What Are the Cartesian Coordinates of a Rotating Pendulum?

In summary, the conversation discussed finding the Cartesian coordinates of a fixed reference frame in terms of a rotating frame that is attached to a horizontal rod. The coordinates of the pendulum were also discussed, with the goal of obtaining a Lagrangian expression. However, the attempt at a solution did not properly account for the rotation, resulting in a singular coordinate transformation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) of a fixed reference frame expressed in terms of the coordinates (x', y' , z) of a rotating frame, which rotates with the horizontal rod HR. Choose the x' -axis to point along the horizontal rod in the direction OA.
Use this to find the Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) of the pendulum expressed in terms of θ and t

2. Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried this:
##x = x' cos(\omega t)##
##y = y' cos(\omega t)##
##z = z##

##x' = a\hat{i}##
##y' = b sin(\theta)\hat{j}##
##z = -b cos(\theta)\hat{k}##

So: ##\vec{r} = (acos(\omega t), bsin(\theta)cos(\omega t), -bcos(\theta)) ##

Im later supposed to get a Lagrangian that looks like this:
##L =1/2mb^2\dot{\theta^2}+mab\omega cos(\theta)\dot{\theta}+1/2mb^2 \omega^2sin^2(\theta)+mgbcos(\theta)##
but its not quite working. Any tips?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yout primed x and y coordinates should depend on both unprimed x and y coordinates in order to represent a rotation. If not, your coordinate transformation is singular at ##t = 1/\omega## (and represents a time dependent rescaling, not a rotation).

FAQ: What Are the Cartesian Coordinates of a Rotating Pendulum?

1. What is a rotating pendulum?

A rotating pendulum is a physical system that consists of a mass suspended from a fixed point by a string or rod, which is free to rotate in a horizontal plane. This system can exhibit complex and interesting behavior, such as chaotic motion or stable periodic motion.

2. What is the Lagrangian of a rotating pendulum?

The Lagrangian of a rotating pendulum is a mathematical function that describes the dynamics of the system. It takes into account the kinetic and potential energy of the pendulum and its angle of rotation. This function is used to derive the equations of motion for the pendulum.

3. How is the Lagrangian derived for a rotating pendulum?

The Lagrangian for a rotating pendulum is derived using the principles of Lagrangian mechanics. This involves defining the generalized coordinates of the system, which in the case of a rotating pendulum is the angle of rotation. The kinetic and potential energies are then expressed in terms of these coordinates, and the Lagrangian function is obtained by taking the difference between the two.

4. What are the equations of motion for a rotating pendulum?

The equations of motion for a rotating pendulum can be obtained by applying the Euler-Lagrange equations to the Lagrangian function. These equations describe the evolution of the pendulum's angle of rotation over time and can be solved to determine the behavior of the system.

5. How is the behavior of a rotating pendulum predicted using the Lagrangian?

By solving the equations of motion derived from the Lagrangian, the behavior of a rotating pendulum can be predicted. This can include the period of oscillation, the amplitude of the pendulum's swing, and the stability of the system. The Lagrangian approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the pendulum's behavior compared to simpler models.
