What are some top logic/proof/puzzle games for puzzle enthusiasts?

  • Thread starter mattmns
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In summary: I think it was Russian, I can't remember, I saw a video of someone playing a game of minesweeper at 800x600 and maxing out at 1200x800. That's when I knew I needed to start trying to improve.I think it would be a good idea to practice more often, and not just for speed. Accuracy and consistency are important in any game.
  • #36
woot 28 on int.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
woohoo sorry for posting so many but i just topped another 26 on int.. noiw my wrist hurts...and whozum and mattsn its all your fault =] i'll goback to exp now.
  • #38
exp 79 sec..now i stop...what a waste of 2 hours =]
  • #39
Minesweeper is extremely addictive. But I have trouble believing that you beat expert in under 100 seconds afer playing for just 2 hours. It took me about a year to get to the 70s
  • #40
umm I've been playing minesweeper on/off for like 9 years ...heh realized I should have said getting me into minesweeper again...i stopped playign for over a 2yrs.
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  • #41
lol, beating expert in under 100 in 2 hrs with no experience, that would be quite a feat! Great job neurocomp! You guys are getting me back into minesweeper again too, I had started playing m$ hearts instead of minesweeper.
  • #42
Eh, hearts is fun, but its not a pure challenge like minesweeper is. I used to play minesweeper about 3 hours a night when I couldn't sleep, 1am - 4am. That was months ago, its been a while since I've played, but I've reached all my records that I held back then, now I just have to break em.

Im interested in seeing more videos of you guys playing expert.
  • #43
I will work on some tomorrow morning, I am tired now :zzz:
  • #44
got a 2mb avi file...i just did now for exp 97s...don't know how to post though.
btw the double click kills me now...i use to be really fast wiht just the left button but i rely so much on the double click now.
  • #45
If you used camtasia you can make the movie a flash video, and then host it on www.imageshack.us granted that it is less than 1mb. Split the video into a few parts, or lower the quality, I think 10 fps is good.
  • #46
bah too much thought involved...if you got msn or email i can send it t hough there
  • #47
lol here are some things you should know about camtasia.

Once you have finished recording, you save it. Then it opens up camtasia and plays the video. You can stop that, or watch it. But what you should do is right click on the little preview thing in the middle and choose add to timeline. Then drag points and right click and cut selection so you have just the video you want. Then choose produce video, swf (macromedia flash), 10 fps, do not encode audio, and everything else is fine.

I almost had a new record a few ago, although it would have not been much better.


my email is: mattmns {at} gmail {dot} com
  • #48
What about Rubik's cube? I saw that nobody mentioned it. I suggest it to anyone looking for a good mind-game. There are many technics to discover while solving it and there are even tournaments and a world championship for the fastest cube-solvers! I found it really hard to beat but if you are really into this kind of games, you may enjoy it and even if you solve it easily there are many things to discover,as I have already mentioned (although if you are into these games,you will probably have already solved Rubik's cube!)
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  • #49
mattmns said:
lol here are some things you should know about camtasia.

Once you have finished recording, you save it. Then it opens up camtasia and plays the video. You can stop that, or watch it. But what you should do is right click on the little preview thing in the middle and choose add to timeline. Then drag points and right click and cut selection so you have just the video you want. Then choose produce video, swf (macromedia flash), 10 fps, do not encode audio, and everything else is fine.

I almost had a new record a few ago, although it would have not been much better.


my email is: mattmns {at} gmail {dot} com

I thought it was really cool that I followed your train of thought almost exactly. You did everything that I thought to do right after I thought it. I love how calmly you play, but I think you had a few lucky guesses that helped you out there :)
  • #50
C0nfused said:
What about Rubik's cube? I saw that nobody mentioned it. I suggest it to anyone looking for a good mind-game. There are many technics to discover while solving it and there are even tournaments and a world championship for the fastest cube-solvers! I found it really hard to beat but if you are really into this kind of games, you may enjoy it and even if you solve it easily there are many things to discover,as I have already mentioned (although if you are into these games,you will probably have already solved Rubik's cube!)

I'm very intimindated by Rubik's cubes. I think they would rock me, too scared to try.
  • #51
Yeah I had a few lucky guesses at the bottom of the board, but I usually play without hesitation if I must guess.

Did you see neurocomp's 88 video? He had a 50/50 guess at the very end and got it :smile:

For Rubik's cubes, I am with whozum. When I last tried to solve one a few years ago I could not come even close. I would have to mess around with one for quite a while to be able to figure it out.
  • #52
Well 50% of the times he'd get it right, so not really a surprise :biggrin:

AIM it to me (in my profile)
  • #53
heh how did you liek the video...yeah i guess some times (well you have to with the 50/50) but its more about feeling for the bigger portions.
  • #54
For me with 50/50 guesses at the end it is: right 90% of the time when I have a slow time, and right 10% of the time when I have a great time going :smile:

neurocomp that is a nice video; however, I was expecting to see some crazy no flag action :cool:
  • #55
oh my bad...hehe i miss interpreted flag...i thought you meant the question mark...which i think as flag sory
. yeah no falg would be crazy but i don't do that anymore. I use to when i was younger and had the brain capacity...the brains getting old and cluttered with crap. especially anger towards sports playoffs.
I got 2 more 88sec if you want to see ...trying to make a80s flag
  • #56
Ahh ok, and sure I would love to see them!
  • #57
http://www.public.asu.edu/~hyousif/flags.avi" some of my flagless. I tried to go all the way but once I start flagging I just can't stop hehe.
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  • #58
woot 170 no flag. damn my brain hurts... going to slow compared to flagging
  • #60
damn that was a nice start thin kyou woulda beat my 170 also prolly woudla been a 70-80s range if you flaged. oh yeah and some of your guesses were awesome.
  • #61
yay 122 noflag..man i need to learn to go back to coding.
  • #62
I had a mid-80s no flagger, I don't know where I put it.. I've been sweeping so much more since the start of this thread :smile:
  • #63
i quit you win...minesweeper takes up too much time...ARGH but so addicting stupid microsoft always adding this game.
  • #64
Yeah you guys seem like you may be going a bit crazy with this lol. Remember the most important thing about minesweeper, having fun!
  • #65
I do cryptic crossword puzzles (what Yanks call 'British Style'), where you have to figure out what the various components of the clue mean before you can get the solution. If there aren't any around, then the New York Times Sunday puzzle, but it doesn't take long enough to do just one.
  • #66
Grrrr... I hate cross words. I'm terrible at trivia so I can rarely finish them but I do pick them up on accasion when I can't find anything else to occupy me. I wish more news papers had cryptograms in them. In my local on sundays they used to print four that were much more difficult than the usual ones. My friend and I would race to see who could get them done the fastest. The usual ones we stopped competing with because they only took a couple minutes.
  • #68
the features added are cool. I would give Minesweeper Clone 7 out of 10
  • #69
how do you make a 50x50/550 i can't get it to customize
  • #70
You have to put it in cheat mode.

The clone does have some cool features, but is a bit laggy when you have it at max. Also, because you have to put it in cheat mode you have to see that little word cheat near your mouse, which sometimes is annoying. However, you can set up where the mines are if you want to make a tutorial on minesweeper logic.

edit.. and actually it is 49x49 (the max). You probably wil have to raise your resolution to 1280 if you want to max it out.