Weeper of the House - John Boehner

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  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, John Boehner is known for getting emotional, and has been seen crying on multiple occasions. His drinking has been a concern for some, and his recent performance on 60 Minutes has some questioning his emotional stability.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
...Although crying in public may not carry the stigma it once did for men, Mrs Walters said "this guy an emotional problem" and, like other commentators, contended that if Nancy Pelosi, the outgoing Speaker and first woman to fulfill the role, had cried so readily, questions would have swiftly been raised about her suitability for office.

The first time I saw Boehner cry, back when he pleaded with his Republican collegues to pass the first Bank Bailout bill, it didn't bother me. The situation was critical, so I assumed that he was just dedicated and getting a little emotional. The second time I saw it, it bothered me a bit, but hey, he's human, right? The third and fourth and fifth times, it started to concern me. I have also seen him in interviews where he appeared to be drunk. His speech was slurred and slow. He also has a reputation as a drinker and admits that he likes to drink.

Having spent too much time around alcoholics, I have noticed that some men with alcohol problems are quick to cry.

After his showing on 60 Minutes, I have to wonder about his emotional stability. This is getting to be too much!

Note that I like Boehner. I even started a thread about it once.
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  • #2
Crap, Ivan! I hate it when you write a post I agree with.

I like Boehner, too, but a national leader should be capable of maintaining his (or her) composure in public. It's hardly the most important test in the world, but he has failed it miserably.
  • #3
Al68 said:
Crap, Ivan! I hate it when you write a post I agree with. .

My God! I think I'm going to cry. :cry:
  • #4
It doesn't bother me, but I understand how people can find it unappealing.
  • #5
Gokul43201 said:
It doesn't bother me, but I understand how people can find it unappealing.

You aren't concerned that critical decisions might be made while while he's getting hammered?
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  • #6
Ivan Seeking said:
You aren't concerned that critical decisions might be made while while he's getting hammered?
It would suck if he got so drunk he started agreeing with Obama. That would make me cry. :cry:
  • #7
What a girly-man.
  • #8
If it was just crying, it would be weird but not a deal-breaker.

It's the apparent drinking that is very troubling. I've seen video of him numerous times with glassy, red eyes and slurred speech...why doesn't someone sit him down for a little talkin' to?
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  • #9
Al68 said:
It would suck if he got so drunk he started agreeing with Obama. That would make me cry. :cry:

Hey, it worked for me! :smile: Actually, I can't drink. It sends my blood sugar into fits, which I used to confuse with a buzz!

In a more general sense, I have often wondered what role drinking has played in shaping policy over the years; esp foreign policy during the cold war [the same goes for the Soviets, and perhaps more so!]. And we know that near the end, Nixon was so out of control that even Johnny Carson refused to tell jokes about him and his drinking - Carson thought it was too sad - but I guess that's a different discussion... [or maybe not. I'll leave that up to the flow of the thread.]
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  • #11
lisab said:
If it was just crying, it would be weird but not a deal-breaker.
It wouldn't bother me if Republicans did consider it a deal-breaker, and chose someone else. Is there any doubt that's exactly what would have happened if Sam Rayburn had cried that much?

I know times have changed, but we just don't need leaders crying in public. That's not a change for the better.

As far as the drinking, I don't know if it's a problem or not, but it does concern me a little. The funny thing is that while everybody made jokes about Teddy Kennedy's drinking, that never bothered me at all. I always hoped it would cause him to get confused and accidentally vote my way every once in a while. :smile:
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  • #12
Al68 said:
It wouldn't bother me if Republicans did consider it a deal-breaker, and chose someone else. Is there any doubt that's exactly what would have happened if Sam Rayburn had cried that much?

Or Nancy Pelosi?!

I know times have changed, but we just don't need leaders crying in public. That's not a change for the better.

As far as the drinking, I don't know if it's a problem or not, but it does concern me a little. The funny thing is that while everybody made jokes about Teddy Kennedy's drinking, that never bothered me at all. I always hoped it would cause him to get confused and accidentally vote my way every once in a while. :smile:

Yeah, I never gave a rat sass about Kennedy's drinking, it just didn't resonate with me as something I should add to my 'issues to be worried about' list. But Kennedy was never third in line for power, either.
  • #13
lisab said:
Al68 said:
It wouldn't bother me if Republicans did consider it a deal-breaker, and chose someone else. Is there any doubt that's exactly what would have happened if Sam Rayburn had cried that much?
Or Nancy Pelosi?!
I'm not sure, but she probably had a greater incentive to maintain her composure in public than any woman in history. Although society is generally more accepting of women crying, many would not have wanted the only House Speaker in history to routinely cry in public to be a woman, because it would be seen as weakness that no male speaker had ever shown.

Of course future House Speakers won't have that same standard to meet.
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  • #14
Al68 said:
I'm not sure, but she probably had a greater incentive to maintain her composure in public than any woman in history. Although society is generally more accepting of women crying, many would not have wanted the only House Speaker in history to routinely cry in public to be a woman, because it would be seen as weakness that no male speaker had ever shown.

Of course future House Speakers won't have that same standard to meet.

That's true, she had an added...responsibility?...to keep a stiff upper lip.
  • #15
lisab said:
third in line for power

That is key. This isn't just another Congressman.
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
You aren't concerned that critical decisions might be made while while he's getting hammered?
There was nothing in the link you provided about getting hammered, nor have I heard anything about that myself. Is it well-known that Boehner has a drinking problem, or is that your guess?
  • #17
lisab said:
why doesn't someone sit him down for a little talkin' to?

