What are some techniques for filtering and amplifying pulse signals?

In summary, you can use a series capacitor to amplify pulses and then use a window comparator to compare the pulses and trigger a gate or output when the pulses are lower than a certain threshold.
  • #36
jim hardy said:
Edge triggered in my day meant it triggers on either a rising or a falling edge but not both.

Consider a negative going pulse.
Signal starts at zero, transitions negative to a non-zero value and holds a while, then transitions positive back to zero.
Just after its positive transition it has value zero. So if we look at it then and find zero, we know it was a negative pulse. We can ignore its negative transition

How do you make it ignore?

The differentiator show the rising side of the (positive) pulse as a negative value, the following falling side as a negative value. Hence the result has a falling edge, a rising edge, and another falling edge for each pulse. An edge triggered device after the differentiator should only trigger at one of those edges (doesn't matter which one). How can it be configured to only trigger on one edge?
I was thinking of two 555-based monostables, holding unstable state for 50us, one having inverted input. And connect output from each to the reset on the other. First edge would then trigger one of the 555's, which pulls the reset on the other 555. The second edge would trigger the second 555, but it will be ignored because the reset is held. Third edge would then bring the trigger signal back to 0 and not make any change as the first 555 had not timed out yet. Then the first 555 would time out and it's ready for next pulse in any direction... it all sounded so well, so I tried with the attached schematic. Output from U4 and U5 would trigger each of the 555's.

To make it work with small signals I had to include U3 to amplify the input.
So the circuit is:
U1: input high impedance buffer
U3: input amplifier
U2: differentiator
U4/U5: (inverting) amplifier (555 input will require at least 800mV from vGND to trigger.)

This seemed to give a reasonable signal to the 555's, when input signal was weak (the lower graphic). However, when the input was stronger, clipping occurred. The clipping itself doesn't matter, but the 3rd edge is so late that the reset is released before the signal gets below trigger level of the 555's.
If I increase the 555 timeout to more than 50% of the cycle, I see a risk that it will trigger on 2nd edge, and ignore 1st edge on the next cycle.


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  • #37
I haven't kept up completely, So I am not sure what the blue and green "smooth" signal are and where they came from in the circuit. Are blue and green the two possible inputs, and the smooth signal is the filtered possible outputs? I'm also not sure to what extent these two signals represent ideal or worst case levels.

Can you summarize it for me, and maybe I can think of a cool way to detect them.
  • #38
Blue / green is the output from U4 / U5.
The upper graphic is when input has the highest expected amplitude (both pulse and slow sine)
The lower graphic is when input has the lowest expected amplitude (both pulse and slow sine)

Outside the picture, on the left is a function generator and a transformer. From input signal passes through a high impedance buffer (U1), is amplified (U3), passes through the differentiator (U2) and is amplified again so that even the weakest expected signal will be strong enough to trigger a monostable based on a 555.

I'm currently reading up on automatic gain control with the intention to reduce gain in one or both amplifier stages. So far I'm leaning more towards just amplify the input signal, feed it to mpu and do the rest digitally. (= I'm about to give up analog processing.)
  • #39
One more question. Relative to the Blue signal, what it is you want to detect (I sort of lost track of the original + and - pulses)?
  • #40
petterg said:
It's about .2ms between pulses. That makes 5kHz.
Is that a dependable fixed unvarying time period?
  • #41
meBigGuy said:
One more question. Relative to the Blue signal, what it is you want to detect (I sort of lost track of the original + and - pulses)?

MPU need to work with the following 3 states:
Pulses is positive
Pulses is negative
No pulses (no signal or signal to weak to be detected)

Relative to the graphics, a pulse starting on T=0. I want to detect a pulse and it's direction. Delay doesn't matter. So I want to detect the cycles of blue or green, and I need to know which of them to pay attention to. As I pictured above, using the blue and green to trigger one 555 each. And say the 555 has a hold time of 50% of a cycle. The 555's will trigger when input is below Vcc/3. That is 5V/3 = 1.667V. Vgnd = 2.5V. Hence the 555 will trigger when signal is more than 1.667V-2.5V=-0.833V.

