Welcome New User to Physics Forums

  • Thread starter naab
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In summary, a new user introduces themselves on the Physics Forums and receives a warm welcome from other members. They mention their interest in learning and discussing physics. Some members jokingly mention a "fishy" welcome ceremony and a strict religious policy involving Euler. The new user expresses excitement to be a part of the community.
  • #1
Hi' I'm a new user :D

Hello everyone.. I'm a new user here on Physics Forums, and I'm here to learn and maybe share...

Just wanted to say hello..

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome, nice to meet you.
  • #3
Hello, and welcome to PF! :smile:

(Finally a normal introduction... Btw, there really should exist a sticky introduction thread or sth like that.)
  • #4
Watch out, things can get rather fishy here in GD.
  • #5
Thank you, nice to meet you too... :) Looking forward to some great physics discussions, even though I will probably just look from the sideline..

I'm only second year high school, so my expertise isn't very high :P
  • #6
all right Ill look out for the fish (or something) :P haven't heard that term before
  • #7
*whacks naab with a cod fish* Welcome to PF! You're lucky you showed up during warm weather...the fish have had a chance to defrost, so we didn't have to hit you with frozen fish for the welcome ceremony. :approve: :biggrin:
  • #8
Hey there, welcome to PF!

I'm too nice of a guy to hit you with a fish so don't worry...*wacks naab with a salmon*...sorry... the peer pressure got to me.

Hope you enjoy yourself here!
  • #9
In order to participate in the forms you must pledge to believe in Euler and all of his teachings. You must pray to Euler before every exam and homework assignment. Failure to observe our strict religious policy will result in the termination of your membership. Soon you will get an E-mail with texts on Euler to read and hand out to your friends and family.
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  • #10
BOSH! :smile:

Related to Welcome New User to Physics Forums

What is "Welcome New User to Physics Forums"?

"Welcome New User to Physics Forums" is a message or greeting that is displayed on the Physics Forums website to welcome new users who have just signed up for an account. It is a way to introduce new users to the community and provide them with some basic information about the site.

Why is it important to welcome new users?

Welcoming new users is important because it helps to create a friendly and welcoming community. It also helps new users feel more comfortable and encourages them to become active members of the site. Additionally, it allows for important information to be shared with new users, such as site guidelines and resources.

What information should be included in a "Welcome New User" message?

A "Welcome New User" message should include a brief introduction to the site, information about the community and its rules, and any helpful resources or tips for using the site. It is also a good idea to thank the new user for joining and encourage them to participate in discussions.

How can I make a new user feel welcome?

There are a few ways to make a new user feel welcome on Physics Forums. First, you can respond to their first post or thread with a friendly and helpful comment. You can also reach out to them through private messages to introduce yourself and offer any assistance they may need. Additionally, simply being friendly and welcoming in your interactions with new users can make a big difference.

Is there anything I should avoid when welcoming a new user?

When welcoming a new user, it is important to avoid being overly formal or impersonal. Instead, try to be warm and friendly in your communication. It is also important to avoid overwhelming the new user with too much information. Keep your message concise and to the point, and be sure to direct them to any additional resources if needed.
