vertical axis represents the imaginary part. Complex numbers can be plotted as points on this plane, making it easier to visualize their properties and relationships.

2. How do you plot a complex number on the complex plane?

To plot a complex number on the complex plane, you can use the Cartesian form of a complex number, where the real part is represented by the x-coordinate and the imaginary part is represented by the y-coordinate. For example, the complex number 3+4i would be plotted at the point (3,4) on the complex plane.

3. What is the modulus and argument of a complex number and how are they represented on the complex plane?

The modulus of a complex number is the distance from the origin to the point representing the complex number on the complex plane. It is represented by the length of a line segment from the origin to the point. The argument of a complex number is the angle between the positive real axis and the line segment connecting the origin to the point representing the complex number. It is represented by the angle formed by this line segment.

4. How can you use the complex plane to perform operations on complex numbers?

The complex plane can be used to visualize operations on complex numbers, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations can be performed by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing the corresponding points on the complex plane. This makes it easier to understand and visualize the results of these operations.

5. What are some applications of visualizing complex numbers on the complex plane?

Visualizing complex numbers on the complex plane has many applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and mathematics. It can be used to represent AC circuits, signal processing, and geometric transformations. It is also helpful in understanding the behavior of complex functions and solving complex equations.

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