Weird News Compilation

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In summary, a man who used to be a Fox News guest analyst and claimed to be a CIA agent was sentenced to 33 months in prison for lying about his security clearance, criminal history, and finances.
Physics news on
  • #213
OCR said:
The Independent... lol

I prefer a more trusty worthy news source...

This is a sort of light hearted thread. But if you insist, here are some other sources:

CBS News (a major news source):

This would be considered a local news source:
This too, from another nearby city (also close enough to be local):
  • #215
  • #216
Borg said:
But it wasn't loaded. :oldeyes:
What do you mean exactly? Both husband and wife were flown to the hospital for bullet wounds.
  • #217
collinsmark said:
What do you mean exactly? Both husband and wife were flown to the hospital for bullet wounds.
It's a case of being shot by an 'unloaded' weapon. People should always, always, always assume a weapon is loaded. Unfortunately, many people are shot by unloaded guns every year.
Before showing it to the men, he removed the magazine and cleaned the chamber. He then put the magazine back in and apparently loaded another round.

Later, however, someone who had missed the demonstration asked to see the gun. The man obliged, pulling out his gun and saying: “With this loaded indicator, I can tell that it’s not loaded.”

He then accidentally pulled the trigger, sending a bullet flying through his palm and into the left side of his wife’s abdomen.
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  • #218
Borg said:
It's a case of being shot by an 'unloaded' weapon. People should always, always, always assume a weapon is loaded. Unfortunately, many people are shot by unloaded guns every year.
These damn fake bullets!
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  • #219
collinsmark said:
What do you mean exactly? Both husband and wife were flown to the hospital for bullet wounds.
Some folks like to say that their gun is always safe AND ready for immediate use. Oxy for that moron.
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Likes collinsmark, Borg and fresh_42
  • #220
Borg said:
People should always, always, always assume a weapon is loaded.
Yep. Just like my father taught me (and was reinforced in mandatory gun safety classes for young hunters), I taught my kids at a young age the basic rules of handling firearms
  • Treat every gun as if it were loaded. Always. (corollary -- when cleaning firearms, no ammunition is allowed in the area)
  • Never point a firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot. (corollary -- Always keep a firearm aimed in a safe direction)
I know first hand how important those rules can be in keeping folks from getting shot accidentally. (Better to put the accidental round through the side of a pickup bed, or the floor of a tent -- do not ask me how I know this)
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  • #221
On a lighter note, and back on topic...

I was driving to work this morning at oh-dark-thirty, listening to the local newscast. The weather person wa on, and giving the forecast for the day and the current weather conditions.

He said, "Currently we have upper 30s and 40s around the Bay Area, with light breezes and obviously clear skies."

I looked out my car windows briefly, and just had to remark to myself, "But it's dark. How in the world are the skies obviously clear?" I guess he expected me to pull over to get out and try to see some stars over the city light pollution? Lordy.
  • #222
berkeman said:
On a lighter note...
I was driving to work this morning at oh-dark-thirty...
Lol, nice pun... :cool:
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  • #223
By November 29, specialists at NPO Lavochkin, which builds Fregat, had already narrowed down the most likely culprit in the failure of the Soyuz launch from Vostochny spaceport, industry sources close to investigation told