So, considering the weak signal graphed above, the timeline looks like this:
T=0, no triggers. Both 555's are recently reset.
T=20: blue will trigger 555#1.
T=20+[delay]: 555#1 will trigger and hold reset on 555#2
T=40: blue will release trigger on 555#1
T=80: green is close to trigger 555#2. A little bit stronger signal, or some noise could be enough to trigger. But 555#1 is still holding the reset of 555#2, so it doesn't matter if the trigger is pulled or not.
T=120: 555#1 times out and returns to stable state. Reset on 555#2 is released.
T=200: new cycle starts
T=220: blue will trigger 555#1.

This was the positive pulse. With negative pulse the blue and green would swap, hence 555#2 would be triggered and 555#1 would be held in reset.

But there's a risk of this system will be out of sync when powered on. Say it's powered on at T=60, and assume reset of both 555's is part of the power on procedure. Then timeline will look like this:
T=80: green is close to trigger 555#2. A little bit stronger signal, or some noise could be enough to trigger. Assume it's triggered. (No trigger will just let the circuit wait for start of next cycle.)
T=80+[delay]: 555#2 will trigger and hold reset on 555#1
T=85: green will release trigger on 555#2
T=180: 555#2 times out and returns to stable state. Reset on 555#1 is released
T=200: new cycle starts. Both 555's are ready
T=220: blue will trigger 555#1.
T=220+[delay]: 555#1 will trigger and hold reset on 555#2
T=240: blue will release trigger on 555#1
T=280: green is close to trigger 555#2. A little bit stronger signal, or some noise could be enough to trigger. But 555#1 is still holding the reset of 555#2, so it doesn't matter if the trigger is pulled or not.
T=320: 555#1 times out and returns to stable state. Reset on 555#2 is released.
T=400: new cycle starts
T=420: blue will trigger 555#1.

So the out of sync-issue will make one error before it recovers to the correct sync.

For the strong signal, the timeline looks like this:
T=0, no triggers. Both 555's are recently reset.
T=2: blue will trigger 555#1.
T=2+[delay]: 555#1 will trigger and hold reset on 555#2
T=50: blue will release trigger on 555#1
T=52: green will trigger 555#2, but 555#1 is still holding the reset of 555#2, so it doesn't matter that the trigger is pulled.
T=102: 555#1 times out and returns to stable state. Reset on 555#2 is released.
T=102+[delay]: green is still holding the trigger of 555#2. Hence 555#2 is triggered.
T=102+2x[delay]: 555#2 pull the reset on 555#1
T=170: green will release trigger on 555#2
T=200: new cycle starts
T=202: blue will trigger 555#1, but it won't react as 555#2 is holding it's reset
T=203: 555#2 times out
T=203+[delay]: 555#2 releases reset on 555#1
T=203+2x[delay]: 555#1 is triggered

So, a strong signal makes the 555's fail totally.

Increasing the timeout for the 555's may help some, but it will lose the functionality to recover when out of sync.
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  • #42
NascentOxygen said:
Is that a dependable fixed unvarying time period?

I can change the time period if it makes things easier. It will be fixed on what ever value I decide it to be. Pulse width will be between 1/3 and 1/5 of the period.
  • #43
petterg said:
I can change the time period if it makes things easier. It will be fixed on what ever value I decide it to be. Pulse width will be between 1/3 and 1/5 of the period.
I don't suppose that that underlying clocking signal that's part of the transmitter can be made available at the receiving (demodulator) end?
  • #44
NascentOxygen said:
I don't suppose that that underlying clocking signal that's part of the transmitter can be made available at the receiving (demodulator) end?

By (a second) radio it could be possible. Then it would need to account for radio wave reflections. I think it will be to complicated.

(Note I did a large edit 3 posts up)
  • #45
petterg said:
By (a second) radio it could be possible. Then it would need to account for radio wave reflections. I think it will be to complicated.
Is there a pulse every clock cycle, or are there some cycles when a pulse is not generated?
  • #46
NascentOxygen said:
Is there a pulse every clock cycle, or are there some cycles when a pulse is not generated?

Pulse will always be generated (unless power is lost at sender). But there will be situations where no pulse is received (signal too weak). However, if power is lost at sender, receiver will need to be able to resume operation when power to sender returns.
  • #47
Actually, if the monostable (555 or other) timer starts when trigger is released, I think the problem is solved.

