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- One of the leading researchers in Loop Quantum Gravity discusses existing observations that should guide future quantum gravity research in a three page paper.
Rovelli points to three pieces of existing observational evidence that should guide future quantum gravity research. Bottom line:
* abandon Lorentz invariance violating quantum gravity theories,
* abandon supergravity and string theory,
* stop working on the anti-deSitter/conformal field theory relationship in gravity and cosmology work (leave it to the condensed matter physicists who have legitimate uses for it).
I tend to agree but would welcome other views.
What other experimental data discredit large volumes of research papers?
Stop working on models of dark matter that predict NFW dark matter particle distributions would be a good start as they have repeatedly and convincingly been shown to be at odds with the observational data. If your theory predicts this, it is wrong. See, e.g., Pengfei Li, Federico Lelli, Stacy McGaugh, James Schombert, "A comprehensive catalog of dark matter halo models for SPARC galaxies" (January 28, 2020). arXiv 2001.10538; Marie Korsaga, et al., "GHASP: an Hα kinematics survey of spiral galaxies - XII. Distribution of luminous and dark matter in spiral and irregular nearby galaxies using Rc-band photometry" (September 17, 2018) Kyriakos Grammatikos, Vasiliki Pavlidou, "Getting the tiger by the tail: Probing the turnaround radius of structures with outer halo density profiles" (September 17, 2018); Antonino Del Popolo et al., "Correlations between the Dark Matter and Baryonic Properties of CLASH Galaxy Clusters" (August 6, 2018), Lin Wang, Da-Ming Chen, Ran Li "The total density profile of DM halos fitted from strong lensing" (July 31, 2017); here (2017), and here (2016), and here (2011). Since an NFW flows analytically (almost trivially) from a simple one component collisionless dark matter particle model, this means that reality is not well described by a simple one component collisionless dark matter particle model.
* abandon Lorentz invariance violating quantum gravity theories,
* abandon supergravity and string theory,
* stop working on the anti-deSitter/conformal field theory relationship in gravity and cosmology work (leave it to the condensed matter physicists who have legitimate uses for it).
I tend to agree but would welcome other views.
What other experimental data discredit large volumes of research papers?
Stop working on models of dark matter that predict NFW dark matter particle distributions would be a good start as they have repeatedly and convincingly been shown to be at odds with the observational data. If your theory predicts this, it is wrong. See, e.g., Pengfei Li, Federico Lelli, Stacy McGaugh, James Schombert, "A comprehensive catalog of dark matter halo models for SPARC galaxies" (January 28, 2020). arXiv 2001.10538; Marie Korsaga, et al., "GHASP: an Hα kinematics survey of spiral galaxies - XII. Distribution of luminous and dark matter in spiral and irregular nearby galaxies using Rc-band photometry" (September 17, 2018) Kyriakos Grammatikos, Vasiliki Pavlidou, "Getting the tiger by the tail: Probing the turnaround radius of structures with outer halo density profiles" (September 17, 2018); Antonino Del Popolo et al., "Correlations between the Dark Matter and Baryonic Properties of CLASH Galaxy Clusters" (August 6, 2018), Lin Wang, Da-Ming Chen, Ran Li "The total density profile of DM halos fitted from strong lensing" (July 31, 2017); here (2017), and here (2016), and here (2011). Since an NFW flows analytically (almost trivially) from a simple one component collisionless dark matter particle model, this means that reality is not well described by a simple one component collisionless dark matter particle model.
[Submitted on 15 Nov 2021]A. Lorentz Invariance
The breaking of Lorentz invariance at the Planck scale may simplify the construction of a quantum theory of gravity. This observation sparked a large theoretical enthusiasm for Lorentz-breaking theories some time ago, and rightly so. But that bubble of enthusiasm has been deflated by empirical observations. A large campaign of astrophysical observations has failed to reveal the Planck-scale breaking of the Lorentz invariance in situations where it would have been expected if this track for understanding quantum gravity had been the good one.
A methodological consideration is important at this point. Popperian falsifiability is an important demarcation criterium for scientific theories (that is, if a theory is not falsifiable, we better not call it “science”); however, Popperian falsification is rarely the way theories gain or lose credibility in science.
The way scientific theories gain or loose credibility in real science is rather through a Bayesian gradual increase or decrease of the positive or negative confirmation from empirical data. That is, when a theory predicts a novel phenomenon and we this to be right, our confidence in the theory grows; when it predicts a novel phenomenon and we do not find it, our confidence in the theory decreases. Failed predictions rarely definitely kill a theory, because theoreticians are very good at patching up and adjusting. But failed predictions do make the success of a research program far less probable: we loose confidence in it.
Hence, this has been the effect of not finding Lorentz violations in astrophysics: tentative quantum gravity theories that break Lorentz invariance might perhaps still be viable in principle, but in practice, far fewer people bet on them.
B. Supersymmetry
What I wrote above is particularly relevant to the spectacular non-discovery of supersymmetry at the LHC.
While in the Popperian sense, the non-appearance of supersymmetric particles at the TeV scale does not rule out all the theories based on supersymmetry, including string theory, in practice, the strong disappointment of not finding what was expected counts heavily as a strong dis-confirmation, in the Bayesian sense, of all those theories.
People have written that the non-discovery of supersymmetry is a crisis for theoretical physics. This is nonsense, of course. It is only a crisis for those who bet on supersymmetry and string theory. For all the alternative theoretical quantum gravity programs that were never convinced by the arguments for low-energy supersymmetry, the non-discovery of supersymmetry is not a crisis: it is a victory.
Precisely for the same reason that the discovery of supersymmetry would have been a confirmation of the ideas supporting the string supersymmetry research direction, the non-discovery of supersymmetry at the LHC is a strong empirical indication against the search for quantum gravity in the direction of supersymmetric theories and strings.
Nature talks, and we better listen.
C. Cosmological Constant
A case similar to the one above but even stronger concerns the sign of the cosmological constant. The cosmological constant is a fundamental constant of nature, part of the Einstein equations (since 1917), whose value had not been measured until recently. An entire research community has long worked, and is still working, under general hypotheses that lead to the expectation for the sign of the cosmological constant to be negative. Even today, the vast majority of the theoretical work in that community assume it to be so.
Except that the sign of the cosmological constant is not negative. It is positive, as observation has convincingly shown.
Once again, this counts as a strong dis-confirmation of the hypotheses on which a large community has worked in the past, and is still working on today.
So far, we lack any direct evidence of a quantum gravitational phenomenon; however, the non-detection of Lorentz violations around the Planck scale, the nondiscovery of super symmetric particles at the LHC, and the measurement of a positive cosmological constant are strong indications from Nature that disfavor the tentative quantum gravity theories that naturally imply these phenomena.
Considerations on Quantum Gravity Phenomenology
Carlo RovelliI describe two phenomenological windows on quantum gravity that seem promising to me. I argue that we already have important empirical inputs that should orient research in quantum gravity.
Comments: | 3 Pages |
Subjects: | General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) |
Journal reference: | Universe 2021, 7(11), 439 |
Cite as: | arXiv:2111.07828 [gr-qc] |
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