Although the information is still preliminary, it is increasingly clear that all the hardware aboard the Fregat upper stage performed as planned. But, almost unbelievably, the flight control system on the Fregat did not have the correct settings for the mission originating from the new launch site in Vostochny, as apposed to routine launches from Baikonur and Plesetsk. As a result, as soon as Fregat and its cargo separated from the third stage of the launch vehicle, its flight control system began commanding a change of orientation of the stack to compensate for what the computer had perceived as a deviation from the correct attitude, which was considerable. As a result, when the Fregat began its first preprogrammed main engine firing, the vehicle was apparently still changing its attitude, which led to a maneuvering in a wrong direction.
At the time, ground control was still receiving telemetry from the mission, but the space tug left the communications range around 7o0 seconds after the liftoff and before the completion of the first maneuver. Apparently, it was not immediately possible to predict the exact trajectory of the stage resulting from the wrong attitude, but it likely led to a suicidal plunge of the stack into the Earth's atmosphere. The available telemetry also allows to establish the exact culprit in the failure, sources said.
In the Soyuz rocket, the gyro platform normally rotated from 174 degrees back to a zero position, providing the correct guidance. However on the Fregat, the shortest path for its platform to a zero-degree position was to increase its angle from 184 to 360 degrees. Essentially, the platform came to the same position, but this is not how the software in the main flight control computer on the Fregat interpreted the situation. Instead, the computer decided that the spacecraft had been 360 degrees off target and dutifully commanded its thrusters to fire to turn it around to the required zero-degree position. After a roughly 60-degree turn, the gyroscope system on the Fregat stalled, essentially leaving the vehicle without any ability to orient itself in space.


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  • #224
After a roughly 60-degree turn, the gyroscope system on the Fregat stalled...
Gimbal lock... ?
  • #228
  • #231
It's been sooo cold in Florida lately... that frozen iguanas are falling out of trees.

Public service message: how to handle a frozen iguana!

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  • #232
It seems some people consider iguana meat to be a delicacy, including this guy in Florida... but let's let Ron Magill of the Miami zoo tell the story:
So this gentleman just thought, wow, I just have a bunch of protein here. He's on Key Biscayne. He's sort of picking up all these iguanas that appear to be dead on the road that had fallen out of trees. They turned gray and were not moving at all and very cold to the touch.

And he put them into his vehicle. He's loading them up like he was stocking up for a big barbecue. When they went back into the vehicle, the vehicle warmed up, and those iguanas started coming back to life. And all of a sudden, they started getting up and running around in the car, and it caused an accident.

Handling the insurance claim for this accident looks like a job for the GEICO gecko!
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Likes Klystron, Asymptotic, nsaspook and 2 others
  • #234
lol. Everybody knows you can only get salad at the bank. :oldtongue:
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  • #236
Saudi beauty contest bans camels over Botox

Organizers of a beauty pageant for camels in Saudi Arabia have got the hump with 12 entrants and kicked them out after they were found to have been given cosmetic enhancements.

More than 26,000 camels are competing for combined prize money of 57 million US dollars in Al Dhana...

Wow! For that kind of money, I'd be tempted to cheat too.
  • #237
How can you name a lift rosary?
Don't they know they regularly have breaks within the repetitions and the bearings are the cause?
In Austria, around 150 skiers have been recovered from a broken chairlift. Eleven mountain rescue teams and three helicopters were in action, according to a spokesman for the chairlift company, to free the athletes from their predicament. "All went well. No one was injured, "said a spokesman for the cable cars with relief. The fully occupied Rosenkranz [=Rosary] chairlift on Kreischberg in Styria had stopped on Monday afternoon due to a bearing damage.

Original text:
Translation: Google
  • #239
Speaking of salad, here is another reason to wash your lettuce.

Definitely need a video.

( Whoa, Nice body tattoo ! )
I thought the story was "lizard in lettuce".
The woman can move to California - that would satisfy her bizarre argument of "buy local" and if you find a lizard that's OK.

No remorse for the poor lizard.
Don't take my lettuce,


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  • #241
Police say Bakh's neighbors called them Sunday morning after awaking to a loud bang and finding holes in their bedroom and living room walls.
When officers went to Bakh's apartment, they reported seeing holes in the wall he shared with his neighbors, as well as several books taped together with a red target drawn on them.
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  • #242
Borg said:
Blame the books.
  • #244
People in US are paranoid about school shootings, but I never would expect such attitude in a math class. Seems impossible that students didn't notice that it was a square root.
  • #245
kent davidge said:
You might be surprised.

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