The monostable needs the following behavior:
- When reset is triggered: goto stable state no matter input signal
- When reset is held: stay in stable state no matter input signal
- When input is triggered: goto unstable state (unless reset tells otherwise) (555 starts timer at this point)
- When input is held: remain in unstable state (unless reset tells otherwise)
- When input is released: start timer
- When timeout: return to stable state
- When input is (re)triggered while in unstable state: reset timer (555 will not reset timer when retriggered)

Are there any know monostable out there with this behavior?
  • #48
petterg said:
Pulse will always be generated (unless power is lost at sender). But there will be situations where no pulse is received (signal too weak). However, if power is lost at sender, receiver will need to be able to resume operation when power to sender returns.
The only confounding noise you have mentioned is a low-frequency baseline drift. Is it safe to assume that there is no other interference of significance? The problem with a differentiator is that it exacerbates pulse noise. Can we assume this is not likely to be a problem here?
  • #49
I'm sure there will be noise. How much, and what to do with it is something I'll have to figure out if it becomes an issue. The noise will for sure have a higher frequency than the drifting offset. The offset is as close to a DC a signal can ever become without being a DC. It should the the easiest part to filter out, still it seems to be impossible to filter. Hence any noise will be worse than impossible to filter. I'm looking forward to that. First step should be to have a circuit working without noise.
  • #50
An outline of the way I'd approach this. I'd look at using a PLL chip to regenerate that 5kHz clocking signal (or at least a squarewave synchronous with it). Because each transition of that timing squarewave co-incides with the pulse position, sample your analog signal at that time using a sample-and-hold. Compare the amplitude of that sample with the analog signal a moment later, just beyond the pulse position. From their relative amplitudes deduce the polarity of that pulse.

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  • #51
Can you post a picture of positive pulses followed by negative pulses at the min and max levels.

Unlikely possibility 1:
It seems like you can trigger on the rising edge of both, which effectively becomes the leading edge of the positive pulse and the training edge of the negative pulse. Like putting a comparator at 0.4V and using it to fire the 1 shot. I expect when positive follows negative and vice versa it won't be so clean though.

Possibility 2:
At open loop gain op-amps make good (although slow) comparators. Use +- 0.8 volts as the references and deal with the "digital" output of the final two opamps.

Make a "short pulse" detector. If a positive pulse fires timer1, it enables a gate to fire timer2 if the pulse drops before timer1 times out. Do the same thing with the negative side.

Did that make sense?

BTW, using an ADC and figuring it out in the MPU is a good idea if you have the cycles.
  • #52
NascentOxygen said:
An outline of the way I'd approach this. I'd look at using a PLL chip to regenerate that 5kHz clocking signal (or at least a squarewave synchronous with it). Because each transition of that timing squarewave co-incides with the pulse position, sample your analog signal at that time using a sample-and-hold. Compare the amplitude of that sample with the analog signal a moment later, just beyond the pulse position. From their relative amplitudes deduce the polarity of that pulse.


I don't think I fully understood your idea. Regenerating signal will be easy. In order to have any further use of it it has to be in sync. Making sync will require signal amplitude within a certain range from the original signal. Wouldn't that just be a new angle to run into the same issue?
  • #53
meBigGuy said:
Can you post a picture of positive pulses followed by negative pulses at the min and max levels.

The swap from positive to negative (and back) happens by amplitude going gradually down to 0, then increase gradually. There will be at least 1000 pulses from max positive to max negative.

meBigGuy said:
Unlikely possibility 1:
It seems like you can trigger on the rising edge of both, which effectively becomes the leading edge of the positive pulse and the training edge of the negative pulse. Like putting a comparator at 0.4V and using it to fire the 1 shot. I expect when positive follows negative and vice versa it won't be so clean though.

For the incoming signal I can trigger at any edge. After the differentiator there may be too many edges. Trigger has to be on leading edge. If you're thinking of a one shot after the differentiator, how would it know which edge to trigger?
If you're thinking of a one shot on the original (amplified) pulse, there is the issues of amplitude range from weaker than trigger level to stronger than clipping. Clipping causes multiple trigger edges. How would the one shot go clear of that?

meBigGuy said:
Possibility 2:
At open loop gain op-amps make good (although slow) comparators. Use +- 0.8 volts as the references and deal with the "digital" output of the final two opamps.

Make a "short pulse" detector. If a positive pulse fires timer1, it enables a gate to fire timer2 if the pulse drops before timer1 times out. Do the same thing with the negative side.

