Were Secret Israel-Syria Peace Talks Genuine?

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  • Thread starter Yonoz
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In summary: Syria has denied that it is distancing itself from Iran as part of the peace negotiations with Israel, according to Syrian sources cited by the Saudi newspaper Al-Watan. The sources said that the peace negotiations with Israel were being conducted on one track and Syria's ties with Iran on another.
  • #1
In a series of secret meetings in Europe between September 2004 and July 2006, Syrians and Israelis formulated understandings for a peace agreement between Israel and Syria.

The main points of the understandings are as follows:

# An agreement of principles will be signed between the two countries, and following the fulfillment of all commitments, a peace agreement will be signed.

# As part of the agreement on principles, Israel will withdraw from the Golan Heights to the lines of 4 June, 1967. The timetable for the withdrawal remained open: Syria demanded the pullout be carried out over a five-year period, while Israel asked for the withdrawal to be spread out over 15 years.

# At the buffer zone, along Lake Kinneret, a park will be set up for joint use by Israelis and Syrians. The park will cover a significant portion of the Golan Heights. Israelis will be free to access the park and their presence will not be dependent on Syrian approval.

# Israel will retain control over the use of the waters of the Jordan River and Lake Kinneret.

# The border area will be demilitarized along a 1:4 ratio (in terms of territory) in Israel's favor.

# According to the terms, Syria will also agree to end its support for Hezbollah and Hamas and will distance itself from Iran.

The document is described as a "non-paper," a document of understandings that is not signed and lacks legal standing - its nature is political. It was prepared in August 2005 and has been updated during a number of meetings in Europe.
Do you believe this will lead to an eventual agreement?
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  • #2
Do you believe this will lead to an eventual agreement?
I hope so.

BTW - I heard Condi has another road map. :rolleyes:
  • #3
Astronuc said:
BTW - I heard Condi has another road map. :rolleyes:
Yeah - a road map to parenthood.
  • #4
Israel is having a baby?
  • #5
Anttech said:
Israel is having a baby?
Yes, and he's been named Baby Ben. But to avoid any confusion with the British alarm clocks, he shall be referred to as Baby Ben Israel.

<getting awfully off-topic, aren't we? :redface:>
  • #6
Gokul43201 said:
Yes, and he's been named Baby Ben. But to avoid any confusion with the British alarm clocks, he shall be referred to as Baby Ben Israel.

<getting awfully off-topic, aren't we? :redface:>

With the dystopia going on in mideast nation-building, they should name the baby Ben Disrael. And its citizens would all call themselves Ben Disraeli-s.
  • #7
But wouldn't that just bring the whole British confusion thing back?

We've just turned this thread into a giant groaner - sorry Yonoz (but wait, you started it). The right thing to do would be to have all our extraneous posts deleted or split off into a Bad Disraeli Jokes thread in GD.
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  • #8
i still find it odd for syria to actually distance itself from iran...
  • #9
TuviaDaCat said:
i still find it odd for syria to actually distance itself from iran...
That might explain Syria's denials.

FAQ: Were Secret Israel-Syria Peace Talks Genuine?

1. What are the [Not so] Secret understandings reached between representatives of Israel and Syria?

The [Not so] Secret understandings refer to a series of negotiations and agreements between Israel and Syria that took place between the 1950s and 2000s, aimed at resolving the ongoing conflict between the two countries. These understandings covered issues such as borders, security, water rights, and the return of the Golan Heights to Syria.

2. When were these [Not so] Secret understandings reached?

The [Not so] Secret understandings were reached at various points in history, with the first major negotiations taking place in the 1950s and the most recent ones in the 2000s. Some of the key agreements include the 1974 Disengagement Agreement, the 1991 Madrid Conference, and the 2008 Turkish-mediated indirect talks.

3. Have the [Not so] Secret understandings resulted in a lasting peace between Israel and Syria?

No, the [Not so] Secret understandings have not resulted in a lasting peace between Israel and Syria. While some agreements were reached, they were not fully implemented and the two countries remain in a state of conflict. The 1974 Disengagement Agreement, for example, did not lead to a formal peace treaty and the 2008 talks broke down without a resolution.

4. What were some of the key issues covered in the [Not so] Secret understandings?

The [Not so] Secret understandings covered a range of issues including borders, security, water rights, and the return of the Golan Heights to Syria. These were all major points of contention between the two countries and were addressed in various negotiations and agreements over the years.

5. Are the [Not so] Secret understandings still relevant today?

While some of the agreements reached in the past may still hold some relevance, the [Not so] Secret understandings as a whole are not currently being actively pursued by either country. The ongoing conflict and changing political landscape in the region have made it difficult to fully implement any past agreements and reach a lasting solution.

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