  • #18
Ivan Seeking said:
Perhaps that should be the new test to qualify to be Speaker of the House? :biggrin:
  • #19
Gokul43201 said:
There was nothing in the link you provided about getting hammered, nor have I heard anything about that myself. Is it well-known that Boehner has a drinking problem, or is that your guess?
I haven't seen any evidence of him being drunk during sessions, but it's well known that he's a "party animal" who drinks routinely. Whether that's a problem or not is a matter of opinion.

Personally, I'd rather see him passed out drunk in an alley every night than crying in public every time Lesley Stahl asks him a question. It's not like she was waterboarding him during the interview.
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  • #20
Ivan Seeking said:
lisab said:
third in line for power
That is key. This isn't just another Congressman.
Yep. That 60 Minutes performance isn't exactly going to put fear in the minds of terrorists. I bet they're getting a good laugh about it already.
  • #21
omg Ivan, have you been watching The View?
  • #22
Al68 said:
I haven't seen any evidence of him being drunk during sessions, but it's well known that he's a "party animal" who drinks routinely. Whether that's a problem or not is a matter of opinion.

Personally, I'd rather see him passed out drunk in an alley every night than crying in public every time Lesley Stahl asks him a question. It's not like she was waterboarding him during the interview.

What does it really matter if he cries, heck for years we have been hearing women complain that men need to get in touch with their feminine side. How many times in history have we ever gotten to the third in line for president, and on top of that how many times has it mattered that they are cryers? I agree that everytime I see him speak and cry or becks crying, it is hard to watch and I change the channel, but I have to ask what does it really matter if someone gets choked up everytime they speak about the american dream? The problem I have with him is that he is a part of the group that has given conservatives their bad name as big spenders when they profess being fiscally conservative, I could really care less if they are bawlers.
  • #23
Jasongreat said:
What does it really matter if he cries, heck for years we have been hearing women complain that men need to get in touch with their feminine side. How many times in history have we ever gotten to the third in line for president, and on top of that how many times has it mattered that they are cryers?
It's not the crying itself, it's the fact that he presumably did not want to cry in public, but cried anyway. He was unable to control himself, which is a problem. Leaders should be capable of maintaining their composure.
  • #24
Jasongreat said:
What does it really matter if he cries, heck for years we have been hearing women complain that men need to get in touch with their feminine side. How many times in history have we ever gotten to the third in line for president, and on top of that how many times has it mattered that they are cryers? I agree that everytime I see him speak and cry or becks crying, it is hard to watch and I change the channel, but I have to ask what does it really matter if someone gets choked up everytime they speak about the american dream? The problem I have with him is that he is a part of the group that has given conservatives their bad name as big spenders when they profess being fiscally conservative, I could really care less if they are bawlers.

Feminine side <> unable to maintain emotional composure
  • #25
Al68 said:
The funny thing is that while everybody made jokes about Teddy Kennedy's drinking, that never bothered me at all.
Not even when he killed somebody because of it, and never served a day in jail?
  • #26
Al68 said:
Yep. That 60 Minutes performance isn't exactly going to put fear in the minds of terrorists. I bet they're getting a good laugh about it already.

I'm not sure the Speaker needs to "put fear in the minds of terrorists"? It's doubtful Nancy Pelosi had this capability - she couldn't even admit she knew about waterboarding (I seem to recall from another thread?).
  • #27
Did someone delete my Tip O'Neil post?
  • #28
mheslep said:
Not even when he killed somebody because of it, and never served a day in jail?

For crying out loud, that was 40 years ago and man is dead. Most of those involved are also dead. When are you going to get over it?
  • #29
Proton Soup said:
omg Ivan, have you been watching The View?

Are you kidding? Of course not.
  • #30
Gokul43201 said:
There was nothing in the link you provided about getting hammered, nor have I heard anything about that myself. Is it well-known that Boehner has a drinking problem, or is that your guess?

It is well known that he's a drinker and he readily admits that. As mentioned, between his crying, his slurred speech, his red eyes, and his reputation, I have concerns about his drinking. I thought this was explained clearly in the op.
  • #31
Ivan Seeking said:
For crying out loud, that was 40 years ago and man is dead. Most of those involved are also dead. When are you going to get over it?
My problem would have ended the day legal punishment was administered for the crime, as it would have any other citizen, hell, even for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Janklow#Election_to_Congress.2C_car_crash.2C_and_aftermath" That's how we get over things in this country. Still, I'm fine to leave it be unless people post silly things like his drinking was no big deal, implying it had no consequence.
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  • #32
WhoWee said:
Al68 said:
Yep. That 60 Minutes performance isn't exactly going to put fear in the minds of terrorists. I bet they're getting a good laugh about it already.
I'm not sure the Speaker needs to "put fear in the minds of terrorists"? It's doubtful Nancy Pelosi had this capability - she couldn't even admit she knew about waterboarding (I seem to recall from another thread?).
That response was specifically referring to the "third in line" to the Presidency aspect, not the position of Speaker.
  • #33
mheslep said:
Al68 said:
The funny thing is that while everybody made jokes about Teddy Kennedy's drinking, that never bothered me at all.
Not even when he killed somebody because of it, and never served a day in jail?
He killed somebody because of driving drunk, not because he drank. Those are very different things.
  • #34
Ivan Seeking said:
[do you watch the view?] Are you kidding? Of course not.
Don't split hairs, Ivan: watch/read, same diff...

...and then you considered the content of that daytime gossip talkshow worthy of linking/discussion on PF!

I weep for PF.
  • #35
Ivan Seeking said:
For crying out loud, that was 40 years ago and man is dead. Most of those involved are also dead. When are you going to get over it?
mhselp didn't bring it up - you're arguing with the wrong person.

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