Did that make sense?

I though so, until I tried to sketch some blocks and realized I was lost.

meBigGuy said:
BTW, using an ADC and figuring it out in the MPU is a good idea if you have the cycles.

Looks like it. I still can't believe suppressing a slow sine should be this complicated thou.
  • #54
I am assuming that "differentiator" means high pass filter. I am looking at the output (blue and green) waveforms and assuming that if I looked at 1 output that is what I would see for positive and negative. Maybe I need to see the input to the two final amps.

Do you understand how you can use an opamp as a comparator. Put 0.4V DC reference on the minus input (with no feedback resistor). When the plus input goes above 0.4 the output slams to the positive rail, and vice versa. You can do tricks like make the threshold a fraction of the peak voltage (with a time constant for attack and decay). If you use an actual comparator chip the output goes from 0 to +V (sometimes determined by an output pullup resistor) which is easier to work with than -V to +V. A comparator converts analog domain to digital domain.

Regarding Method 1
Observe all the blue and green positive crossings at +0.4V. There are positive crossings from the leading edge of positive pulses, and positive crossings from the trailing edges of negative pulses. If you triggered on those (after a comparator), you have total pulses, but still need a way to determine whether it was a positive or negative input pulse. Not sure of the best way to determine that.

Regarding Method 2: Just think about positive crossings at +0.8V for now, then you can apply the same logic for negative crossings at -0.8V.

The goal is to trigger an output pulse when there are short pulses. Basically fire a timer on the positive edge, and then fire another timer on the negative edge if the first timer is still true.

Fire timer 1 which is X ms (always longer than the pulse). Logically AND the inverse of the input pulse with the output of the timer and use that to fire timer 2. When the input pulse goes low it fires timer 2.

Regarding AGC:
What is making this hard is there is no gain control. If the gain varied such that you always got the lower picture, this would be easy. With your slow variations, buuilding in AGC would be easy. If you did it digitally, that is essentially what you would do.
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  • #55
meBigGuy said:
I am assuming that "differentiator" means high pass filter. I am looking at the output (blue and green) waveforms and assuming that if I looked at 1 output that is what I would see for positive and negative. Maybe I need to see the input to the two final amps.

A differnetiator is similar to a highpass, but different. It does the opposite of an integrator. In post #30 you see the input (green) to the differentiator and its output (blue).

Input to the final two opamps is equal to the output of the differentiator, just amplified more to handle the weak signals (which causes clipping on strong signals).

meBigGuy said:
Do you understand how you can use an opamp as a comparator. Put 0.4V DC reference on the minus input (with no feedback resistor). When the plus input goes above 0.4 the output slams to the positive rail, and vice versa. You can do tricks like make the threshold a fraction of the peak voltage (with a time constant for attack and decay). If you use an actual comparator chip the output goes from 0 to +V (sometimes determined by an output pullup resistor) which is easier to work with than -V to +V. A comparator converts analog domain to digital domain.

I know the comparator behavior. But I don't see how comparing to a fixed level will work, unless passed through AGC first. The variable offset of the input will cause trouble. That's back to the idea I wrote in the first post, as highpass didn't work, do a low pass, and compare/subtract the lowpass filtered signal to the original. Maybe combining the lowpassed signal with an fixed offset with a sign decided by last pulse direction, and use that combined result to compare to the original would do better. Don't know how to combine them in a way that makes sense thou.

meBigGuy said:
Regarding Method 1
Observe all the blue and green positive crossings at +0.4V. There are positive crossings from the leading edge of positive pulses, and positive crossings from the trailing edges of negative pulses. If you triggered on those (after a comparator), you have total pulses, but still need a way to determine whether it was a positive or negative input pulse. Not sure of the best way to determine that.

The hole goal is to determine if the pulses are positive, negative, or none. The pulses them self doesn't really matter. All I need to know is if there are any pulses, and if so which direction do they have.

meBigGuy said:
Regarding Method 2: Just think about positive crossings at +0.8V for now, then you can apply the same logic for negative crossings at -0.8V.

The goal is to trigger an output pulse when there are short pulses. Basically fire a timer on the positive edge, and then fire another timer on the negative edge if the first timer is still true.

Fire timer 1 which is X ms (always longer than the pulse). Logically AND the inverse of the input pulse with the output of the timer and use that to fire timer 2. When the input pulse goes low it fires timer 2.

That sounds like the 555-hold-reset I'm writing in post #40 and #47. That ran into an issue that the timer need to have the ability to trigger it's output on positive edge, don't start timer until negative edge, and retrigger timer on next positive edge. I have a theory that this should be possible to do with a 555 monostable with addition of a transistor in parallel with the timing capacitor. The transistor should be controlled by the input signal, but I haven't succeeded to make it work. The thing is that the capacitor have one pin to ground and a charge between 0V and 3.3V. The idea is to discharge the capacitor trough the transistor when input signal has a voltage of less than 1.7V (or more than 3.3V if using the inverted input). Using voltage dividers that was possible, but discharge became too slow.

meBigGuy said:
Regarding AGC:
What is making this hard is there is no gain control. If the gain varied such that you always got the lower picture, this would be easy. With your slow variations, buuilding in AGC would be easy. If you did it digitally, that is essentially what you would do.

I've tried to look into that. They seem very complex, and schematics uses symbols I've no clue what is. That scares me off in favor of MPU.
  • #56
petterg said:
That sounds like the 555-hold-reset I'm writing in post #40 and #47. That ran into an issue that the timer need to have the ability to trigger it's output on positive edge, don't start timer until negative edge, and retrigger timer on next positive edge. I have a theory that this should be possible to do with a 555 monostable with addition of a transistor in parallel with the timing capacitor. The transistor should be controlled by the input signal, but I haven't succeeded to make it work. The thing is that the capacitor have one pin to ground and a charge between 0V and 3.3V. The idea is to discharge the capacitor trough the transistor when input signal has a voltage of less than 1.7V (or more than 3.3V if using the inverted input). Using voltage dividers that was possible, but discharge became too slow.

You are making it harder than it is. Use a comparator with 0.8V reference and two timers to detect short pulses as I outlined. Then do the same for a comparator with -0.8V reference.

That is a total of two comparators and 4 positive edge triggered one shots. You get two pulse streams, one for positive pulses and one for negative.
  • #57
petterg said:
I don't think I fully understood your idea. Regenerating signal will be easy. In order to have any further use of it it has to be in sync. Making sync will require signal amplitude within a certain range from the original signal. Wouldn't that just be a new angle to run into the same issue?
I think it would have the ability to correctly detect pulses buried in noise far better than an arrangement without the stability of a closed loop.

But I do think you should direct further effort into filtering out the predominant low-frequency interference. I don't know what you did wrong with your filter tests, but I can't see how there can be any difficulty removing it while preserving the waveshape you seek. I might take a closer look at the task myself.
  • #58
NascentOxygen said:
I don't know what you did wrong with your filter tests, but I can't see how there can be any difficulty removing it while preserving the waveshape you seek.

I tend to agree
  • #60
Post 16:


petterg said:
Attached is my highpass approach.
Input is wires coming in from the left.
U1A is virtual ground generator.
U1B is an impedance buffer, having a DC block before it.
U1C and the RC's in front of it is the highpass filter.

Ch.A on the scoop is output from U1B. It's almost flat between the pulses. Voltage in the pulse max is about 4 times the level of voltage between the pulses.
Ch.B is output from U1C. It's starting to look more like sawtooth. Voltage in the pulse max is only about double the level of voltage between the pulses. And the voltage between the pulses are stronger than before the filter. So I've managed to get only the negative effects of the filter, none of the positive ones.

That's why I don't think highpass is the way to go.
Next up is lowpass + comparator.



Do you see why it's not doing any good?


1. Are we really dealing with one millivolt of signal?
2. What's wrong with ch A ? Looks to me like it makes whatever is the input signal into negative going pulses.
  • #61
1) 1.5mV is the lowest expected pulse. Signal is a little bit weakened by C1. At some point I increased C1 from 30nF to 50nF. Then the resulting amplitude was closer to 1,5mV.
2) Where do you see that?
(Ni Multisim did quite a bit of things that didn't make sense to me)
  • #62
2) Where do you see that?

On your oscilloscope screenshot, the red trace that looks flat between negative going pulses.

The ~half millivolt level between pulses is within LM324's input offset(2mv max, 1mv typical) and could be zeroed out.
  • #63
The half mV is for the weakest signal only. Strongest signal is 300 times larger (both drifting offset and pulse). A dynamic way to zero it out would solve the problem perfectly.
I recreated the highpass circuit in LT spice, with the same result as Multisim. I've tested both weak and strong signals. The "flat" area between pulses after the buffer (U1B) seems to start climbing towards the pulse. When the pulse comes almost 5% of the pulse amplitude has already been a part of the almost flat area between the pulses.

In this digital world I'd believe pulse signal would be quite common. How come google gives med nothing about applying filter to pulse signals?
  • #64
Search for impulse response and step response to see what filters do to pulses.

I think you are done if you implement my short pulse detector. Is there a problem with that? 2 comparators and 4 one shots and some logic.

Maybe it's time to think about an AGC. The AD8336 is a variable gain amplifier (there are others). Here is an app note: http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/application_notes/AN_934.pdf that shows one implementation.

Here is an application note that talks about the gain control implementation in a TI CODEC chip. : http://www.ti.com/lit/an/snaa028a/snaa028a.pdf It's more of an example of AGC in a general way, although it would provide a nice digital ADC interface.

Do a search for varaible gain amplifier IC and there are a slew of them. You can build a detector that outputs a voltage based on the peak levels and use it to control gain. You just need to decide on the attack and decay times.

See http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/sbos395c/sbos395c.pdf
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  • #65
I'm having an issue with the 555's. The issue is that the timer starts when trigger goes low, even when reset is low. The result is that if reset goes high before the time runs out, the output goes high. Then problem also occurs if reset is high while trigger goes low, then when reset goes low output goes low, but if reset goes high before the timeout initiated by the trigger before reset, the output will again go high until timeout.

Is there a way to make reset include the discharge and not allow retrigger until next trigger edge?
With that issues solved, I think the oneshot approach will work.

Alternatively the timer needs to be retriggered as long as the trigger input is lower than trigger threshold.

Reason is that pulse width may be long when input is strong, and timeout that is more than 50% of a cycle may cause other problems. Timer at 130-140us will work when cycle is exact 200us. Anything outside those 10us will fail. As this is supposed to work in the real world I have to account for some variance. A timer window of 10us is to small. By solving the retrigger, or reset including discharge (or preferably both) the timerrange may be in the range 70-140us. That will be a lot safer.
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  • #66
Try a 74121 or 74123 style one shot.

The 555 is hard to use that way.
  • #67
Your description of 555 behavior doesn't sound right. Is this a real one or a simulated one?

Tie RESET high.
Make sure you have bypass capacitors across supply, and on CTRL pin.

Tie TRIG and THRESH together, call them INPUT.
Check that it works like a simple inverter: INPUT LOW = Out(and Discharge) HIGH
  • #68
I read about 74121 and 74123. If I got it right, they retrigger on new trigger edge only, they don't retrigger (continuously trigger) while the input is held at trigger level?

How long does the reset need to be held to make sure it reminds in reset state after reset signal is released? I can't find any such information in the documentation.
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  • #69
jim hardy said:
Your description of 555 behavior doesn't sound right. Is this a real one or a simulated one?

Tie RESET high.
Make sure you have bypass capacitors across supply, and on CTRL pin.

Tie TRIG and THRESH together, call them INPUT.
Check that it works like a simple inverter: INPUT LOW = Out(and Discharge) HIGH

It's simulation. I'm not building any real circuit before I've got it working in simulation. Datasheet doesn't say anything about how long the reset must be held low to reset. Simulation indicates that it must be held for whatever time is left of the timeout.

Simulation with TRG connected to THR behaves like you say. Also, if INPUT is low, output follows RST.
Problem is (I think) that DIS doesn't lead any current as long as TRG is low, no matter the position
of RST. To make it work there would need to be some sort of external discharge that is triggered when RST goes low. A transistor to short the timing capacitor has some effect, but it doesn't fully discharge. The other option would be a circuit to rapidly charge the capacitor (above THR) when RST is low.
  • #70
123, 423, etc are retriggerable if that's what you want.

The reset pulse leaves it reset until the next active edge. The spec is right there. 5ns for a 123.

Search for retriggerable monostable or just monostable. There are a ton of parts.

They are mostly edge triggered, as opposed to level triggered. SO, after a reset you need an active edge to trigger again.

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